
Ruin her

Anastasia was not the only one who could not sleep. The Duchess paced in her room for most of the night. She was angry that her husband dared to threaten her.

"What should I do?" she bit her middle finger, an action she displayed whenever she felt frustrated.

"Should I get her killed?" The Duchess wondered. After thinking of this, she shook her head. She knew she would be the first suspect once something happened to Anastasia.

Her husband's warning before she left his study played in her head. In the years she had married the duke, he had not been as firm as he was this time. Even if he disagreed with her decision, he would at least promise to think about it.

"Leah," Duchess Anita called.

"Yes, your grace," Leah rushed inside as soon as she was called. Since they left the study, the Duchess had made her stand outside her door. No matter how tired she was, she did not dare leave.

"Have you investigated what happened in the house when we left earlier?" Duchess Anita asked. She felt she might find a breakthrough. She was unconvinced that the emperor would specially request to marry the daughter of a mistress to his favorite prince.

So, the only explanation was that something had happened earlier that made her husband decide to allow that woman's daughter to marry the crown prince.

"Your Grace, Miss Maria is attending a friend's party tomorrow. I heard she invited Lady Elisabeth and that girl to come alone. My lady must have hated the idea and wanted to stop it. Who would have expected that maid not to play along and threaten to hit the gong, accusing the kitchen of poisoning their master? The kitchen women were scared to lose their heads. Those fools, instead of beating up that maid and locking her up, they let her go free. The news spread around the resident. When His Grace returned, the news must have reached his ears, so he sent for that girl. Nobody is sure of the content of their discussion, but that girl or her stupid maid has not stepped out of her courtyard since," Leah answered.

As the right hand of the Duchess, it was easy for her to find out the ins and outs of the situation.

"I also tried to get the news out of Steward Munan; he only warned that the wind of the resident was about to change," Leah added after a pause.

The Duchess was furious after she heard this, "That stupid maid, she must pay," she roared angrily. She knew she had her way all the while because the duke looked the other way. Duchess Anita also felt that her husband's decision to marry Anastasia to the crown prince was because of the rumors. After all, Anastasia was still his daughter.

How could he sit and do nothing if he heard that she was almost poisoned? "I want you to accompany my daughter tomorrow when she goes out with her teacher," a cold glint flashed across her eyes.

Leah nodded, although she did not know what decision the duke made, but from Steward Muman's words and the Duchess's action, she could guess that Anastasia was now under the duke's protection.

"At the party tomorrow..." Duchess Anita lowered her voice as she instructed Leah. If she could not make her husband change his mind, then she would ruin Anastasia's reputation. If she was ruined, how would she still be fit for the royal family?


When Anastasia woke up again, it was morning. She sat on the bed, and the conversation with her father the previous night felt like a dream.

"Would my life here at the Duke's mansion change if I am engaged to the crown prince?" she asked herself.

"knock knock,"

The familiar rude knocking sounded at the door. Leah would always come to knock at her door if she did not get up earlier.

"I guess not," Anastasia shook her head as she got up to change her clothes. She knew the duchess and her daughter would not let her marry the prince. "I better stop daydreaming," Anastasia sighed as she kissed her mother's portrait.

"My lady," Leah's impatient voice comes from outside the door. Anastasia was accustomed to it, so she ignored it and finished changing.


Anastasia pulled the door open when Leah was going to knock on it again. She expected her to hit or scold her, but Leah dropped her hand and forced a smile.

"Good morning, my lady, " the tone of her voice sounded humble, taking Anastasia by surprise.

"what is she up to? " Anastasia wondered, but she nodded in response, not showing any fear or discomfort in her gaze.

"My lady, her grace realized you would become a woman in a few days. She feels that Rosa alone might not be able to serve you. So these two maids were assigned to your courtyard, " Leah said. She did not act superior like she always did. Her gaze seemed clear, but Anastasia felt her body tense up.

Her father told her about his plans to marry her to the crown prince the previous evening. If anything, the Duchess should be angry with her and looking for a way to get back at her.

It did not make sense for her to suddenly start acting like a caring mother unless these maids were sent to murder her, not serve. Anastasia looked at the two maids that were standing behind Leah. She did not pay attention to the two when she came out. The two maids looked to be around her age, but they looked skinny, proof of their lack of nutrition.

"I appreciate her grace favor, " Anastasia said. She pretended to be genuinely happy; after all, only when the Duchess lowered her guide would she be able to pick some flaws and save herself.

When Leah saw her happiness, she mocked her in her heart. 'Fool. '

"I will tell her grace how pleased you are, " Leah said before turning around and walking away. Anastasia was surprised she did not mention anything about Elisabeth's bathing spices.

"What are your names?" Anastasia asked the two maids that were left behind.

"I am Dorata, I turned eighteen this month," one of the maids answered. She looked pretty confident and the opposite of her weak look. Anastasia could tell from her small gesture that this maid did not take her as her master. She had omitted courtesy when she answered her question.

"My name is Nile, and I am seventeen, my lady," the second maid sounded humble; she lowered her head when she spoke.

"Are you new to th Duke resident?" Anastasia asked. Her question was directed to the two, but her gaze was fixed on Nile. Although she acted appropriately, Anastasia was worried that she was good with pretends. After all, with two maids, it was easy for them to play the game of the angel and demon.

"my lady, I used to serve at the main building. I wash her grace and my lady's clothes," Nile answered. There was no change in expression; she looked honest.

Anastasia did not believe her honest gaze. The fact that she served the Duchess and her daughter, even if she had no significant role, made her uncomfortable. 

"you," Anastasia turned to the second maid.

"I am new to the resident. I used to serve in his grace vineyard," Dorata answered.

"since you used to work in the vineyard, then you should have much strength. Fill the water for my bath and tidy the outer courtyard," Anastasia instructed. Given how carefully the Duchess acted, she believed the two maids before her would not play any trick that morning. Anyway, if they make a mistake, she could also use it as an excuse to punish them and send them to the horse stable.

"you will continue to deal with the laundry in this courtyard," Anastasia said, fixing her gaze on Nile. 

"Rosa," she called out, remembering she had not seen her since she woke up. More so, Rosa was smart; she could trust her to keep her eyes on those two maids.

Anastasia frowned when she did not hear any response.