
Multiverse Exploration

Our mc is just flowing through life no hope of getting out of his mediocre life until one night he is walking home when he reached his door and goes to open it. As soon as he is through the door he gets a massive head ace splitting. He drops to his knees hoping it will be over soon. He had no idea how right he was. Join us on an adventure with him I dont have a editor, I would appreciate constructive criticism I OWN NOTHING Besides MC

resistingsea · อื่นๆ
44 Chs


I sit there thinking on what to do next as I watch my sisters coffin is lowered into the ground, I am the only person here looking at the preacher who looks ready to just leave not caring if this is a funeral after giving a bland speech. I grip my hand until blood starts to leak between my fingers. I feel nothing besides sadness the world has lost it's color since my sister passed away. Not even the doctors have any explanations on the cause. It was sudden no warning she was just on the way to school she was talking with her fiends then she collapsed. I was at work nothing special just some odd jobs which is all i can get with a high school degree at sixteen. I remember the call all they told me is she was in the hospital so i rushed over to see her, by the time i arrived she had passed on.

She was healthy and happy not a few weeks ago. One day i walked into my home, I is not much but after our parents died in a accident nothing could be done. So to make sure that everything is ok at home I opted to graduate early from school leaving everything behind me to make sure she could live a happy and care free life at least until she goes to college and goes on her own path. I was ready to give up on everything for another small smile from her. I can almost see it but it stays out of my reach. I can feel something in me it is hallow in cold looking over the memories i have of her I cannot remember her laugh, It reminds me of a whisper that has faded. Try as i might i cannot even remember our parents. Now i am truly alone. After the closing speech from the priest i see my sisters coffin lowered into the ground. 'She would not have wanted to be burred here, but it is the best i can do.' I lower my head and walk towards a home that is not a home.

I look at the door of ou...my house now looking over the details i can feel the wrongness of the house with out her. I reach the door i get a small head ace. Entering the house it gets worse and worse i close the door and go to look for some medicine. Each step i take the pain doubles. By this point i am on my knees i can feel the ground rubbing my hands like sand paper, it gets worse needles run up my fingers and go up my arm i would scream but i am already biting my tongue to focus one something else. i taste a mouthful of blood and then nothing but more pain. I curl up in a position feeling the tears running down my cheeks like hot water. Trying to focus on something else i think of my sister but she is getting dimmer and dimmer nothing...NOTHING... I feel empty.....Then i scream. As soon as it starts the world goes silent.

I don't know how long it has been silent but i don't care scraping my head for anything of my family but nothing just empty faces and hollow voices why.. why why can i not remember anyone something inside of me cracks. I hear something yelling at me but i don't care if focus with everything to remember ANYONE.. I feel something collapse holding onto the faltering memories they turn to dust as i reach them No empty face, no one to remember just nothing. I can remember everything form my past besides my family the one thing i cared about why me was the last thing i remember saying. Now i am truly hollow.

I don't know how long i have been here in nothing just floating staring with unseeing eyes a empty husk of a man who has lost all meaning in life or afterlife. I sit there and ponder what is going on i just stare at the black nothingness imagining that i could remember them how i would be happy but i know that is false. I think over a few debates i heard in my time 'If nobody remembers you did you actually live' is one that i keep thinking over i don't remember them where they real..am i real what am i.. I am.. who am i.. I remember my past life or was it mine I remember a life of a broken man.

After an unknown amount of time i hear a call a siren song pulling me toward the darkness. I just go along with it not caring anymore. It leads me into a flash of light and i just look around at a white walled room with no decorations and hunched over a desk is a good looking woman muttering to herself.

I just sit there and watch i feel time flow if you can feel time flow i hear her "Where is he..no..no not my first day.. fuck fuck." She gets up and goes out of the room into a door i did not see i just float in the corner. She soon enters and behind her is the Hulk truck from Tokyo drift "I am telling you truck kun i cannot find it its just gone." "How the fuck did you lose a soul on your fist day?" She whimpers "I don't know he was there and corresponding to the wish his sister made he would move on and live happily well the department who took care of it went overboard and erased his family's memories everything and he fought against the wish and his soul broke literally his soul cracked. It was not supposed to be like this he was on his way here and then he was gone." Truck kun nods along. "Did they fire the guy who fucked up so bad?" She nodded "Yeah he has been erased and i dont want to follow him. So can you find him?" Truck kun closes his headlights. Shakes his head and turns to the corner of the room "Yeah he is there." He nods in my direction.

"Well hello young one.

A/N: A wild truck kun apeers

hope you enjoy the new book thanks for reading.