
special chapter : Park tae jun (1)

My name is Park tae jun.

I'm a transfer student in S middle school in incheon. I'm used to be a jerk in my old school but now I want to change my image and have many friends! Ouh! And I want to have cute girlfriend! Hehehe!

It's has been two weeks and I still have many people who want to cling beside me although I'm a bit uncomfortable and want to beat some ass because they keep talking about themselves , but I'm just let it go, this time...

"t-tae jun, I -I like you! Please accept my feelings! "

Said the next class girl.

She confessed me,

Today as well...

I've got an awkward confession. If I rejected it people may said that i'm heartless. But you know what, I'm always use this method if I'm in awkward moment...

"um.. I'm sorry but I can't accept your feelings, it's not like I don't like you, it's just, you too beautiful for me, I don't deserve your beauty, sorry "

I pat her head. Many girls always fall for it.. So I don't have to worry anything.

"kyaa! A-alright then, although I'm a bit sad but as long as you happy I'll do anything for you! "

Said that girl.

I smile.

KRINGGGG! A bell in school ringing.

I have to go to the restaurant quickly, I can't leave my mother alone.

(author note *flashback old middle school before park tae jun transfer to s middle school)

Since I was born, my family has working in family restaurant. My dad and mother always does very hardwork in the family restaurant. Then, the day that I'm always afraid has come, where my dad is gone. And I only have my mother and my brother , Park Hye Yoon. I'm been sick for almost a week because I'm very sad my dad has no longer in this world.. Although my mother sad and doesn't look good, she always work hard in the family restaurant. While my brother studying and said that he will become a bussinessman when he's grow up. I felt like.. Pissed..

For the first time , I felt so pissed . Why? Why would I ever fell like this. This is so unfamiliar!

People keep bragging about my family. And I couldn't stand it anymore, I go to my classroom and beat all the boys in my class, although I'm not into fighting but somehow it's feels great! I'm feel better when I beat people. Since that day, whenever I feel pissed or angry about something, I always beat the people in my class. Until that day has come,

(parents day)

Parents day , the day that I seriously hate in my whole life, why do I hate it? Maybe because everyone in my family act like nothing happened to my dad, and they not really miss him, Tch, just remember it make me sick!

Who will be my sandbag today? Hehe..

(in class)


I punched a boy face,


"get up! "

I yelled.

I grabbed that boy collar and punched him again.


"Park tae jun! "

A woman shouted my name.

It was my mother,

She looked at me shockly.

Honestly , that time I want to hug and beg my mother but I didn't, because I know she will think me as a jerk son.

I've got warning from school.

If I ever bullied someone in my class again I would be expelled.

(in home)

I was expecting that this day will just be like other family, a happy time, but now, my dad has gone, my family has break apart. But..

"tae jun.. Are you okay, son? "

Mother asked.

Huh? Is she not mad ?something wrong..

"so, tell me, what made you do that to your class? "

Her voice is so calm.

"or is it because you dissapointed of me?"

Dissapointed? Why would I.. I just want to be a our old day with father..

"aigoo, poor my son, it's gonna be okay, even if your father has gone, you always have me and your brother"

My mother smile.

I feel like I always want to hear that sentence. I always want someone comfort my anger heart. And the people who I have, why would I always said that they break apart.. I honestly don't know what to do all this time, I just wish to be loved by my family. And my wish has come true. I still have my family and my family is my only mother and brother. I cried while hugging my mother. Although I'm a bit embarrassed.

Time has passed, it's been two weeks, and I always alone in this school. So, I decided to transfer to another school. My mother agree with me too!

So I ended up be in this school. S Highschool, where I gained popularity .. Hehehe..

"good morning, tae jun "

"yeah, mornin' "

People will approach me first.

And I'm glad I have many friends!

But, one day, things started happened. A very bad things.

"yo! Park tae jun, wanna hang out! "

"hmm? Yeah, sure! "

I hang out with them, it seems fun!

But it's not what I was thinking.

In an alley, and smell cigarettes, ugh, disgusting!

You guys asked me just to smoke! Are you guys crazy!

"here, for you! I heard you beat all the boys in you old class "

Said one of them, I think his name is Do hwa.


How much did he know!

"why and how did you know? "

I stare them (menace)



A pipe fell sound.

I looked at my back,

And I saw a girl that has heard my conversation,


I chased that girl.

"hey! Wait! "

Dammit I don't want she to misunderstood me !

I finally grabbed that girl hand and push her to the wall, and I looked at her name, Song Harleyquiin , that's the first time I met her and ended up with a big mistake that I regret it in my whole life.
