
Fifth Birthday

As time swiftly passed, I found myself on the cusp of turning five years old. While it might not sound like a big deal, these years in this world had been full of incredible experiences and learning, making this upcoming birthday feel quite significant.

The scenery and the faces around me had become familiar and comforting. From my initial fascination with magic to actually incorporating it into my skills, I had come a long way.

Approaching my fifth birthday carried a unique sense of excitement. Birthdays here weren't just about getting older—they were about showcasing your growth and progress. But unlike the yearly celebrations I was used to, these special occasions occurred at ages five, ten, and fifteen.

As my fifth birthday drew closer, I couldn't help but feel excited. This celebration wasn't just a party—it was a chance to look back on how much I had changed and improved over the years. It was a time to feel proud of the progress I had made and the person I was becoming.


The morning of my fifth birthday was brimming with excitement. I was on the verge of participating in a tradition deeply meaningful to the people here – a significant birthday gathering, much like a grand celebration.

Our house buzzed with activity as my mother, Lilia, and Roxy worked together in the kitchen, preparing a special feast for the occasion. Meanwhile, Rudeus and I eagerly waited in the backyard, anticipating the festivities that were about to unfold.

During this waiting period, I engaged in a lively sparring match with my father.

In the past two years, my training had yielded impressive results. I had made significant advancements in both the Sword God style and the Water God style, mastering them up to the Advanced rank.

Although I had yet to grasp the North God style, I was resolute in my determination to master it eventually. Even without it, my combat skills had expanded significantly. I skillfully merged the agility of the Sword God style with the defensive techniques of the Water God style.

Another notable aspect of my progress was the refinement of my Touki, a technique that bolstered my strength and agility. Accumulating a considerable amount of it had increased my resilience, enabling me to withstand my father's attacks and even leave craters in the ground with my strikes.

Anyway, let's return to the sparring match.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

The echoing clash of our wooden swords resonated through the air, exemplifying the fusion of my father's seasoned expertise and my newfound abilities. I seamlessly combined the agility of the Sword God style with the defensive strategies of the Water God style to match his every move.

At one point, I aimed a sweeping strike at his legs to test his reflexes. He deftly parried my attack, but I pressed on. Enhancing my strike with extra Touki, I briefly caught him off guard.

*Clang* *Clang*

Our blades meeting unleashed a surge of energy. Stepping back, my father revealed a mix of surprise and admiration on his face. Though my victory was modest, it filled me with a gratifying sense of achievement.

Pride shone in my father's eyes. "You're making exceptional progress, Reine. Your improvement is truly commendable."

A triumphant smile graced my lips as I replied, "Thank you, Dad. I've been putting in the effort."

Our sparring continued, each movement reflecting our dedication and hard work. With the sun ascending higher in the sky, our actions flowed even more harmoniously.

Through our combat, a remarkable connection seemed to form. It was as if we shared a special bond that transcended age and experience differences. Our mutual love for swordsmanship united us, defined by respect and a shared drive for self-enhancement.

Eventually, our duel reached its conclusion, leaving us both slightly breathless. A deep sense of accomplishment settled within me, underscoring the progress I had made in just two years.

"Excellent job, Reine. That's quite the battle," my father praised, a proud smile adorning his face.

Returning the smile, I expressed, "Thank you, Dad. Your guidance has been invaluable."

Meanwhile, Rudeus, who had been watching our match intently, finally broke his silence as we headed back to the house.

"Reine, your swordsmanship has improved remarkably. Your dedication is evident," he remarked thoughtfully.

Appreciating his recognition, I responded with a smile, "Thank you, brother."

His nod carried a sense of determination. "Your commitment to training has motivated me. It's made me contemplate my own aspirations."

His resolve struck a chord with me. It appeared that Rudeus, like me, was discovering his path to growth and self-discovery.

Empowered by our shared determination, we reentered the house, ready to embrace the celebration that not only marked my fifth birthday but also celebrated the deepening bonds among all of us.


As we stepped into the house, my mother instructed both Rudeus and me to close our eyes. Obediently, we shut our eyes and allowed ourselves to be guided toward the dining area.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," my mother announced.

With anticipation, we opened our eyes, and our gazes fell upon a magnificent sight. The dining table was adorned with a delightful assortment of dishes – roasted turkey, fresh salad, delectable fruitcake, and an array of other delectable treats.

""Happy 5th birthday, Rudeus and Reine!"" The voices of our family members filled the room with love and joy.

Hearing these words, my emotions welled up, and I couldn't hold back my tears.

It had been a long time since I had heard the phrase "happy birthday." In my previous world, my childhood had been devoid of celebrations. My step-parents had never acknowledged my birthday, never offered gifts, and never prepared a festive feast. The memories of those years held nothing but hardship. But here, in this new world, I was finally experiencing the warmth of a true birthday celebration.

*hic* *hic*

Caught in the embrace of my emotions, I hiccupped softly. My tears flowed, but they were tears of gratitude and overwhelming emotion.

Concerned, my mother approached me, her voice gentle. "What's the matter, Reine? Why are you crying?"

"Thank you *hic* so much. I've never felt *hic* so much happiness and *hic* blessing in my life. *hic* Thank you!" I managed to express, my voice shaking as I tried to wipe away my tears.

