
Multiverse sign-in system

A young man named Nick died and got a powerful system This is a story about Nick who got a chance to travel to many worlds and see many different beautiful women , cough*cough*.... I meant different cultures and scenarios - First world - Boku no hero academia - Mc is in the cover pic P.S( 1.This is a harem novel with many girls 2. The mc will be OP bt at the same time his powers will be slowly trained and deveolped to become op This is my first story, and I am writing this to practice for my original story( and I won't leave this story unfinished once I start to write my original one ) , so if there is any mistake, I will be correcting it once the story progress. ** The characters of the anime and movies except the O.C in this story belong to their creators and authors and has nothing to do with me. Only the OC belong to me

kenpatchi_zaraki · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter 13: Momo's feelings

Next day, all the news channels were talking about the crippling of 7 criminals in a single night. Even though incidents like this were not that uncommon in this world, it got attention because the police reports said that all these criminals were attacked by a single person.

"After some research police came to a conclusion that,all of those criminal's limbs were cut off by the same knife and did it with in one fluid motion. And all the crippled criminals suffered from amnesia and one person was half head with all of his limbs, eyes and tongue cut off. It has been informed that the person who was half dead was the serial rapist whom the police has been searching for few months."A certain news channel was reporting this news and, nick alone with his parents and momo were having their breakfast while watching the news in the tv.

" It's good that scums like these were punished like this, if he was caught by the police, he would only be sent to the prison. But now he got what he deserved" akari was quiet agitated while saying this. She had seen the news of children getting raped and killed for past few months and everytime she saw that news she will be so furious for few hours. But now after seeing the guy responsible for those crimes have been beaten to half dead condition, she felt quiet satisfied.

Momo also nodded to her mother's remarks. As a girl she also felt disgusted by that scum. So she also started to join her mother to scold that guy. Both nick and chikasi exchanged glances at each other and quietly continued to eat their food without saying anything.

---------------------------(Time skip )-----------------------------

Just like that another two and half years flew by, in these years nick had hunted many criminals mostly low levels and very rarely some high level villains. He was named as "The Hunter", by many medias, but so far no one knew about his information he appeared and disappeared like a ghost.

He had already earned enough points for his upgrade and he upgraded the system to level 2. After upgrading to level 2. And when nick saw sarah in her full physical appearance for the first time,he was stunned by her beauty.

Nick saw a beautiful and well endowed woman with fair skin and a curvaceous figure that could cause any men to fall for her. She had brown eyes and straight brown hair reaching down to the front of her shoulders and further behind her back. She wore a purple dress with dark purple robe.

Nick finally remembered where he had seen her before. She is one of his favourite girls in his past life, she is "wiz" from konasuba. After remembering who she was , he was really excited. Only her physical appearance can be seen, she still needs to be upgraded for her body to be rebuilt.

Not only sarah got upgraded, Nick's physique also evloved. His body was even more perfectly toned and his skin became more refined. His height has also increased to 6'2" ft and he looked like an 17 or 18yr old boy. His strength has increased to 10000 tons which was a massive increase and the distance of his observation haki has also increased to 100km. His shunpo has reached the speed of sound. His water manipulation was already at its peak before and he has developed many new water based skills.

Momo has also become even more mature and hotter than in the original story. Nick's regular massages not only relieved her fatigue , it has also increased her body metabolism and made her skin more soft and tender. She was 5'8"ft tall. She had a long black hair that is tied up into a spiky ponytail with long stand hanging to the right side of her face. she looked cute and hot at the same time.

Her fighting powers has also increased exponentially. With her increased body metabolism rate along with nick's teachings about many variety of weapons and gadgets she can now create more variety of powerful weapons easily in a short amount of time. Her weapon mastery and close combat mastery has also reached its peak with the help of Sam and nick. Compared to the canon, she was far more powerful.

