
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

Chapter Thirteen.


After taking my design book successfully, I decided to talk a walk around my old neighborhood before going to that boring house and few minutes of walking I started feeling regret because Miguel just popped out of nowhere and held my hand dragging me to an abandoned building.

"Diana where have you been for the past's month now.I've been coming to your house to apologize, but Mrs. Kate said you weren't around." he said still holding me.

"Let go of me Miguel." I said in a panic strain voice. I'm freaking out, this was the same guy who almost r*ped me and now I'm all alone with him in this quiet place.

"Diana am sorry, please forgive me." he holds my hand tightly, and I winced.

"Let go, you are hurting me." I yelled, trying to hold the tears from coming out.

"I want you Diana, I really want you. My body craves for you, I don't know what's wrong with me and why haven't you been coming to my place since." he asked, and I stared at him like a maniac, this man is really unstable.

"It's none of your business, Miguel leave me alone." I tried removing his hand from mine, but it seemed impossible, Am scared nobody can rescue me.

"I need you Diana, I really do." he held my face bringing his lips to mine and I struggled to turn my face away from his, but he held me more firmly and the tears just poured out.

"Miguel Stop, please stop this am married." I cried out hoping it would save me and I almost signed in relief when he paused.

"Married, you want me to believe that" he scoffs "I don't see any f*cking ring on your finger so don't try making up any excuse because it ain't working." he said and at that moment I regretted taking my ring off, he moved his other free hand to my boobs and squeezed, Okay I've got to do something.I raised my leg and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, and he groans moving from me, so I took that opportunity to run, but I couldn't run far because he grabbed me and slapped the 'living daylights out of me' okay maybe am just exaggerating, and the taste of iron filled my mouth great he teared my lips.

"F*ck you Diana, I must fuck you so stop acting like a bloody virgin when you are a wh*re." he yelled holding my hair and made to hit me again, but someone stopped him.

"What the f*ck man?, why don't you mind your f*cking business." Miguel yelled, feeling pissed at the intruder.

"Get your stinking hands off my wife now."a voice growled, and I need no one to tell me who it was.

"Your wife, you better get the hell out of here while am still being nice." he said and Leonard punched him hard making him fall and some cops who I have no idea was here came rushing in and handcuffed Miguel who was trying to struggle out of their grip.

"We will take it from here Mr. Smiths." one of the policemen said dragging the now handcuffed Miguel to their car.

"It's not over Diana, I must have a taste of that amazing p*ssy of yours." Miguel yelled and laughed maniacally, I shuddered, feeling goosebumps on my skin.

After the police left, I was still standing at the same spot, I was feeling some pains on my cheek.

"Are you going to keep standing like a statuette, or you are going home." Leonard yelled, and I broke out from the trance I was in, walking out of the building with him following behind, He wore his mask when we got out and entered his car.

He ignited the engine and drove home at speed and within a few minutes we got home, he came out of the car and slammed the door angrily before walking in I sighed and open my side door and stepped out holding my design book tightly and walked in. I met him sitting on the couch with a bottle of wine which he was gulping in large quantity, I walked slowly to the stairs and was about to take a step when I felt a hand gripped me and I yelped then turned to see Leonard staring at him like an angry buffalo, when did he get here.

"What on earth was that Diana?"he asked with a growl.

"Nothing" I replied and that fueled his anger.

"You called that nothing, who was that motherf*cking guy?, your ex or what?"he yelled.

"He's Miguel And he's not my ex." I sighed tiredly, I don't have time for any explanation right now.

"Then What was that all about or is he your f*ck buddy." he spat out, and I stared at him in shock.

"He's not my f*ck buddy and am not like someone who cant keep his manhood in his pants." I yelled, getting pissed. I was almost r*ped and all he could do was make me hurt more.

"Oh!, this is my fault now huh you are bringing it to my side at this moment right, I've told you before Diana if you dare have an affair I promise to make you more miserable than you are now and where is your f*cking wedding ring." he asked staring at my empty finger. 'I don't see your own either' I wanted to say to him.

"Should I remind you Mr. Smiths that you told me you didn't want anyone to know we are married, so I had to pull it off, I can't waste my time wearing a f*cking ring when I know the man am married to isn't wearing his own but wh*ring around like a manwh*re." I said in one breath, gosh! That felt good.

"I want you to be putting on that damn ring from today." he said with a frown.

"I'm not doing that shit, Leonard, am not." I said, walking upstairs and the tears I was holding up poured down like a dam. I got to the room and sat on the bed thinking about what happened at the abandoned house, this is the second time Miguel tried to r*ped me and if Leonard didn't come on time, I would have been sexually abused.

I rushed to the bathroom and had a long nice bath, I came out in just my towel and I met my 'husband' sitting on the bed flipping through my design book in his hand, I didn't think twice before taking it from his hand. He didn't say anything, so I went to the dressing room and wore a top and bum shorts before coming out, he was still sitting in the bed but this time he was typing on his phone. I took my design book to go look for a suitable room for my project and as I was about to step out he spoke.

"Get something ready, am hungry." I turned to him at once, the nerve of this man.

"Excuse me." I said, and he raised his head from his phone to look at me.

"I said prepare some food, am hungry."

"When was the last time you ate the food I prepared, Am sorry Mr. Smiths I can't prepare any food that will end up in the trash can. Oh I've got an idea, why don't you call one of your sl*ts to come cook for you or better still hire a maid." I walked out and slammed the door, I walked through the hallway and found a simple room for the project.

My phone beeped, and I brought it out to see a message from the institute and also from harmony, so I opened harmony's own first. (-Daphne Really did it, am currently jobless. Want to grab a bite-) I read her texts which ends with a crying and laughing emoji, I signed and opened the one from the institute (-WE ARE HAPPY THAT YOU PARTICIPATED IN THIS PROGRAM WITH US, ALL THE MATERIALS YOU WILL NEED WILL BE PROVIDED FOR YOU, SO PLEASE MAKE A LIST OF WHAT YOU WANT AND BRING THEM TO THE INSTITUTE TOMORROW, HAVE A NICE DAY.-) well that would solve some problem, I texted harmony that I couldn't make it. I can't go out with a swollen and red face with torn lips maybe it will wear off by tomorrow.