2 Do you want to meet?

His greeting was warm, his familiar deep booming voice instantly recognisable. She noticed the contrast between their frames. He towered over her his hood over his head but nothing was intimidating about this man. They had instantly connected over the phone. She was coy and a little shy but found the attraction had brought out a flirty temptress side. The words spilling out of her mouth, slightly suggestive but playful and unexpected to both.

What was happening ? It was an intense first conversation. Both laughing and enjoying the ease and magnetism of the topic.

What do you want from a relationship? He was unashamedly direct about what he physically wanted. Respectful and very much appreciative of the female form. Both comfortable with their sensuality and need for connection on all levels.

"So lets meet he suggested". Her heart pounding and body tingling. "Where" she eagerly asked she didn't recognise this confidence but he brought that out.

He lived not far away but a part of town she was unfamiliar with. He had told her enough about his life and daily routine that she knew he was no threat to her but a man who could enhance her life.

He loved animals which is always a good sign. He told stories of breaking up fights where he worked when customers had one too many drinks. Often coming to the aid of the weaker party who was too inebriated to stand up let alone fight off aggressors.

Thats one of the traits she found so attractive he didn't shy away from dangerous situations and he was compelled to help others.

He knew how to handle himself but was driven by morals and justice.

They had been planning thier first meeting in some detail over text for a week. Firstly they would kiss without speaking. Then relax together he massage her neck and shoulders. As she had explained this was where she held the most tension as she worked at a desk job all day.

The menu for the home cooked meal was easy to concoct as he was a chef by trade. She was impressed by the culinary effort he had gone to accommodate her tastes.

She knew he wanted to please her and make her as comfortable as possible. He had told her she would want to come again to his home.
