
Chapter 1 - Changes

34 wasted years. A loving but stubborn family, people who introduced themselves as friends, but who abandon you or betray you without the slightest shame. That was the life of Rayzen. He started smoking when he was 15 years old, to be cool like his friends, he dropped out of school, left home to follow a friend who offered him a job and a home, but when he earned a little, he didn't think twice about giving him a foot in the door. butt. He was a jealous guy, possessive even, but he never placed or imposed anything on his ex partners. He didn't love them, he never loved them, but he never disrespected their choices or failed to root for their success even at the end of their relationships. He met nice guys, and discovered that a friendship is not only with those who are close, but with those far away as well, who sometimes care more than the closest ones.

A Christmas, in the midst of a pandemic, alone in front of his computer, trying to forget how much his own brain scares and oppresses him, full of desires and desires, but without the necessary strength to rise and prosper, reading countless fanfics that lead him to dream of worlds created and destroyed by many, fun and scary, silly and cliché, but that only made him come out of his own misery.

On that day, 12/25 of any year, he is once again finding himself in one of these worlds. A world all dark, no sense of presence, no life, no death, just emptiness.

ROB - Young man, let's give your existence a direction, I propose that your being travel through the multiverse created by countless authors, enjoy your life. Love, cry, smile and above all, live. What do you say?

Rayzen - Of course, why not? I already know how destructive and unproductive I can be, why not find out what the other side looks like?

ROB - Great. Go, just go and show me that other side. - he smiled.

Rayzen - And where am I going?

ROB smiles and snaps his fingers. Right after the being's disappearance, ROB laughs. - Wherever you want, young man.

I'm a Brazilian, I translated by google because I don't speak any English. I hope it's at least understandable. Merry Christmas everyone.

Emerson_Leitecreators' thoughts