Today was Nick's 14th birthday, So they were having a birthday party in his mansion. Many guests have been invited. Nick was wearing dark blue tuxedo. With perfect body along with the raven black hair and crystal blue eyes , he looked devilish. When he walked down stairs , the guests were mesmerized by his handsomeness while many women had turned nymphos after seeing him.

Akio came towards him and patted his shoulder," Happy birthday nick, you grew up into an excellent young man nick, I am sure your mom and dad will be happy to see you like this from the heaven" he said and nick also thanked him and chatted with him for a few minutes

" I am sure if I stand here for few more minutes those girls will kill me alive , so I will leave you alone, take care",akio smiled at nick and left to meet with other people.

Many young girls immediately came to strike up a conversation with him and nick also chatted back with a smile on his face. Then they heard another foot steps and they saw a beautiful hot young girl dressed elegantly walking towards nick, she came near nick and gently took hold of his elbow and said , " Happy birthday oniichan".

Nick smiled and thanked her, then they proceeded with cake cuttings and after the dinner party everyone left the mansion. The family of four sat down on the couch. Momo was sitting with nick and akari was with chikasi. They chatted happily while akari was signalling momo to do something. Momo became shy and nervous but with her mom's encouraging eyes she stood up and turned towards nick," oniichan, I have an important matter to discuss with you, come with me" she said and pulled him upstairs without giving him a chance to reply.

Chikasi and akari exchanged glances and smiled. They knew those both are having feelings for each other and they didn't have a problem with it. Nick is not a blood related son, so marrying nick and momo was not that much big deal for them and they also knew momo will be better off with nick than with somebody else. So akari told momo to take the initiative last night.

Inside nick's room , momo was nervously looking down while clenching her hands and nick was looking at her waiting for her to talk. He knew what she was gonna say and he also noticed akari's eye signal to momo, so he guessed what was happening. Seeing her being so nervous, he moved closer to her and lifted her chin upwards with his finger gently. When both of their eyes met, they knew nothing else was needed to be explained and their lips touched each other.

Nick felt the soft sensation of the lips and unique smell that belongs to momo assaulted his nose which stimulated him even more and he pushed his tongue inside her for which momo also responded and let her tongue out, although this was her first kiss, she adapted as the time went by. They both separated after few minutes when momo couldn't breath anymore , when they parted their lips they were connected by the string of saliva which slowly got cut off after they moved their heads back.

Momo's face was bright red and looked intoxicated which made nick so difficult to resist and kissed her again. This time they just kissed for a short moment and parted. Nick held momo and sat down in the bed while she laid her heads in his chest hearing his heart beat.

"I thought of proposing you after the UA entrance exam , but who knew our little momo couldn't wait for so long", he teased her which made her to blush even more.

" You are so bad oniichan, you only know how to bully me ", she said cutely which caused nick to laugh.

"I love you momo , It's been a very long time since I have fallen in for you but I have to wait for us to reach an appropriate age. I am so happy today",he said.

" I love you too oniichan, it's the same for me , if not for mama's encouragement I wouldn't be able to muster up my courage but now I am happy that she encouraged me", she smiled and told him about akari's idea.

Nick already knew that their parents have no problem with them being together. So it was not that surprised with akari's action.

" Momo there is something else I need to say to you, as you know me very well , you also know that I am not the kind of guy who can be with only one woman so -", he was cut off in the middle when momo used her index finger to shut his mouth.

" I know what you wanted to say oniichan and I also knew that for a excellent guy like you having you for myself will be impossible, so I don't have any problem sharing you with others and also, polygamy is not uncommon in our world, so it's not that big a deal, all I want is that you don't forget about me and have me in your heart till the end. I don't care about anything else",she said it with a smile.

Nick was happy to hear her words and immediately kissed her forehead gently, "I know I am an unreasonable guy momo but I promise you that I will love you and the other girls equally and will never abandon anyone of you for any reasons",he told her firmly which made momo to smile happily and they both kissed each other again.