
MLP Applejack x Fluttershy: Aimed at the heart

Applejack and fluttershy both have an attraction for each other. They soon confess and start a relationship. But danger lurks everywhere. When Fluttershy is in danger, can Applejack save her before it is too late? And who is behind everything?

YTuser · อื่นๆ
5 Chs

Chapter 1

Applejack was walking towards her families's farm. She did not noticed Fluttershy walking, they both bumped and falled onto the ground. Applejack falled on top of Fluttershy accidentaly. Are you okay sugar cube? she asked. I am fine, thank you, said Fluttershy. They then realized that they were on top of each other, and blushing, they got up. I am sorry, said Fluttershy, timidly. Nah don´t worry about that ,sugar, she said, blushing strongly. Uh...well..I have to go now, said Fluttershy. See ya later, she said. Applejack then went on her way. She was still blushing. That was a close one, she thought.

Later that day, she sits on one of the hay stacks. What was I thinking? Why couldnt I have told her??? she thought. I have to tell her, but..but what if it dosent work out? she thought. She suddenly got an idea. I know! I will ask Twilight for help! Maybe she can give me some advice!, she thought exitedly. She ran all the way to Twilight´s house. Twilight! Twilight! she called. What´s going on? she asked. You´ve got to help me! she exclaimed. With what Applejack? asked Twilight. Can we talk in a more private place please? she asked. Sure, follow me to my room. No one will hear us there, she repiled. Twilight and Applejack went upstairs. So what do you wanna talk about? asked Twilight. (Sigh) I need advice, said Applejack. Sure with what? asked Twilight. You see, I have a crush on Fluttershy, said Applejack. Twilight almost gasped. Have you told anyone? she asked. No, not yet, said Applejack. I need your help, I mean, I am brave, but I am not sure if I am brave enough to tell her this. What if...it dosen´t work? said Applejack sadly. Twilight looked at her in shock. She thought for a moment. Just tell her how you feel, she finally said. I´ll make a fool of myself, said Applejack. You won´t, Twilight assured her. And if she denies it, unless you know you tried, said Twilight. Applejack sighed. I will try, said Applejack. Now that´s the Applejack I know, said Twilight, smiling. Thanks for the help, said Applejack. You´re welcome, said Twilight. I will do it now then, said Applejack, confidently. Good luck! said Twilight. Applejack ran downstairs, and then outside.

(15 minutes after)

All right now follow after your mommy. Good ducky! said Fluttershy, petting a baby duck. The duckling goes after mother duck, and the rest of the ducklings. So adorable! said Fluttershy, as she watched them swim away. She sighed and sat for a while, staring at the pond where the ducks swam. Fluttershy! called Applejack. Hi Applejack, said Fluttershy. Howdy Fluttershy, said Applejack. Listen Fluttershy, said Applejack. Yes? said Fluttershy. Ever since I met you, and the rest of the Mane six, I just wanted to say that....um....Fluttershy...I...I love you, confessed Applejack. She started blushing quickly and turned her head down in tears. Fluttershy looked surprised, and was blushing terribly. She loves me! she thought exitedly. Applejack? asked Fluttershy. Yes Fluttershy? asked Applejack. I...I..I..also love you too, admitted Fluttershy. You do? asked Applejack. Yes, said Fluttershy. Both of them were now blushing. Applejack then got closer to Fluttershy, and hugged her. Fluttershy hugged her back.

Applejack´s POV:

I hugged her closely. I could not believe that she loved me too. I am so happy now. I then softly touch her cheek and get her lips to mine. I kissed Fluttershy, and she kissed me back. We kissed for a while.

Fluttershy´s POV:

Applejack hugged me closely. I hugged her back. I wanted to feel her strong, protective arms wrapped around me. She then started to kiss me. I kissed her back. I finally could feel her lips. They felt amazing. For once, I am not scared. I am more than happy today. We kissed for a while.

After the kiss, Applejack and Fluttershy let go. It was already nighttime. I have to go back to my house now, said Fluttershy, yawning. Mind if I take you there? Applejack offered. Are you sure it is not a problem? she asked. Babe, you are not problem for me. You will never be a problem for me, Applejack reassured her. Fluttershy smiled, blushing a bit. Well, ok , she said. All righty then, lets go, said Applejack. She suddenly lifted Fluttershy, and carried Fluttershy in her back.Applejack walked all the way to Fluttershy's house. Fluttershy, we are here, said Applejack, when they had gotten to the door. She looked down and saw that Fluttershy was already asleep. Applejack sighed happily. She entered the house, and laid Fluttershy on her bed. She covered her in a blanket. See ya´ tomorrow sugarcube, she whispered softly, as she kissed her gently on the lips. She then exited the house and closed the door. She walked to the farm, and went to sleep on her bed, very happy.