Without hesitation, my mother enveloped me in a comforting hug, offering blissful solace and so much understanding. "Of course, dear. We love you and always will."

Her words resonated deeply within me, soothing my heart. I hugged her back tightly, feeling the warmth of her embrace, and soon, the others joined in, surrounding us with their affectionate hugs.

In that moment, as the love and joy of my family enveloped me, I realized that I had found a place where I truly belonged.

The new world had not only granted me the gift of magic and knowledge, but it had also given me something far more precious – the warmth of a loving family.

As we stood there, embraced by the bonds we had forged, I knew that this birthday was a celebration of more than just another year lived.

It was a celebration of the life I had found, the love I had received, and the hope that bloomed anew with every passing day.


Following the heartwarming hugging session, we indulged in the sumptuous feast that my mother, Lilia, and Roxy had prepared.

Each dish was a delight to the senses, with the roasted turkey stealing the show as its succulent flavors danced on my taste buds.

Once our appetites were satisfied, my father, Paul, decided to entertain us with a remarkable display of the North God style – a parlor trick that left us all astounded.

'Wait a minute, did he just swallow an entire sword and pull it out from his mouth? That's so cool!'

I watched in awe as my father expertly performed this daring feat, his mastery of the North God style evident in his every move.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of amazement and curiosity. A part of me was tempted to try the trick for myself, but common sense prevailed, reminding me that risking my life for a parlor trick was not a wise decision.

After the impressive display, it was time for the gift-giving portion of the celebration. My father handed each of us a sword that was a tad too large for our current size.

"Here you go, you two. I carefully selected these swords specifically for each of you," my father announced with a proud smile.

I examined my gift closely and found myself holding a one-handed rapier with a blade and handle adorned in a mesmerizing turquoise hue.

"Dad, what's the name of this sword?" I inquired, curious about the unique weapon.

"That sword is called [Lambent Light]. I came across it in a weapon shop in the Asura Kingdom. A masked stranger recommended it to me. I hope you like it, Rei," my father explained.

My eyes gleamed with excitement as I gazed at the exquisite weapon. "Wow, Dad, I absolutely love it! Thank you."

My father then proceed to give a speech, his words held a weight that resonated with my heart.

"This sword might be a bit advanced for you at the moment, Rei. But as a swordsman, carrying a sword in your heart is important. To protect those who are dear to you, you need to be prepared. Someday, you'll have a family of your own. It'll be your responsibility to shield them. Reine, you're a formidable warrior. Challenges and hardships will come your way. Strive for greater heights and swing your sword toward the future. Don't get me wrong – you're strong and fast, but experience is what you lack. So, keep on training and..."

My mother, Zenith, interrupted his speech with a playful hit to his head. "Too long!" she exclaimed, her tone a mix of amusement and annoyance. I couldn't help but chuckle at their interaction.

With a smile, my mother approached us, holding two books in her hands. She extended the gifts toward us.

"Happy birthday, you two. Here, a botanical book for Rudeus, and a Healing and Detoxification magic guide book for Reine," she said, her voice affectionate as she handed us our presents.

I looked down at the Healing and Detoxification magic guide book in my hands, feeling a surge of gratitude.

"Thank you so much, Mom. We really appreciate it," I expressed, voicing our collective gratitude.

"Yeah, mom, thank you. We'll take good care of these gifts," Rudeus added, echoing my sentiment.

Touched by our gratitude, my mother enveloped us in her embrace, her laughter a joyous melody. I couldn't help but notice a hint of envy in my father's eyes as he observed the affectionate exchange.

Next in line was Roxy, who approached us with a smile, presenting her gifts.

"Here you go, both of you. Happy birthday," she said, handing us two slim magic wands adorned with vibrant red gemstones at their tips.

"Wow, they're absolutely stunning," Rudeus and I exclaimed simultaneously as we admired the wands, she had gifted us.

"Typically, students who've learned basic magic receive wands as gifts. But I realized that you two had already learned it before we met, so I forgot. I apologize, both of you."

"It's alright, Miss Roxy. We truly appreciate the gesture," I assured her.

Rudeus chimed in, "She's right. We'll treasure them, Master."


Roxy's expression twitched with discomfort once again as Rudeus used the term "Master." However, she quickly regained her composure and smiled warmly.

"You two have learned all four types of attack magic at such a young age. Although Reine has mostly reached the Intermediate rank, Rudeus excels up to Advanced rank. You should be a little prouder of yourselves, you know?" Roxy said.

Hearing her comment, I couldn't help but feel inadequate and weak. Emotions welled up inside me, and I struggled to hold back tears.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Roxy. I didn't live up to your expectations as much as my brother did. I should have been more focused on your teaching," I admitted with a heavy heart, lowering my head in regret.

However, I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder, and I raised my head to see Roxy smiling at me.

"It's okay, Reine. Even though you haven't excelled in magic like your brother, your swordsmanship has impressed me greatly," Roxy reassured me. "So please, be proud of your achievements."

Her reassuring words resonated within me, so I wiped my tears and nodded. Even though I'm not as proficient as my brother in magic, I have my own strengths to be proud of on the path of a swordswoman.

After that, Roxy shifted her attention to my brother and announced, "Rudy, I have little left to teach you."


"I'll be holding your graduation exam tomorrow," Roxy revealed, setting the stage for Rudeus's final test.

Happy Birthday!!

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