
Monarch of Entertainment

INDEFINITE HIATUS (Read the chapter with the same title to understand why but mostly because I am exhausted due to personal circumstances and want to focus on writing another fanfic idea) At least 2k words per chapter. *** Time:- 1992 Location:- unspecified. *** "Heh, Who would have thought it would just take a single box office hit to stop them from coming after my armour" Tony snickeringly said while he was reading the newspaper in his hands. *Scribble scribble* "Who pissed you off enough to use that notebook." Tony curiously asked a man with blue eyes sitting infront of him. "Some wannabe time traveler." The man with blue eyes said as he wrote 'Nathaniel Richards' including a graphic description on what would happen to him on a black leathered notebook. "Oh, anyways which superhero movie are you planning to release next?" Tony didn't bother and asked what he was actually curious about. "Probably the X-Men, Xavier has been nagging me recently" The man with blue eyes said as he relaxed back into his chair. Before Tony could comment A knock was heard from behind him as a Female voice said "Luke, Odin has sent the list of repairs they had to do because of Goku." Which caused Luke the man with blue eyes to rub his forehead as he muttered "Sigh... Why did I think it would be a good idea to summon him..." *** Anyways hopefully you liked the synopsis, that was a foreshadowing to a future Luke is an OC or self insert. Yes he is a reincarnator. Yes this is a harem but it's more so me trying to wingman him than him being horny, he much rather spend most of his day trying to get rich or explore the other universes. The entire plot of the marvel is fucked, so don't worry about canon stuff, Consider it entirely AU with just the character existing with new background information. Yes there is also a system. Yes He will visit more than one universes after chapter 5. so be warned Anyways join my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN, if you wanna.

Rillik · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 013: Courting Death.


Previous chapter recap:-

Luke reached lvl 147 and gained his Class 'Monarch of Entertainment'. After realizing he could loot anything he wanted in the dungeon, he immediately went to all the top gold vaults in the world and looted all the gold he could, which amounted to 20,000 metric tons.

Chapter 13


After nodding at the collection of Gold. He decided to enter his Pocket dimension. To him it appeared as if he switched places by merely blinking. His surroundings resembled a refined throne room with distinct hints of Technology and at the perfect spot there stood a mechanical throne.

Luke was curious but he was more interested in the activities of his soldiers who he had sended to wakanda so they could gather all the vibranium. He had already noticed the absence of black panther within the avengers as if they never met in this dungeon timeline.

Thus after confirming with Friday, He quickly dispatched Hyeon, the strongest among them to quickly visit wakanda a few hours ago.

The army of 9999 was sorted within the pocket dimension as one of its crucial benefits was the ability of using other summoned characters as teleportation anchors,thus achieving pseudo instant transportation.

Luke upon exiting the throne room immediately noticed Shion and Hyeon standing outside as they bowed to him then they led him to the vault section of this castle.

He was somewhat surprised to discover from them that this whole area was a floating castle within an empty void as before he had the impression this would be like a village territory.

While following them and listening to their description of the castle he did notice a competitive tension between them as they both tried to explain what they knew about this castle. but he didn't bother to do anything about it as it didn't seem to escalate beyond that.

A T-HobGoblin who seemed to be in charge of the auditing saluted him like a knight as he reported that they had so far collected 9,000 metric tons of vibranium from the vaults of Wakanda.

Luke was content with it but when the auditor said they didn't have the technology and machinery needed to properly utilize the vibranium, he furrowed his burrows for a moment but immediately relaxed as he told Hyeon to lead him to the Teleportation Bay.

Soon he casually teleported within Wakanda's server room with the others then Luke pulled out Friday and told her to dismantle Wakanda's security so she could store all the technological Data.

Friday compiled but she faced a significant resistance almost immediately, Hyeon noticing it utilized her own brain as the anchor to smoothen the process. Within a minute they successfully managed to obtain all the data they needed.

Friday also notified Luke about a few emergency vaults which contained a large amount of vibranium, Luke almost immediately teleported to the closest soldier to that area.

