
special chapter :Park tae jun(4)

And then I realize. I love harleyquiin. I will not let everyone lay a finger on her. And that picture, I must delete it!

[ tommorow in school ]

The day for my revenge is today. However, I'm not sure where's harleyquiin. I don't see her today. (ha) thank goodness, she didn't come to school or else she might ruin my plan. The class begin like always.


The bell ringing.

I step closer to Doo hwa 's seat. And look at him. I'm so nervous and scare at the same time but I must do this for the sake of harleyquiin.

"I wanna talk with you alone "

I said. Is my voice trembling? I'm not sure either. But when I saw his face. It's make me even scared.

"sure "

Said Lee Doo hwa with his scary and menacing face. Lee Doo hwa and I went behind the school.

"what do you want? "

"I want rematch our fight back then but if I win , you must delete that picture "

I said. If I win, the picture will be delete. And I don't have to worry anything. Just for Harleyquiin's safety is enough for me.

(Pfft) (laugh)

Lee Doo hwa laughing. Then he look at me.

"hey, are you sure you want a rematch? You don't even win last time.. Is there any reason to protect that bitch? Ouh! Don't tell me that you like her!(hahaha) very funny, tae jun! "

Said Doo hwa.

(gulp) I must win whatever it's take.

Lee Doo hwa stand still without doing a fight pose. He confident to win. Because of that, park tae jun confused about what kind of martial arts he will use.

(will he using jiu jitsu?)

I wonder.

Without thinking nothing, I fight with him. I punched him but he easily dodged the punched. Suddenly, he use his knee and kick my stomach. (knee-kick)


My stomach hurts. No, my whole body are hurt! It's hurt so much. I looked his face. He smiled .

"I told you before, you never beat me "Lee Doo hwa said. Am I too weak? Or he is too strong for me to fight?

That day, I realized that I never be matched with Lee Doo hwa. It's not because I'm weak or he's strong, it's because I'm afraid that I will never win when I'm fighting with him.. I end up bullying my only love, harleyquiin. I decided to not call myself a human anymore.

One day,

When, I'm helping my mother in our restaurant, I was shocked when, the other customers left and the other suspicious guy in our restaurant.

A stranger man surrounded my family's restaurant. It's like a gang or mafia. It's the first time I met them.

(huh?!) I suddenly saw a badge on that guy's coat. A gold spade badge. This guy! He is a Royal Spade member! No! They all in here! The Royal Spade members!

[ song ji won, VVIP, Big boss, Royal Spade ]

[ Oh seok-jin, VIP, Boss 1, Royal Spade ]

[ Rudy Choi, VIP, Boss 2, Royal Spade ]

[ Kang gaewon, VIP, Boss 3,Royal Spade ]

[ Park shin ae, VIP, Boss 4, Royal Spade ]

[ Kim haemin, VIP, Boss 5,Royal Spade ]

Royal Spade, I heard that they are a famous mafia group! And if there are people who offended them, they will took that person to torture them.. They will never be in a place like this because they are Royal Spade, and that's mean, they are richer than other king's group.

That's what I heard, but what are they doing here!

"I heard you punch my lovely daughter face " song ji won said.

I was shocked again, after he said that. The fact that song Harleyquiin is a daughter of a mafia group! What have I done! I'm just want to save her from Lee Doo hwa scheming! But end up beating a daughter of mafia group!

"relax, I'm not here to kill you, well, if not for my daughter, I already ready to burn your house and your restaurant, but, you have thanks to her, that she doing it for you not to die! "

He said.

Harleyquiin did it for me? After all I did for her was bullying! W-what have I done!

"I-I'm sorry! It's all my fault! The truth is, I.. I'm bullying her because I want to stop Lee Doo hwa's scheming! "I confess the truth to them.

"I really -"(whack) suddenly I fell down because of a punch from a stranger woman .

[ Park shin ae, VIP, Boss 4,Royal Spade ]

" You gotta be kidding me! You think we believing that nonsense that you said! You think we are a playground to play with! Do you think because I'm a girl, I can't understand all of it! You think-"

"oi! oi! Be nice! He still a kid! "

[ oh seok-jin, VIP, Boss 1,Royal Spade ]

He said.

"let me teach this weakest of the world kid! "park shin ae said.

We-weakest.. That's hurt. But it's true that I'm weak. Even a girl I love, I couldn't protect her. I stand up, even it's hurt when that woman punch me but, I'm not giving up.

"I! Please teach me how to become strong! I want to protect her! I want to stand by her side! So please! I beg you! Teach me how to become stronger! "

I yelled.

The situation become silence.

Suddenly,(clack) a glass sound.

"I understand, but I can't accept your wish because you hurt my lovely daughter, so it's up to you to become stronger, because the only way to become stronger is just practice, so if it's you, you know what is the first thing you must do when you practice, and it's your mental, and tommorow, is the last day, my daughter gonna school at that school. So just do what you usually do to her, so that she can beat all your ass, and you, DON'T. SHOW. YOUR. FACE . IN. FRONT. OF. ME. ANYMORE. "

He said, no, he threatened me

Just like that. They leave the restaurant.

" they leave, finally "

I mumbled.

Luckily I'm working alone in this restaurant. I don't want my family know about this. No, not yet, until the time comes, I'll tell them.

[ the next day]

I must let her plan go on. I must endure it.

The time passed, little by little.

Until, she beat all of that guys asses, the girl who pretend to be my girlfriend, Tch! Luckily she fainted . I'm proud of you, quiin. But, why you look at me like that. You, don't you want to hug me? She asked me a question, fine, I'll answer it! But..

"-I like a fool of liking you! "

She yelled. That time i realized, that all I have done to you is beating you and playing with you. I don't care about you at all, all I care is I want to win fighting with Lee Doo hwa, I'm not protecting you. I.. I can't be with you anymore, Harleyquiin. I'm sorry.

"I'm sorry for everything, quiin "

I said. A distance between us so far away, that I, myself, afraid of leaving you behind. All I see was you far away from me and you just smiling and leave me behind. All I can do is support you behind and hope for your happiness. I'm not giving up liking you, but I'm sorry, I can't be with you.

I cried and behind my back, Harleyquiin crying too. I'm sorry again for not wipe your tears. I'm sorry Harleyquiin.