
Mortal Ascension System

*WSA 2024 ENTRANT* Nathan Gonzales has lived a life doing the least he can do to pass by, until he stumbled upon the Mortal Ascension System. The future is now on his hands as he uses the aid of the system to change his life for the better. A story that takes place in an separate reality, Come and find out how his story goes. P.S. How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! I would like for you to comment suggestions and possible directions for the story, this way I'll have fresh ideas for the story I'll try to upload as many times as I can per week :)

xpBoss · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Someone to Recommend

The company's daily meeting had just finished, Melissa was preparing to leave from work when her phone rang.

She picked it up and looked at the number who was calling. Her eyes widened as she saw that it was Thraia.

Their friend group had an agreement not to change numbers, and if they do, they'll text it to their friends. It was a promise from quite some time ago so she was shocked that Thraia indeed never changed her phone number. She never bothered changing her phone number so she wouldn't trouble people she knew.

Melissa answered the phone, "Hello? Melissa?"

"Melissa! Yes, it's me," Thraia said with a joyful voice. It has really been quite some time, the only time Thraia gets updates on her friends is when they post something in their socials or other people talk about them.

"It's been a while! How have you been?" Melissa sat down as she asked.

"Still the same, taking care of my kids," Thraia said with a hearty laugh.

Thraia was the first one in their group that was wed. It's been so long since then, so Melissa can't help feeling down that at her age, she still hasn't found someone as she was focused on her work. She could only sigh and be happy for her friend's family.

"That's good! So, why have you called me? Do you have anything to share," Melissa asked.

"Oh right, right, I almost forgot. I have someone to recommend." Thraia almost forgot as she was focused on hearing her friend's voice again.

"Recommend? Is that about the talent searching that our company will be doing?" It was the only thing that Melissa thought that Thraia would recommend someone into.

"Yes, the one you shared on your socials." Thraia nodded her head.

"Who do you recommend? The screening will happen two days from now." The more people who applied for the screening, the higher the chance of finding talented individuals so Melissa is not against the idea.

"Let me hang this call first, I'll share the link to you." Thraia dropped the call.

Link? Melissa didn't know what Thraia was talking about. Perhaps the person she's referring to posted a video for the company?

After a few seconds, a notification arrived on her socials. It was a link to a post.

She opened it and noticed that the person who posted the video seems to be a relative of Thraia seeing that they have the same surnames.

Melissa didn't waste any more time and clicked the video. Melissa raised an eyebrow when she heard the song. How coincidental was it that their special guest is the singer-songwriter of this song.

After the intro Nathan sang. Melissa's face couldn't keep what she was feeling, with her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

He has an amazing voice. The control and the technique, though there can still be something to improve, he's close to a professional singer who has years of experience. If she were to compare him to the original singer, she wouldn't be able to.

Melissa was excited to show this to the panel, especially to the original singer.

"They're going to be shocked from the person I'll bring into," she said to herself.

Melissa called Thraia again as soon as she finished the video.

Right after the call connected, she hurriedly asked, "Who is this man? Is he your relative?"

Thraia had a grin on her face as she said, "Was he good? That's Nathan, my son."

"Was he good? That question isn't needed, he's really good. With your son's voice, he should be famous in the social media, it's easier now to become famous compared back in the day." Melissa was confused, with a voice like that, Nathan should've been scouted already by the big companies. Who wouldn't want a fresh recruit that has high potential.

Hearing the feedback of her friend, Thraia's smile didn't leave her face.

"You see, my son did a pretty good job hiding his talent from me. If not for this post of his, I wouldn't know that he knew how to sing, amazingly at that," Thraia said.

 "So, will my son be able to join in the screening?" Thraia was really hoping that Nathan would be able to. For her, Nathan would have more chance to be successful in the music industry than in academics with the grades he has.

Neo on the side knew of his mother's intention, he wanted to speak up but he stopped. Nathan didn't tell her anything so he decided to let it be.

"Of course he'll be able to, I'll pass his name to the department. What's his name? Nathan Binks?" Melissa said.

"No, silly. I'm married now. I go by Gonzales now." Thraia laughed.

"Right, right. Nathan Gonzales then," Melissa also laughed at herself. How could she have forgotten such simple details?

"I'll be contacting you tomorrow for the update, the screening will start the day after tomorrow so just have him come after his class." Melissa instructed as Thraia said that she understood.

The call ended shortly after a few more personal conversations, talking about what was going on with their lives. They were both glad they were able to chat again after many years.

"Is that about the company you told Nathan?" Neo asked.

"Yes, if things go well, he'll be admitted to the screening, she said I should wait tomorrow for the confirmation." Thraia said excitedly.

"Go on and tell your brother. Also mention that if he passed the selection then the matter with my ring light will be forgotten, just that he doesn't use it again." Thraia instructed his son.

Neo sighed and texted his brother.

Nathan received the text as he was about to head to bed. He smiled and put it aside. Since his mother prepared it for him, there was no reason not to accept it, plus it will add to his honor and it will not be an inconvenience.

Perhaps he can also use it as a new learning experience of the real world.