Thankfully the vibraniums were stacked very well in cubic shapes, thus within the last few minutes, he managed to gather around 6,000 metric tons of extra vibranium.

Soon Luke came out of the class dungeon, Thankfully all his soldiers were deposited into his pocket dimension at the last minute else he would have regretted if they were accidentally left behind.

Luke after looking at the time realized it had only been an hour despite him being inside the dungeon for 3+ days.

Overall, Luke was pleased with this endeavor. He got to level 147,Got a powerful class. He had even collected the unique brand of weapons the avengers had. But most importantly he now had 20,000 Metric tons of gold and 15,000 Metric tons of vibranium.

Regretfully Luke couldn't find anything about adamantine when he had asked Friday, But he particularly didn't mind it.

Luke had already seen Wolverine's pictures in his Grandpa's Photo album and His grandpa also told stories related to him when Grandpa was part of the howling commandos.

So Luke deduced he just needed to have a 'Friendly' conversation with Stryker about 'their' Adamantine.


Luke's Life didn't change much from before. Soon it was already January of 1983 and he published Transformers as a continuation of his Terminator series.

He received it on his 12th birthday, which was yet another pleasing birthday Gacha as he had received

<How 10 to lose a guy in days>

<Charlotte >

The first two he didn't know much about thus he shelved it for the future.

<Rick and Morty>

He was genuinely happy he got this but he was troubled if he should publish it as he would have to follow the norms people have towards technology in this era.

<inuyashiki >

Luke felt baffled when he saw this as he felt someone was intentionally trying to give him all mechanical life form related franchises.

<Sophie's choice>


<Kill la kill>

Neat but shelved, Luke felt he was a bit too young right now to publish it considering its contents.

<Simpsons >

He immediately registered the Story concept and ideas in the writer's guild.

<Pirates of the Caribbean>

Luke contemplated if he should mix this with the one piece world, it would be interesting as He felt Jack sparrow would definitely fit into the Rocks and Roger's Era. He was very tempted but he still decided to wait until he either published one piece or acquired Shonen Jump.

<Transformers >

Luke was genuinely convinced someone was trying to turn him into the Monarch of technology especially considering his affinity with that class. He did copyright and trademark the story. As while This would have been released in 1984 it was better to be safe than sorry.

<Dragonball >

He was excited but far less than when he got the slime series afterall he bitterly knew this would be yet another 10 trillion IPs franchise key. but he nonetheless copyright and trademarked it since he knew Toriyama would likely publish this in 1983. He did secretly make a promise to himself that he would help his career once he brought shonen jump

Soon it was February of 1983, Luke thought his life would stay stable and Blissful. But disaster struck. Well sort of. His dad lost his job in DC comics.


"It's alright, You are talented, I am sure another studio will be happy to have you" Eve, Luke's Mom tried to comfort his Father, Mark.

"Sigh… I know but I was so close to finally getting the chance to draw The Justice league…" Mark said emotionally.

Luke knew his dad was an avid fan of the justice league. If he was considered a marvel nerd in his previous life then his dad would be the DC nerd. He did feel ironic when he discovered it.

But he also understood the pain his dad felt right now. He had also been rejected by Marvel repeatedly, even sued by them when he had started writing fanfics about Marvel because it had gotten too popular. They even dared to shamelessly steal his idea afterwards.

Luke gently hugged and comforted his Dad, as he knew he cherished him very much even saying Luke was his greatest achievement as an artist.

When Sullivan and his grandson had visited Sullivan expressed his desire to Recruit Mark, but he was still somewhat sulking and thus politely rejected it for now.

Soon it was April and yet again disaster struck, Luke's Mom, Eve got fired from her Job as a lawyer. Which seemed to ring alarm bells in Luke's mind.


'Both of my parents got fired in such a short time' Luke frowned as he thought deeply while sitting on his throne.'My intuition tells me it's not a coincidence… then who…'

Luke thought hard but couldn't think of any reason someone would target his parents until he realized something. His grandpa was part of the howling commandos.

'Hydra.' Luke thought as he expanded upon that. 'Peggy and Howard were most likely the founders of shield in my timeline as well… hmm makes sense.'

