
Cultural Diffusion

I can almost guarantee that cherry had just done something in her life that probably took a toll on her, I did found her in those swamp lands looking really beat and tired, "Guess its obvious who to follow" Right it really is, so obvious I spoke it out loud and people passing by looked at me, noticing the gazes I turn red and immediately follow Krill my teacher, he said something about merging my room with Cherry so to confirm I'll go ahead and see the conversation myself so that I can tell Cherry as soon as possible after all she does need rest.

I walk through the door and into the guild master's office, from there Kara and Krill were conversing about the topic of merging the rooms. My teacher is not really that confident and good at holding conversations, me being there would be a nuisance to his already (I'm sorry to think of this) pathetic ability to negotiate so I went invisible to watch him.

Kara lets out a sigh "Look you need to stop beating around the bush I have a leaders' meeting in an hour and I really should be out of here by now" She were tapping her three fingers on the table in a time interval of 2 seconds, seriously when you compare these two side by side the aura of charisma is evident only one of them!

Krill then chuckled nervously "U-Uh Right! I'm gonna request a certain room to be merged" His hand were behind him shaking while the rest of his body weren't, teacher still has some impressive talents.

Kara then hastened the interval of her tapping her fingers "I said stop beating around the bush, who's rooms do you want to merge and why?"

Krill then lets out a quick sigh "Cherry and Se-" He doesn't even get to finish and gets cut off, teacher backed off almost too fast.

Kara then stood up from her chair "Why should I let my niece in your antics!?" She screamed from her spot

Krill nearly stumbles down from his spot "I-Its mage tradition you see! that our students study together!" Finally Krill said it all

Kara lets out a sigh "Well you finally said what you wanted, but what do you mean become your student? I know your rather excellent but why should my niece bother learning?"

Krill finally with the resolve spoke normally "Alduin and Cana's group encountered Cherry on a swamp land"

Kara then carried her paper files and organized them "How far is it from the heventue manor?"

Krill responded "Two miles" Teacher finally grew a backbone and spoke normally, it was getting quite too funny and I would have blown my cover.

Kara let out a sigh "Alright then I guess its time for me to go" Despite being invisible she stared directly to my eyes "we'll talk about this later" It were my signal to go and bail but how did she knew I were there? Krill told me if I did it that way no one would detect me!

"That was close!" I let out a sigh of relief "Oh well guess I should tell Cherry now" I walk to one of the kids in the enclave and I ask them "Where can I find Cherry?" One of the children said in response "Cherry is usually alone working in the kitchen" I nod at them and went that way And when I opened the kitchen coming out were the smell of something I have never experienced, this sensation that makes me open my mouth I walk towards Cherry and I tap her in the back "What are you making it smells good"

Cherry then looked to her right using her eyes and then chuckled "Its just Ramen"