
Mortal Ascension System

*WSA 2024 ENTRANT* Nathan Gonzales has lived a life doing the least he can do to pass by, until he stumbled upon the Mortal Ascension System. The future is now on his hands as he uses the aid of the system to change his life for the better. A story that takes place in an separate reality, Come and find out how his story goes. P.S. How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! I would like for you to comment suggestions and possible directions for the story, this way I'll have fresh ideas for the story I'll try to upload as many times as I can per week :)

xpBoss · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Nathan Knows How to Sing?

The current Nathan evidently shows more emotion than before, even though he was slightly aware of it. Was this perhaps the effect of the system?

His thinking hasn't changed and also his personality but it seems the emotion he gives off to is not cold anymore.

Nathan shoved his thoughts back in his mind, there was no use in thinking about it, he still controls his body and action so there's nothing to be worried about.

With the supernatural capabilities of the system, if some god is its creator, then we'll all be wiped out once we get into their nerves.

It's a give and take world, there surely must be a reason why he was given this power, so what he should do is to use it to its fullest potential.

Nathan brought the ring light to his mother's room, making sure that it was put the same way as he took it. After that Nathan went and got some sleep. So much had happened in the previous week, though technically it was just one day.

As Nathan slept so peacefully, the video that he had posted has been increasing in views rapidly, especially the people in the university, those people were the reason while the video is getting a ton of reactions.

In the Miller family's abode.

Warlock was having a cup of iced coffee while watching some movies in the living room. He was busy when all of a sudden, his phone began to ring.

The first time it happened, he just declined it, why waste time? It was his time to leisure around as he just got home from the university, he didn't want to be bothered right now.

Contrary to his expectation, the person calling him didn't stop and called again.

He was tired of it and thus he answered it angrily.

"Who is this?" Warlock answered with an angered tone.

"Sorry, were you busy?" It was a classmate of his on the other side of the phone. Warlock calmed down for a bit before saying, "What is it that you want to tell me?" Warlock softened his tone.

"Have you seen what's on social media today?" The man asked Warlock as the latter said that he hasn't touched his phone ever since he arrived home, it was only because of the call that he touched it.

"So, you don't know? Nathan posted in his account a video of him singing, and it was amazing! Does that guy have any more secrets that he hasn't told anyone? Do you know?" His classmate asked a barrage of questions, and Warlock was stunned.

Nathan knows how to sing? Even he didn't know that, though it is true that he didn't know Nathan for a very long time. With the mock test by Professor Damian as his basis, he agreed that Nathan had many secrets with him.

"No, I don't know him well enough yet. I didn't even know he was THAT smart until recently. If you hadn't told me about it now, I would have never figured it out unless I opened my socials too," Warlock reasoned.

"Besides, even if he does know how to sing, he can't be that good," Warlock laughed, he knows that singing is different from academics. It's more difficult to control your body efficiently than to stock up knowledge in the brain. No matter how much knowledge on singing Nathan rack up inside his brain, it won't make him be a good singer all of a sudden.

"Well, thanks for your info, I'll check it out now." Warlock dropped the call and headed to Nathan's account.

There really was a video posted there.

It was the very first post of Nathan since he mainly used his account for messaging others just like how Nathan asked Warlock earlier when the latter was in the car on the way home.

Nathan had just asked him about the rumors and now he had already posted a singing video, he really can't get a hold on what Nathan is thinking.

He clicked the video and let it play.

Warlock knew the beat; he recognized it as the top one song now in the country's music ranking. "Can he really live up to the ranking of the song he chose?" Warlock was doubtful if Nathan could do a good job.

He put his phone near his ear to listen to it properly. The intro was finished and Natha was about to sing.

As Nathan sang, it stunned Warlock. Nathan was really good, like really good. The singer-songwriter of the song has an impactful delivery of her song, it was something that most singers don't have. Adding to the fact on how good her voice is, no wonder the singer-songwriter is at the top of the country's music industry for 3 years in a row.

She was hailed as a music prodigy, never showing her face but her voice speaks for itself. The only known fact about her was that she's 20 years old, meaning she debuted and stayed at the top when she was just under 18. This kind of talent was rare.

Now with Nathan's video, it can be said Nathan was at this level? How crazy is that?

Warlock was drinking his ice coffee as he listened to the song, so when he heard Nathan's voice, he spat the coffee on his mouth.

He coughed and cursed, Nathan's a good singer. How come he had only learned of it now.

Warlock finished the song and looked at the reactions below the video. There were already a whopping 20,000 likes and hearts in the video.

Nathan's post has not even gotten past half an hour and it already has this many reactions?

Warlock put down the ice coffee he was drinking and dialed the number of Nathan.

It rang for a couple of seconds but none answered. Warlock called for a few more times but Nathan didn't answer.

While Warlock is hurriedly trying to contact Nathan, the said person on the other hand was having a peaceful nap; his phone shut down.

If Nathan had learned how Warlock knew of his post, then he would surely be shocked at how dumb was Warlock's move was.

Warlock could've just shut down his phone and no calls would be pestering him.

I don't know if I'll be able to upload tomorrow but I'll try my best.

Help me :) Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

xpBosscreators' thoughts