
Mr. Posh Perfect

" I wish I never stopped hating you, Dylan Owen" Chelsea Allen said as the tears blinded her eyes and she turned away from him. They're a contrasting pair; Rich and poor, Proud and humble, Arrogant and sensitive, Void of emotions and filles with them... He took away the one thing she was proud of and made it his duty to constantly remind her that she wasn't of his class. She hated him from the start, a feeling that grows over time and occupies her heart until it gets twisted to love and she doesn't even realize it. She pisses him off nonstop, his daring maid that hates him and doesn't hide it. He's amused by her hatred but also angered anytime she shows her insecurities and low self esteem. He makes it his duty to try and change the way she feels about herself and then his aim changes to changing the way she feels about him. From enemies, these two turn into lovers who would do anything to ensure each other's happiness.

ImmaculateJeph · วัยรุ่น
26 Chs

Pair of Silk trousers

The tears blinded her eyes once more and she struggled to wipe them off. She hated days like this. It would have been a little bearable if she didn't, after a miserable day at school, have to work for the same person who messed up her day. Luckily, he wasn't there yet. He had gotten detention, same with Killian. At the Principal's office, Chelsea had been unable to talk because of the tears so Mr Parker had assumed she was being bullied. The boys weren't ready to deny it either which surprised Chelsea. She had been let off the hook and the boys had been given detention- Killian for a week and Dylan for three days.

Chelsea tried to wipe off tears from her eyes as she dusted the table, at the same time, the door opened and he walked in. He stopped when he saw her. Dylan felt something gnaw at him in his chest when he saw her wipe tears off her eyes. Was it his fault? Not really! But somehow he felt guilty. She didn't even look at him and that worsened the whole thing.

Chelsea focused on her dusting and tried to blink away the tears at the same time. The words Killian had said to her kept repeating itself in her brain and at a point she couldn't hold it in anymore. She had to leave the room though, she couldn't break down in front of him. Who knew what stupid thing he would do next? Chelsea picked up her dusting materials and turned to leave the room when she noticed that he was still standing at the door and staring at her. Their eyes met and she hurriedly looked away. She would just walk past him and hopefully he wouldn't stop her.

She was wrong!

" Wait!" Chelsea heard Dylan said as he walked right in front of her to stop her. She bit her lips angrily in a bid to stop the tears.

" Do you want anything sir?" she managed to say.

" You might as well drop the act. Are you okay?" Dylan said. She thought she heard concern in his voice but she was too angry to acknowledge it.

" That's none of your fucking business" Chelsea spat.

" Don't swear at me" Dylan commanded, his voice low and demanding. Chelsea lowered her head as the tears came again. And here she was thinking he was concerned!

" Of course sir" She said and made to walk out again but this time he held her hand.

" Chelsea, wait!"

" What?" she snapped out as she snatched her hand away from his. Dylan saw the tears fall from her eyes and he clenched his fists.

" What do you want from me? Can't you just let me be?"

" I want to know if you're okay" Dylan said simply, trying to hide the plea in his voice.

" And why do you care? You shouldn't care about a worthless piece of nothing, should you?" her voice was filled with so much heaviness as the tears fell off her eyes.

" I didn't say that to you, did I?"

" Oh no you didn't! But he did. And that's what everyone thinks of me, that's what you think"

He didn't say anything to deny it. Chelsea closed her eyes and let out of a dry chuckle. Did she actually think he'd deny it? She was so stupid! Why had she even said that?

" Of course!" she said slowly and made to leave again.

" Chelsea..."

" Don't fucking say my name!" She blew out.

" I told you not to swear" Dylan said with that bossy voice that showed he was upset. She didn't actually care! He had no right to be upset.

" And if I do, what the fuck are you gonna do?" she swore again. He gripped her arm and pulled her towards him. Chelsea winced, the bruise from Killian's hand hadn't healed.

" Let me go. You're fucking hurting me" Chelsea said stubbornly. Dylan almost immediately released her as he realized what he was doing. How did this girl manage to get him so upset?

" What is wrong with you? I wasn't the one who insulted you in front of everyone, why are you venting your anger on me?" Dylan said as he clenched his fists.

" You didn't insult me but you stood there and listened to him say it and you didn't so shit" Chelsea retorted.

" What am I? Your guardian angel, wake up girl!" Dylan said as he snapped his fingers in front of her.

" Right! Then you shouldn't have appeared all of a sudden like some handsome hero. You shouldn't have stopped him from hitting me"

A smirk tugged at his lips but he maintained his frown. She thought he was handsome but this was not the time.

" You're welcome" He said sarcastically.

" Oh please! His words hurt even more than any slap would have" Chelsea confessed truthfully. He softened as he saw fresh tears fall of her eyes.

" Chelsea..."

" Don't say my name like that" Chelsea snapped again.

" What now?"

" Don't say my name like you care"

" What makes you think I don't?"

" You can't! I'm just a worthless piece of nothing and... and you're a handsome pair of silk trousers"

" What was that supposed to mean? " Dylan said not able to hide his confusion.

" It means you're a handsome rich man's son and I'm nothing. I'm nobody " Chelsea said and this time, she walked out before he could stop her. Dylan sighed as he watched her leave. This girl!!How could he explain to her that he didn't stand up for her cause he wanted her to do it herself? That didn't sound quite apologetic, did it? She wouldn't understand him anyway, she never did. Somehow he felt his heart squeeze everytime he remembered the tears that fell freely off her eyes, he didn't understand why. And Dylan being Dylan wasn't ready to let it lay low, he had to figure out what it was about her that made him so... what's the right word now??? He knew he was probably a thorn in her flesh and he couldn't say better about her but he had a lot of work to do on her. First, he needed to make sure she had her self confidence, he hated it more than anything else when she spoke lowly about herself. Yet another mystery he couldn't understand but he knew he had to change that about her else he'd never be able to let it go.

Dylan sighed as he stood silently, looking at the door in which she had left. Pair of silk trousers! A slight chuckle left his lips as he thought about it. Chelsea Allen, she would never cease to amaze him...