The more Luke contemplated the more he felt sure of it but he didn't treat it as a fact he casually said out loud "Notify Hyeon and Shion. I need them."

Almost immediately countless eyes glowed in a shadowy manner in the throne room. They were the Shadow Guards formed by Hyeon to 'Ensure' Luke's Safety from nonexistent threats.

Within 5 seconds, He heard a knock and Hyeons's voice was heard asking for permission to enter.

Just as he gave the permission he saw Shion with a scowl on her face as she was sweating behind Hyeon. It seems she missed the chance to arrive First. They both quickly bowed before him similar to knights.

"Investigate the circumstances of why my parents lost their job despite being so dedicated and skilled at it." Luke casually gave a command while his hand was below his chin. "I suspect foul play towards my parents to undermine my family."

Almost immediately cold blood chilling Auras filled the throne room yet Luke appeared unaffected he lightly elaborated "From my deduction, It should be an organization called 'Hydra', They are essentially cockroaches. Very invasive and hard to eradicate."

"You can use the Shadow legion to investigate,just make sure ordinary people don't notice your existence" Luke said after a bit contemplating. "I don't want to prematurely expose our existence to all other supernatural related organizations"

"And most importantly… Do not die. I could resurrect you but it will be detrimental to the development of my plans." Luke lightly added since it would cost at least 10 million IPs to revive one excluding their rank cost.

Shion and Hyeons Acknowledged as they were given permission to leave. Luke's eyes looked at them walking away slowly. Definitely not at their assets. 'Hmm, I should start meditating so such unnecessary distractions don't occur.' Luke thought after looking away.


Time:- 9pm, 2nd of May, 1983, Monday

Location:- Luke's throne room.


Luke liked sitting on his throne, it was very comfortable despite appearing metallic and hard. It was actually kinda similar to a slime, very squishy and comfortable along with the passive exp he received while sitting and Friday as the smart movie protector it was truly bliss for a procrastinator.

Aside from that Luke was currently listening to the investigation they conducted and lo behold, He was right. Hydra was involved.

They managed to capture some hydra lackeys using Legilimency and then used memory related spells to extract all valuable information. Using that method they gradually managed to find more targets higher up in the cockroach organization.

Luke noted that this Hydra was in their adolescent period, Already having a solid foundation they had decided to expand and plant their spies everywhere way back in 1980.

They already had at least 3 confirmed different heads, The one targeting his family belonged to the Baron Strucker's group, the largest and also the most extremist among them.

Luke did remember hearing some stories from his grandpa about them confronting someone named with that multiple times and if he remembered correctly at least in the comics he was the one who founded Hydra after collecting the remnants of Red skull's group.

'Hmmm, The best way to deal with this group of cockroaches is to firmly control them and their numbers.' Luke contemplated as he didn't have any means to instantly eradicate everyone related to that organization yet.

After contemplating for some time he decided to fast-forward his plans somewhat. Luke looked at the duo in front of his throne as he said "Well done, I am very satisfied with your contribution."

"Hyeon, select at maximum 2500 subordinates who are very stealthy and are good at collecting information, then lead them to form an external organization known as 'Shadow'. They will act as the medium through which we would gather information and resources from the underworld." Luke first addressed Hyeon.

"Shion, I will tell my parents soon that I want to open a publishing studio. You will apply for the Secretary position and help me manage it." Luke told Shion whose eyes light up hearing this.

"And finally, Find me some Hydra bases, especially the ones where they might be conducting research on superhuman beings preferably X-gene related." Luke said then with a capitalistic smile he added "Also look for the bases where they store their valuable resources"

Both Hyeon and Shion acknowledged then left the throne room.

'Hmmm, I should spin my birthday Gacha now.' Luke thought.

<Ballet shoes>


<Dahmer- Monster>

'Hmm, I should kill him now that I have the means to.' Luke casually contemplated while Shelving the card to the farthest corner of his inventory.

<Pokemon >

Luke smiled as he found one of his starting books for his studio.

