
Multiversal hentai system starting with naruto!?

Warning this will probably be trash you have been warned

The_real_MC_ · วิดีโอเกม
2 Chs


A boy with golden hair and red eyes sat up from a bed.

"Where am I wasn't I just playing palworld?"

The boy looked around and saw he was In a room with 5 bunk beds.

He thought something was strange and when he looked at his hands his suspicions were all but confirmed.

"Why are my hands so small?" he questions himself.

As he was in deep thought a bright light blinded him.

When he opened his eyes he saw a note in front of him.

"Who the hell why the hell???" the boy questioned with deep confusion.

"I wonder if I should open It what if it explodes or something" the boy thought.

Eventually after a while of thinking the boy decided to open it.

And when he did a flood of memories invaded his mind.

One was of a powerful being giving him a powerful system by random and sending him to the world of Naruto and the other was of a boy named Ryota Naoki.

He was 7 and lived in a Konoha orphanage his parents seemed to have died during the kyubi attack.

After the memories stopped flowing through his head a loud "ding!" was heard as Ryota looked up to see a screen.

[name: Ryota Naoki]




[hentai points-0]


"What the hell is this actually

happening? What am I some cringy fanfiction protagonist?" Ryota thought.

"You know with all the fanfiction exactly like this I wouldn't be surprised," Ryota thought sarcastically.

"Let's just figure out how this system works and then I will go and explore Kohona," Ryota thought trying to set a basis for a plan.

"It seems like the system is really simple well at least for a guy who reads way too many fanfictions"

(a/n: should I continue to put Ryota thought or Ryota said out loud after the quotation or should I keep it like the sentences above)

" the missions tab is most likely the missions the system assigns me and the skills tab is for my skills, the relationship tab probably ties into the last thing hentai points"

"I was reincarnated with a hentai system," Ryota thought.

"Not that I mind in fact I don't mind at all a hentai system is a good way to get up really fast and easy plus as a bonus you get to fuck all the women you want," Ryota thought with a shrug.

"Anyways, with that out of the way on to the next part of my plan explore Konoha and possibly get information"

He opened the door to his room and went to a lady sitting at a desk to ask her if he could go outside.

"Granny can I go outside"

"How many times have I told you not to Call me granny? I'm not even that old I'm only 60!" the lady shouted angrily

"Yeah yeah granny can I just go," Ryota said as he rolled his eyes.

"Cheeky brat," the lady said with a sigh.

"Fine just go and don't be late for dinner alright?" the lady said with a stern tone.

"Yes ma'am," Ryota said in a mock salute.


[10 minutes later]

"Woah this place is way cooler in person the fanboy in me is screaming right now," Ryota said and continued walking

"Is that a dango shop? I wonder if Anko is there" he looked around for about 2 more minutes until he saw a place every Naruto fan dreamed of going to.

"Is that fucking ichiraku ramen? I wonder if I should try some" he said as he walked up to the place completely forgetting he had no money.

"Ahh shit I just remembered that I have no money," Ryota said with a depressed sigh.

" hey kid you hungry," a feminine voice asked.

Ryota looked up to see a woman with red hair and dark violet eyes staring at him.

"Is that Kushina but the Kyubi attack already happened shouldn't she be dead?" Ryota thought.

"Maybe this is an alternate universe after all" Ryota thought but snapped out of it when he saw her snapping her fingers in front of his face.

"You okay kid you blanked out there for a minute Dattebane," Kushina said.

"Oh no sorry just spaced out what is it you were saying?" Ryota said apologetically.

"I was asking if you were hungry I saw that you were looking at the stand and you don't seem to have any money," Kushina said.

"No it's fine I don't wanna take your money or anything," Ryota said.

"No, it's fine Dattebane," Kushina said.

"Alright if you say so I am really hungry," Ryota said as his stomach growled.

"Haha come on then I know the owner of this place," Kushina said with a giggle.

"By the way what's your name kid?"

"It's Ryota Naoki"

"I see Ryota, my name is Kushina Uzumaki Dattebane," Kushina said with a grin.

"Nice to meet you kushina-san," Ryota said with formalities

"You can drop the "san" I'm not really one for formalities," Kushina said.

"Alright kushina," Ryota said finding her name to flow out smoothly.

"Alright, enough talk let's eat Dattebane!" kushina said excitedly as she led him to a sit-in ichiraku.



The new mission has been formed


[Fuck kushina uzumaki]

[rewards???, one random skill]

[completion time- infinte]

Ryota raised an eyebrow

"I was gonna do that anyway but the reward is a bonus" Ryota thought

"It seems I will have to bring out 200% of my brain power to do this at least until I can get a skill to help me"

"First things first I need to gain her trust and that all starts here," he says as he stares at the ramen guy Teuchi.

"Hey there kid you're new," Teuchi said


A/n: I'm back bitches!! After a while, I'm here with my new story with better writing skills and a better mindset so get ready for a storm