2 Entry 2: Ghouls

Ghouls [AKA Necrophage's, Mad Men]

"Don't disrespect Ghouls kind sir, they were once folk like us, they were only maddened to the point of killing after years of solitude"

"Tell that to them when you are forcing them back with the neck of your ax, the blade of your sword or behind a fire, chances are, you'll be pissing yourself. So thank me for my work and give me a tip."

An Excrept from a conversation in between a Prince and the Renown Monster Slayer, Ardak.


Ghouls look like humans, only looking significantly more rotten, like it has been rotting for a week before it was reincarnated. Almost 5 feet tall when standing on two feet, they are nearly human if they could walk like that, instead they prefer going on all fours. They prefer to hunt in packs of 10 - 25 since they pose barely a threat to any armed person alone.

Ghouls are common where battles have happened, will happen, and mainly in areas where it is dark and a dense amount of dead, like ancient crypts or cemeteries. They can spawn either from a terrible curse or from a Vampire, whom can suck all of their blood, this also makes them a familiar of the Vampire, it isn't common for Vampires to have large numbers of Ghouls due to the simplicity of creating them.
