
Chapter 1

Sup, my name is Lewis Scabbath, I am just your average guy who likes anime and fanfics.

My life, not the best. From a young age I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and it quickly developed to stage 4. I knew I was going to die soon but not like this.

I was finally allowed to leave the hospital for the first time in months at the age of 13. Me and my family went to celebrate, we went to a beautiful lake side restaurant but as we were leaving I saw a little girl crossing whilst a truck was coming.

Quickly(pretty slow) I ran to the girl picked her up and out of the way of the truck but then a light post fell down and hit me what a great way to die.

And that's how I ended up in this endless void. I can't tell how long I've been here just that it's been a while, but suddenly the void collapses and a pure black entity shows up and speaks an unknown language.

Lewis:"Who are you"

???:"I'm what you would call the devil and I have a deal"

Lewis:"What is this deal Mr.Devil"

Devil:"I will grant you 3 wishes but you will have to do a job for me. Note you will keep your memories"

Lewis:"Okay just let me think"'Time to milk this guy and become OP'

Lewis:"Ok I have decided for my first wish I want a system that lets me fully control anything about myself and helps me with menial task, screw it also add a shop and quests"


Lewis:"For my second wish I want to have some personal trainers that are Rayleigh D Silver, Jinbe, Gilgamesh and make so I can summon them at anytime"

Devil:"Once again acceptable"

Lewis:"Finally I want to be Female and design myself"

Devil:"Okay a bit weird but ok"

Lewis changed her form to that of an adorable girl standing at 5'1 and has beautiful white hair, small chest and an all round ball of cuteness.

Devil:"Ok here you go you are now a multiverse bar owner it has everything needed to become successful and you will meet many heroes"

Lewis:"Ughhhhh not a bar tender"

Devil:"Well of you go"'Young child'

(I can't write properly so give me advice lol)
