
Most popular One

This the story about a honest guy who himself wanted to be recognised but was always set up by his seniors for there mistake like that his life was going on . He thought he could get a bonus on Christmas but was fired due to the mistake of his senior he always just wanted everybody to recognise for his hardwork. But to no avail everytime it is failed . With a saddened expression he returned to his apartment . He already knows he only has 2 days before he has to vacate this place Just in thinking he came to his house where he was greeted with a gift package . he thought maybe houseowner must a made a small gift for him with that he took the gift home Just after opening the gift he was blinded by a bright light and in his mind a voice came [ Ding Super Popular System is binded to host ]

kingstar_omega · สมจริง
10 Chs

1. Colorful light in my dark life

Hello guys my name is Jason Ash . I myself am a honest person I am 20 years old. Being an orphan I developed an inferiority complex and couldn't retort to others who have tough attitude due to this I was constantly bullied even though I complained to teacher , he always takes it as a student small fights and even punish me because .The one who constantly bullies me is the son of director of this institution so nobody cares about me even though I get good marks .

Like that my school life ended I got a seat in prestigious university due to my high grade . That day the guy who bullies me his name is John . He came to my house and broke both my legs because he couldn't get into that university but if someone voluntarily withdraw the form he can replace them . So he came to break my legs so that he can get into the university with the help of his dad .

Like that even before starting my university career ended I couldn't report on them because they have high social status where as I am only an orphan.

Then after two months my legs recovered then I got a small job in a gaming company .

Even though I had a bit of hope that my colleagues and seniors will be different in the company but alas I even there got belittled due to not having College degree and seniors and colleagues always say that everything was my fault for senior executive like that it is Christmas I thought I could get a bonus and celebrate a little .

But the senior executive didn't even gave me this month salary but fired me instead for my colleagues and seniors mistakes even though he knows who is doing mistakes . here also I couldn't retort due to social status and they are all popular .

Then I went to my small apartment I have to pay my rent in two days otherwise I couldn't even live in this place . I thought nobody will have this type of Christmas celebration. Just then I saw a gift 🎁 🎁 package near my doorstep I thought maybe it was misplaced by mistaking it for my neighbour. But I clearly saw my name on the box maybe houseowner gifted him this gift for Christmas.

Then I went inside cleaned myself and home a little then told myself and opened the gift as soon as I opened I was greeted by a dazzling golden light just as I was about to look what it was I was greeted by a sound .

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This is the sound that changed my whole life . With this I will become the Most Popular One across the world .