<Miss Peregrine's Home for peculiar childrens>

Luke did have some impression of this movie but shelved it for now, he could probably treat it as a spin-off series in the Harry Potter franchise considering the series was about to end this year.

<The disastrous life of saiki>

'Watmart Rimuru' Luke smiled as he joked to himself.

<Star vs The forces of evil>

Luke bitterly smiled as he thought 'I didn't like the ending… felt too forced.' he then shelved it for later.

<The little mermaid>

Luke was amused and pleased as he had previously received Lion King. He felt it was a proper way to have his revenge against Disney because of their attitude towards him in his previous life.

<Fate >

Luke quickly checked the description and confirmed it was indeed the fate series he was very familiar with. He did have a very basic understanding of this series but he hoped he would be able make the timelines more streamlined.

<The watchman>

Luke mused he could use it as one of the first books on his studio, to him this felt like the perfect way to counter DC comics.

<Fullmetal alchemist: Brotherhood>

Luke contemplated then decided he would publish that along with Dragon ball and The watchman.

He opted to shelve Pokemon for later as he didn't want to overwhelm the market and indirectly compete with his own books.

He had so far published Terminator and Ninja Turtles which ended in 1981, In 1982, He published Saga of Rimuru Tempest and Danny Phantom, while Harry Potter was still continuing and would end this year.

He had published Transformers early this year. Thus in total he had 6 franchises under him.


Time:- Mid May, 1983.

Location:- a secret base, Alberta, Canada, near the town of Roanoke.


"How is the progress?" An aged Baron Strucker asked.

"We have managed to replicate Subject X-3's Healing Factor, We should be able to see concrete results after at least three more months, Sir" A Scientist answered to his superior.

"Hmm, Good job, if you manage to build a stable X-Serum, I will recommend you for the promotion this year." Strucker said while greedily looking at a coma tossed man whitin the chamber.

'Soon…' Strucker thought while his aged hand was pressed against the glass wall but he soon heard a commotion. He frowned as he exited the room and asked "What's happening?".

"Reporting Sir, Subject X seemed to be showing signs of Instability, It is the latest edition of our experiment, We have given it X-3's Healing Factor and X-5's Speed factor, Subject X was stable until they received X-6's Power- '"

Before the solider could continue a rough yet loud voice sounded from the room. "The fuck kind of story is this! Get to the fucking plot already! This is supposed to be 'Monarch of Entertainment' not 'Monarch of Side-tracking'! "

Strucker frowned as he moved to the room the shouts were coming from. He quickly spotted a man who's body seemed to be constantly being repaired and Damaged. He raised his eyebrow as he asked "What's happening to him?".

"Sir, Subject-X was a late stage Cancer Volunteer, we expected X3's Healing Factor to heal him but it seemed to create a paradox-" Before the soldier could finish speaking yet again the man yelled "Stop editing the story! It's fuckin confusing,You ocd pampered bitch of a Author, Just stick to the plot. Hmm this dialogue is better, also the fuck did you mean by 'Cancer mercenary' it sounded weird."

Strucker frowned deeped as he listened to the gibberish Subject X was spouting, He quickly ordered "Sedate him,My brain already hurts just by listening to him-"

"Fuck you Strucker! You are only a Puppet of him! He is just a petty dumbass brokeass Autho-" The man couldn't say anything more as he was quickly put to slumber.

Strucker rubbed his forehead to calm himself. As he mumbled "I need to take my meds…"


Time: Morning, Early September, 1983.

Location: Luke's School.


Luke was walking to the cafeteria with Tony and Emma as they chatted about Luke's newly Opened Publishing company.

Yet abruptly Emma let out a scream as she fainted. Luke frowned as he checked her pulse 'Strange.'

They quickly took her to the school infirmary, where she woke up after fifteen minutes, after ensuring To the school nurse she didn't need any Ice.

Emma told Luke and Tony about what she was feeling. "I can sense the emotions and thoughts of everyone around me… it's very nauseating, thankfully Occlumency seems to help a lot."

Luke Inwardly let out a sigh as he knew Xavier was about to visit soon and Lo Behold after an hour, he was there.

