
Multiverse Exploration

Our mc is just flowing through life no hope of getting out of his mediocre life until one night he is walking home when he reached his door and goes to open it. As soon as he is through the door he gets a massive head ace splitting. He drops to his knees hoping it will be over soon. He had no idea how right he was. Join us on an adventure with him I dont have a editor, I would appreciate constructive criticism I OWN NOTHING Besides MC

resistingsea · อื่นๆ
44 Chs


Feeling a call i checked everything making sure i am good to go. I allowed the pamphlet to take me I close my eyes when a flash takes me away. I open them and am greeted by Delacour by him self i look around and see we are inside a entry way. I look over to him "Hello Monsieur Delacour How are you doing the fine evening anything you wish of me?" He looked me over "Hello Orion, I am doing good. Nothing i can think of, how are you doing today?" I smiled "I am doing fine." we talked a little bit until we hear a call form outside of the door.

We both turn to the door and we see his wife standing there "Sorry dear i did not know you had company with you. You said a guest but i did not know he was so young." I smile "Hello how are you this evening la demoiselle Delacour." She smiled at me i can feel her allure but it just brushed off of me. For a moment she smiled but her eyes showed a different story. Great now she is looking at me like a dog with two heads. Guess a half Veela's allure must be more potent or she has not had trouble using it on many people. "Hello young Orion my husband has been most secretive about you and it has me curious."

I look over to her husband and raise and eyebrow he just shrugged. "It is ok to tell her as long as it stays in this room." He looked relived and turned to his wife "My lady le me introduce you to Orion Le Fey-Black-Slytherin." He said like a weight was off of his shoulders. I chuckled at her expression until she turned to me like a piece of meat. I just flash her a winning smile. "You know not many can shrug off allure of a Veela."

I just shrug and flash a little bit of my devil magic to see how she reacts and she looks at me with a renewed interest i just chuckle. "Keep looking at me like that ill have to tell your husband." I point my thumb at him behind me he is looking at us with a chuckle not used to seeing his wives allure shrugged off then what ever happened after confused him. "Anyway let us go to the dinning room." We all follow him Apolline is still giving me some kind off eyes i cannot discover. I give her an apologetic smile. Not into married lady's.

As we sit down i wonder if she thinks i am a male Veela Monsieur goes to call down their daughters. Apolline is telling me about their daughters Fleur is apparently eight years old which makes since because during the Tri-Wizard Tournament she was a Seventh year and Harry was a fourth year. She tells me all about her I just smile and roll my eyes as she keeps going on and on until the subject of question walking in. I walk over being nice i hold out my hand "Hello Fleur your mother was just telling me about you." I said with a easy smile. She just looks at me like i am something on the bottom of her shoe she just stares at my hand. I drop my smile and my hand and just walk over to my seat and proceed to ignore her.

Her father looks a little angary at her. As i walk away i fell her allure going off full blast i just proceed to ignore her. I can tell she is mad at being ignored. Then her sister walks and looking at the adorable little girl i smile and go on my knee "Hello little one what is your name?" She puffs her cheeks out "I am not little I am big!" I chuckle and look at her "You sure are. I am Orion what is your name?" She thought for a moment and decided to tell me her name "My name is Gabrielle but you can call me gabby". I smile at her and go back to sit down.

The meal is alright but i can tell i dont care for French cuisine very much. It is good dont get me wrong but i can tell I'm having the shits later tonight. "Well I thank you for having me over tonight, I hope you all have a good night." I smile and say good by to them not even sparing a glace a Fleur which seems to get under her skin. Act like a bitch Ill treat you like one. "Miny." A familiar circle appears under my feet and i am gone."


[With the Delacour family after our hero fucked off]

Apolline and her family are all sitting at the table after Orion left she looks over at her children and can only sigh. Fleur cuts through all of their thinkin "Who does that boy think he is he completely ignored me." Her father sent her a look "You where rude to him first, If there is anything i know about him is that he will respect you as long as you respect him." Apolline looked at her husband "How did you meet Orion?" her husband looks embarrassed "Well I had him questioned at the office." Apolline looks confused. "What do you mean?" He coughed "Well while he was being questioned, the interrogator tried to get physical with he, but in the end he knocked out the interrogator stole his clothes wand and anything he had on him and broke out."

Apolline laughed at the story. "So the big bad child broke out and knocked out one of your men?" he looked sheepish "Yes". Gabby was chuckling at this seeing her papa being scolded. Fleur had to put in her opinion "I could have done that." her father just gave her weary smile.

"What was that power he flashed inside of your office it was almost like an allure but more powerful like he was not human?" at this everyone's eyes widened. "I did not know that i didn't feel anything besides a pressor from him." They all fall into a deep thought until gabby spoke up "We could just ask him right?" They all wanted to smack themselves for overthinking it.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter.