
MMORPG : Return of the Void Emperor

In outer region of sector R,there is a 17-year-old boy screams in joy with tears in his eyes said"hahaha....it worked the watch of Chronos worked". After he controlled his emotion he said, "I have travel back in time before the release of NEXUS, I have time of 3 years before the codex happens". NEXUS is a MMORPG game that is popular in future where a more than quarter of the world population plays the game, it is a place where dreams come true where a poor person can become rich in one night. But what many people don't know is that after 5th year anniversary of NEXUS is when the energy called mana enter into the world and the apocalypse begun. "I know future events that others have no idea about that gives me the lead, but my path will not be easy. This time i protect my loved ones and stand at the pinnacle of power "he said.Dev doesn't know that this is the beginning of his story. ********************************************************************************************************* Hey guys this is the author of the MMORPG:Return of the Void, this is my first novel and English is not my first language but if there is any error you can comment on and i try to improve the mistakes i make.

Shadowss · เกม
12 Chs

6.Level up

Horned rabbits are terrified of dev they know that the human in front of them have become stronger than before. Their instincts are screaming to run but before they could move dev arrived in front of them and slash downward to hit one of them. The steel sword which is coated with blue color have passed through the skin of a horned rabbit like a butter and splits him in half.

When dev gets his first kill, he feels energy coursing through his body which make him starts to feel more powerful than before he enters the forest.

'So, this is the feeling of level up huh. It feels better than what they say' he thought to himself.

He quickly stopped his rained of thought and focused on the remaining beasts. When the rabbits saw him killing a one of his kin they were in rage and neglect to see that Dev have level up and try to kill him.

When dev see that they ran towards him he uses his sword to slash at the near one to which the attack is blocked by the horn of the beast. But unlike last time he didn't fall backwards but the rabbit is sent backwards and slammed on the land.

He quickly gains control over his body and starts to attack the remaining beast.

Since his body is enhanced by mana the attack of rabbits does not damage him much and he kills them before his mana reserve become empty.

After dealing with the two rabbits, he starts to move towards the last horned rabbit and thrust his sword towards the heart of the beast.

Dev starts to feel the same energy he feels minutes ago, the energy starts to empower his body and he level up.

He then access his system and view the notification he received during the fight.

Congratulation the user has learned the skill: Basic mana manipulation.

Congratulation the user has learned the skill: Basic mana enhancement.

Congratulation the user has learned the skill: Basic mana coating.

Congratulation the proficiency of basic swordsmanship has increased.

Congratulation the proficiency of basic mana manipulation has increased.

Congratulation the proficiency of basic mana enhancement has increased.

Congratulation the proficiency of basic mana coating has increased.

Congratulation the user has killed a level 3 horned rabbit.

Congratulation the user has killed a level 3 horned rabbit.

Congratulation the user has killed a level 3 horned rabbit.

Congratulation the user has killed a level 3 horned rabbit.

Congratulation the user has leveled up.

Congratulation the user has leveled up.

Name: Azazel













Skills: Basic swordsmanship(tier:0(31%)), Basic mana manipulation(tier:0(17%)), Basic mana enhancement(tier:0(13%)), Basic mana coating(tier:0(13%)).




(*For every level 1 point will be added to all the stats and 5 stats points will be given.

*For those who are wondering when players leveled up in NEXUS only mana and stamina will be restored. Not health)

A smile appeared on the face of dev as he looks at the interface.

'Who would think that my job as a miner will be helpful to defeat a horned rabbit' dev become happy that his hard work is not unnoticed.

In the past it is necessary for the miner to learn the basics of mana manipulation, enhancement and coating to a certain level so they can use it to mine faster.

As dev is grinning from ear to ear until he notices stat points and starts to think where to assign them.

'Since i have high stat points in strength, agility and endurance i should focus on the other three. Let's see the mana is necessary to fight against the boss and vitality is important for the increase of health. Since i don't have use for perception i will now neglect that' he thought.

In the dev assigned 4 to intelligence and 4 to vitality which brought his mana to be 55 and health to 95, he stored the remaining stat point for an emergency purpose.

He takes deep breath and starts to enter the forest. As he walks deeper, he views the success rate of the mission is increased by 2% and see that half an hour has passed.

After 3 hours in NEXUS.

In the west side of the forest the pack of wind wolf and a human are facing each other. There is a trial of bodies behind the human as he grins ear to ear facing against the pack of wolves who are growling at him.

The human who is smiling at the wolves is dev as he ended up massacring many beasts of different level.

When the pack of wind wolves smelled blood of their kin, they follow the trials to find that a human has slain his kind. The wind wolves are around 300cm in height and famous for their speeds among all the low leveled beast as they are considering the fastest.

The group of wind wolves have slowly surrounded dev.

Dev looks at all the angle and found there is no path for escape. He takes a deep sigh and readies his sword to face the wolves.

The surrounding wolves are started to sprint towards him, he started to run as he turn backwards and ready to confront the wolves.

He crouches himself when the wolf which is near him jumped at him as he uses this chance to slash upwards to kill the wolf. When another wolf near to him have taken this chance to bit him he opens his inventory and takes out a stake to thrust in the eye of the wolf and run without turning his head as the remaining wolves followed him.

When two wind wolves have catches up to him and pound on him, he slashes the sword diagonally to cut the throat of them. Another uses this chance to bite his left hand and nearly ripped off when dev thrust the sword in the head.

When dev takes a health potion from the inventory and drink it it his hand starts to regrow. As he looks at the remaining wind wolves and the alpha.

As he tries to sprint towards them to end this, he feels a projection of wind coming in his way as he moves from the place, the wind in the shape of sword have hit the place he was standing before.

He turns his face to the alpha of the pack as the creature is responsible for the wind slash. Dev knows that alpha of the pack won't let him near the remaining wolves.

Dev steps back outside the range of wind slash which is near 5m, he takes a deep breath and holds the sword as a spear and starts to empower himself and the sword as a light blue furiously emits from it.

When he finished doing it, he aims the sword at the alpha and throws at him.

When the remaining wolves are distracted by the approach of sword he uses the chance to get near the wolves and take the last stake to kill two wolves.

As he moves towards the last wolf, it turns his head and begin running towards him in rage. Dev understand that the sword has hit the alpha and died, he also feels that he levels up.

Dev starts to run at the body of the alpha to take his sword. The wolf uses his paws to wound the back of him as he feel due to the pressure of attack. The sword is visible to him as there are slight crack marks appear in the sword.

As he tries to reach it the wolf bit his shoulder, he screams in pain as the health is getting depleted. He doesn't have time to use inventory.

So, with the little of mana in his body have begun to strengthen his hand and punches the head of the wolf until he gets the kill notification.