
Modern Tech Magic Academy System

In the world of Aegis, mages roam around the world. They condense the surrounding magic into elements, thus creating fireballs and kinds of stuff. However, becoming a mage isn't easy as you think, that's why Magic Academies were built. Magic Academies help ordinary people become mages. One day, a modern student was reincarnated in the world of Aegis with a system. The system set a goal for him, which is to build the world's best Magic Academy. Will he prevail as the strong? Or will he become an ant waiting to be slaughtered?

DevilishSeraphim · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Upgrade Crystal: Part II

I walked right past the two brothers, not caring about their fights. George thought,

'Well, it is normal for me not to interfere as that is not my business. If those two are gonna be important to me then I will at least try to stop their fights.'

If he only knew that these are gonna be so important to him in the future... Well that was all in the future.

As George walked right pass them, the two brothers didn't care about him as they was all to busy at fighting each other.

George saw a huge hall in the auction house, there was no gate or anything, it was simply opened. He thought,

'Are they oozing with confidence that they didn't make any door to protect the auction house? At least put guards here to ensure their safety.'

He sighed, he continued walking towards the hall. At the right besides him, there was a door with a sign "Only Employees and Sellers" in it.

On the left was a huge door, you can fit 4 doors inside it if you have to conpare the door to normal door. The door was made with metal made for defense. He wondered,

'How come this room is protected, while the auction house is left unprotected. Are they stupid?!'

Wondering what was inside the room for a door to have an unimaginable defense like that, he thought it was important.

He strode inside only to see two guards standing by the door, they looked like they were the one who guards the entrance.

He wondered once again, why didn't the guards stop me, if they were the one guarding the entrance?

After he walked inside, he saw many armor stands and cases standing at each and every corner. In the middle was an armor stand.

The armor stand in the middle donned a glittering armor, the glittering armor exerted aura that could make a ordinary person frown at its pressure.

Good thing that George wasn't an ordinary person, he was an ordinary person but a reincarnated one too.

Seeing this armor, George exclaimed in a shock expression,

"Peak Silver-Tier Artifact. Holy crap, this I think will be the best thing to be sold here, just this artifact sold for a minimum of 50k magic crystals for its defense and good flexibility. They said that once an artifact is worn, you would feel invincible, but of course, that was all rumors. But seeing this armor, I think that, that the rumors was right! You would feel invincible just by wearing this armor!"

George thought in his mind,

'Just like there are tiers of magic and mages, there are also tiers in artifacts which helped rank those artifacts. The first tier and the weakest is the bronze-tier artifact, second is silver-tier artifact, third is gold-tier artifact, platinum-tier artifact, and lastly is diamond-tier artifact. But there were also some special cases like growth-type artifact, where you can upgrade the tier of the artifact depending on its requirement. There were also explosive-type, just as the name implies, the artifact explodes, the tier of explosive-type artifact is set, no body can change it except for artifact master, one of the professions beside mage.'

George even had the thought of stealing this armor, but there were too many guards around him to catch him stealing an armor.

Seeing the cases around in the room, George finally knew what this room is, it is like a museum, they show what will be the most prized that will be sold in this auction, so that's why it is so protected.

For every case in this room, there were at least one guard standing by its side to protect it from robbers. That's why the room looked so packed when George entered the room.

George walked around the room yo see what was inside the cases and the armor stands, in every case was a bronze-tier artifact, which the worth is like his Upgrade Crystal, costing at 10k magic crystals.

As George didn't know how to sell things here in the auction house, he initiated a talk to the two guards standing at the entrance.

"Mr. Guard, may I know how you can sell your items here in the auction house, this is my first time selling an item here, you see..."

The guard at the right spoke while the guard in the left didn't care about me. The guard at the right spoke in a cold voice,

"Hm, follow me, since you don't know the way to the testing room, I shall lead you, but don't mistake me for being generous, this will be the first time and the last time I'll lead you to that room. Follow right behind me."

Well, George didn't mind the cold treatment, he thought it was normal as he, a ordinary guy, bothering a guard will make that guard be cold to you.

The guard started to walk towards the right, where a door was situated, George followed right behind him.

After walking closer to the door, the guard suddenly halted, he spoke in a cold voice once again,

"Hm, this is as far I can lead you to, only employees and sellers like you are only allowed here, guards such as me can't walk in. Farewell." he said then he left the area George was in, going back to his original position.

Even if the guard was cold to him, George was thankful to him as he led George to the testing room.

George opened the room, and what greeted George's eye were....

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Once again, thank you guys for reading my novel, please vote powerstones to my novel as it is in WPC#92. Thanks