
Monster Apocalypse: Everyone has a System?

While Ethan was finishing up his homework for school. There was an apocalypse happening from afar. Suddenly the whole world shook, as the meteorite hit itself into the world's surface, causing what felt like an earthquake. There would be voices of people who would be heard, screaming within the place. As monsters arose and attacked innocent people, or contaminating them. When Ethan heard the screams, and saw the destruction, and madness happening outside his window. He knew one thing, as he said to himself. "Welp…Guess it's time to prepare". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First time writing and posting a novel. If there are any mistakes or misunderstandings, comment. I post every week. (Mostly on Wednesday.) (PS. I feel like it is a bit slow paced. If it is not for you, don't read.)

Mystery_8629 · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs


"Who would like to go first among the four of you?"

I stay completely still. I most definitely didn't want to go first. I don't even know what questions he is going to ask me.

Casey goes towards the younger man. He holds out his hand to her, and she puts her hand on top of his thinking that he wanted to give her a hand shake. That was not the case

"Oh, I wasn't asking for your hand for that. It's for my [Ability]. It's called [Record], it gives a higher chance for me to remember things and lets me know your tier without me having to ask you." He explained to Casey. Shaking his head while smiling at the misunderstanding.

[Quite a useless [Ability]. I can do that too.]

'What? What didn't you tell me this?! Aren't you supposed to be helping me! You're not doing a good job at it currently.'

[Sorry, Ethan. I have been withholding information. It is within good reason, but also because of my last host's wishes.]

'I'm your current host. I need all the information I can get in this new era.'

[Of course. First, let me start off by explaining what I meant when I said 'you're the only one with a system'. You're the only one with 'this' type of system. Others won't have free information like this on a silver platter. They would have to figure out most of what I'm telling you by themselves. Plus, I have multiple functions.]

'..... Alright then.'

While I was listening/reading what the system said to me, the man at the desk said that Casey was a [Tier 0] ability user.

'What is a tier?'

[ A tier for them is equal to your percentage of how good your mastery is for an ability. Currently, your percentage for air is 5%. You would be put in [Tier 0]. Tiers for you go like this:

Tier 0: 0-10%

Tier 1: 10-35%

Tier 2: 35-50%

Tier 3: 50-70%

Tier 4: 70-75%

Tier 5: 75-80%

Tier 6: 80-90%

Tier 7: 90-???]

I glanced up from looking at the screen in front of me. Kayla went up next after the man was done with writing down Casey's information.

'Is there anything else I should know?'

[I have locked some of my functions away from you, until you get stronger. Around level 5, you will be strong enough to have the functions [Scan] and [Map]. As you grow stronger, more functions will be available to you.]

'I wish I would have known this earlier. Would have been helpful.'

[My apologies.]

By the time I finished talking to the system, Michelle was done along with Kayla and Casey. I went up to him and held out my hand.

[⚠️ Warning: Outside source is trying to gain information from you. Would you like to interfere?]

'I probably shouldn't. No.'

The 'Outside source' raised their eyebrows for a second and went back down. Afterwards, he looked back up and awkwardly smiled.

"Had a bit of a problem. It took a bit longer for me to get the information I needed. Sorry, but you can go and pick a place to stay now that I'm done with all of you."

I nodded and accepted the apology.

"It's quite alright."

Then I turned back around with my friends and family.

"You are now free to explore the premises and pick a nice little place you guys can stay while I figure out what we can do."

Dan told our group of four, and went to talk to the man by the desk. I turn to leave and look around the mall for a decent place to stay. Depending on how long we are going to stay here.

Kayla came up to the front to lead the way since she pretty comes here every week.

While looking around I see a lot of people, mostly families, huddled together. Kayla found a store where we could probably stay at, but a blonde haired girl came up to us.

"Hey, did you just come here?"

Casey answered for all of us.

"Yeah, why do you ask, hun?"

She started to tear up.

"Have you seen a little boy? Around this high, has dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and has a blue shirt with blue jeans."

Casey turned back to us, silently asking if we had seen a boy like that around. All of us shook our heads no. She turned back to the blonde haired girl.

"I'm sorry hun, but none of us have seen him."

She looked quite disappointed and sad but still shakily smiled anyway.

"Well, if you ever go back out there and find him. Tell him that his big sister loves him very much and misses him. Thank you for answering my questions."

She turns around and goes back into the store she came from.

I shake my head and sigh.

'If Michelle was gone, I would feel so helpless. I don't even know if I'll be able to even keep going. A lot of people are probably like her. I'm glad I still have someone here to keep me going.'

We keep walking and go into the store Kayla showed us. It was pretty much a corner store, but much smaller. We put our bags in one corner and looked around.

Nothing of great importance was around, except for some food, somehow.

I sat down to set up a place I can sleep at, but something unexpected happened.

[Humans Mission- Defeat the Alpha

The werewolves have regrouped and declared the Alpha among them. They had decided to wipe out the human race once they had enough warriors.

Defeat the Alpha.

Time limit: 6 months

Reward: ???

Failure: The Human race wiped from existence.]


Well, what should I do now?

I looked around to see if anyone else had seen the mission. With how I saw them looking dazed in front of them, and the surprised looks on their faces, I had my answer.

Michelle looked toward me.

"We're kinda fucked over now aren't we?"

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