
MMORPG : Return of the Void Emperor

In outer region of sector R,there is a 17-year-old boy screams in joy with tears in his eyes said"hahaha....it worked the watch of Chronos worked". After he controlled his emotion he said, "I have travel back in time before the release of NEXUS, I have time of 3 years before the codex happens". NEXUS is a MMORPG game that is popular in future where a more than quarter of the world population plays the game, it is a place where dreams come true where a poor person can become rich in one night. But what many people don't know is that after 5th year anniversary of NEXUS is when the energy called mana enter into the world and the apocalypse begun. "I know future events that others have no idea about that gives me the lead, but my path will not be easy. This time i protect my loved ones and stand at the pinnacle of power "he said.Dev doesn't know that this is the beginning of his story. ********************************************************************************************************* Hey guys this is the author of the MMORPG:Return of the Void, this is my first novel and English is not my first language but if there is any error you can comment on and i try to improve the mistakes i make.

Shadowss · เกม
12 Chs


24 hours have passed since dev entered the training center and hitting the dummy with a wooden sword, he keeps hitting the dummy for the entire time. He takes rest in between practice when his stamina is low. Even though he is drenched with sweat as there is a smile on his face as he look at his interface.

Name: Azazel













Skills: Basic swordsmanship(tier:0(27%))




(I have made short forms for the interface)

Dev is satisfied with his achievement, as he look at his character screen His stats have started to improve after he trained his swordsmanship. After a certain point it no longer increases. This is one of the important factors in NEXUS as long as someone train their body the physical attributes will increase.

" Is he still training?" " Why did he still keep doing it after 6 hours of hitting a dummy the stats are hardly increases" " Maybe he is an idiot thinking that this will make him invincible" is all the thigs dev heard around him.

He looks around to find that center is filled with players unlike when he enters the center there is no one other than him.

When players enter the center in hopes of finding a quest have found that their stats will be increased if they train their body made this a viral info which made every player to enter the center and begin their training.

Dev is seen as a weird guy because he keeps training his body even though it will hardly increase his stats after a certain time.

Dev feels a presence at his back as he turns to find that instructor vord has been looking at him with a smile.

"You have done very well kid you have determination and enthusiasm to learn swordsmanship" vord said with a smile.

"It has been a while since i saw someone who is young and talent. I see determination in your eyes and a will to achieve great things" as vord said this a smile appeared on his face and think' this is it'.

"Young man do you want absolute power? do you wish to accept the path of warrior?" as instructor vord said with seriousness. Dev smiles as he going to receive he is waiting for.

Surrounding players have their jaw dropped because they can see that dev has activate a condition for a certain quest.

They were shocked to find that the player they ridiculed receive a special quest infront of them. Even though they can't listen their conversation properly they can tell that this is a special quest.

When vord see that other players are trying to listen their conversation he turns around and walked a few steps away then turn his face around to dev and said," follow me".

Dev avoids the glares he receives from other players and starts to follow vord. They have entered a room which is similar to the old rooms in japan, the only things in the rooms are a table with mat on both sides of the table.

Vord sits in one side of the mat and gesture dev to sit on the other side. Following the order dev sits in the mat and wait for vord to speak.

"You still haven't answered my questions kid do you want absolute power? Do you want to walk in the path of warrior?" vord said as he looks at dev to reply.

Dev looks at vord and said" Yes, I wish to obtain absolute power and desire to walk in the path not only a warrior but a mage too".

Vord looks at dev to find any lies in the words he spoke, he sighed as there is no lies has been detected. He looks at dev and said" Azazel, the path of mage warrior is not impossible but it is hard. But when they mastered their path they will be stronger among same tiers."

"Are you sure about your decision?"

Dev looks at the vord in his eyes and said"yes".

After hearing his answer, a smile appears on vord face" Very well. Since you're sure about your decision i give you a task and if you complete it the rewards will be helpful in your path. Even if you can't complete the mission fully do not worry as it is not something a tier 0 can complete."

As vord finish saying this a quest appeared in front of dev.

Unique quest:Annihilate the monsters!

Instructor vord has given you the task of annihilating the monsters in west side of the forest. There is information that at the west side of the forest many wild beasts have emerged as a group and starts to attack the village.

Kill the monsters roaming in the western side of the forest to prevent them from attacking the village.

Completion rate of the mission:0/100%

Rewards: ???, ???, 1000EXP, 10 silver coin

Time Limit: 5hours

(WARNING: This is a unique quest so if the user did not finish the quest in time the quest will be ended and the rewards will be allocated according to the completion rate.)


Dev without hesitation quickly accept the quest and went outside immediately, he avoids the glares he receives from the players.

He starts to jogged towards the gate of the village. After he exit the village, he opens his map and searches for the west side of the forest to again move towards it.

When he slowly moves to enters the border of west side of the forest a group of four creatures is visible to him.

A white haired creatures with two fluffy ears and red eyes are roaming in an aggressive manner. Even though they look similar to the rabbit from earth the only difference they have is a white horn on their head which is sharp as steel.

When dev saw the rabbits he immediately grinned and stealthily approach the horned rabbits as he uses the bushes as a cover. When he is near them he opens the inventory and take out the sword and ready to first strike.

He takes a deep breath and sprints towards the horned rabbit near to him and slash at the neck of rabbit.The rabbit has already sensed the attack has tries to dodge it, but the sword has cut the shoulders of rabbit as blood started flowing out.

Dev is little disappointed that the sword only cut the shoulders and not the neck but he knows the wound he caused weakened the rabbit.

When the other three horned rabbit have seen him attacking one of his kins they get agitated and tries to attack him. Dev starts to feel intimated by the rabbits nonstop assault.

When one of the rabbits jumped and aims to attack his hips he defends himself with his sword, he stops the attack as the sword hit the horn of the rabbit which let him take a step back.

When he is in off balance a rabbit takes this chance to attack his leg and wound him.


He steps a meter away from them and thought' Shit,i can't go like this. Even though i am stronger than them, I am still not strong enough to handle a group of horned rabbits.It seems like i have no choice but to use empowerment and coating.'

Dev inhales a deep breath and then he starts to feel the energy dormant in his body then he slowly let the energy courses through his every part of body. After successfully doing it he let the energy moves from his hand and slowly coats the object in his hand.

A light blue color envelops both dev and the sword. He opened his eyes and stare at the horned rabbits infront of him with a grin and said in a threatening tone," What are you waiting for? Come and become my EXP".