'I didn't know there were so many powerful Mutants here…' Xavier thought as he curiously looked at Luke, Tony and Emma.

His passive emotion detector seemed to feel a resistance towards all of them yet the strongest was Luke's who appeared as if he was devoid of emotions. Which didn't make sense to Xavier as even small insects had emotions.

"Well, Allow me to introduce myself, I am Charles Xavier or better known as Professor X, The headmaster of Hogwa- *cough* Headmaster of Gifted Youngsters. Have you recently felt any changes in your body?" Charles said and asked Politely.

Tony gave a glance at Luke as he said "Yeah, Luke is more horny than usual-" but changed his sentience when he received a mysterious slap on the head.

"I mean he is taller than usual." Tony reluctantly corrected.

"I see…" Charles smiled lightly at their antics as it reminded him of his time with Eric. Then continued with a more serious tone "Did you guys perhaps experience any supernatural behavior…?" He immediately noticed the slight movements of Tony and Emma who seemed to fidget.

"Uh, Not that we know of any." Luke answered with narrowed eyes. Charles didn't detect a lie yet that convinced him even more that this boy was very special and seemed to be the leader among them.

"Very well, If you ever need any help, please contact this number, We will try to help you as much as possible" Charles said with a sigh as he handed each of them a card with a number on it.

'A pity, They seemed to have a lot of potential but I don't want to force them… it will only be detrimental.' Charles thought as he rolled out- used his wheelchair to casually enter the limousine he came in.

Luke looked at Charles as he thought 'Interesting… he doesn't seem that bad… at least he didn't try to rape my mind the first time around… not that he could if he didn't want to become a vegetable.'


Word count:- 3194

Author's section:-

What do you think about this chapter? This marks the beginning of the actual saga, the next chapter you will probably read more about his studio and the progress of his organization, unless you want to read something else lol.

Oh also special thanks to 'Woutt' for reminding me of wakanda, I actually forgot about them and vibranium, Hopefully the explanation in the beginning was reasonable enough.

Btw read the auxiliary chapter 'Basic explanations' if you want to see his status page at the end, All I can say is the new level cap is 3000 or XxX rank,

Someone commented in the first review's reply section about how it is ridiculous for Luke to level up so fast, which I disagree with. He is at most A planet level entity right now. To give an example, Thanos in my fanfic would easily one shot him if they meet right now.

But do let me know if you think the previous chapter was unreasonable, I have tried to explain in that very chapter on how difficult it is to level up using exp, Like it took him two while years of grinding (Within The Harry Potter Pocket-dimension) to reach level 40, so tell me why wouldn't he make use of this opportunity to level up as much as he could.

I don't want to unnecessarily handicap my own protagonist, as it feels like I am being unfair to my own child. So if there is any advantage he could gain in a situation, I will do my best to let him obtain it if it's reasonable.

Also About the Alexander Creed being a regressor, tbh a reader named 'Mamdouh_ Mohamed' (Very nice name) and 'George_Vasilu' expressed concern about the Him being a competition to Luke.

I explained at least to Mohamed that I intended to make Him a close friend of Luke, not a rival, because why would I add redundant forced drama?

The reason I wanted to make Alex a regressor is due to that being the unique stuff about Universeless's version of Alexander aside of his personality. Otherwise I don't see any benefits from it.

Thus I plan to keep this Alexander as a normal prodigious child who is learning under Luke on how to do everything like drawing, coding and so on, So Mentor-Student Relationship.

If you have any objections, let me know, Also do explain in detail your reasonings, I love reading them and also replying to it.

If you are interested, consider joining my discord server, it feels lonely, thankfully Dain, an active reader is there but it still feels empty lol.

Here's the link:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN

The main benefit is, you would be able to interact with me thus suggesting feedback directly and also sometimes reviewing certain parts of the chapter I would release. There is also a bot game there which would allow you to purchase roles in the discord server. Dain seems to love it lol.

Anyways byebye stay safe and hydrated and healthy, See you on Sunday! Prepare your stones for that day since weekly powerstones reset and I would need them that day.

Here's the link of my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN

Rillikcreators' thoughts