
Neko Lover ~♡

¤"Dangerous Era One-Shot"◇

In world where half humans exsist is a city to house both humans and half humans, called Monster City. Here humans and half humans interact with each other with out predators interfering. (Predators being advanced humans and half humans that can eat prey humans and half humans willingly.) Here we focus on a couple, Y/N and Michael, aka Blackie.

Y/N is a super soldier of a secret agency that rescues half humans from evil scientists and hungry preds. She had this weird microchip and button implanted into her head and neck (the chip is connected to the button on the back of her neck) that gives her superhuman strength, speed, skill, agility, and senses.

While Michael is a half human neko. He was one of the experimented on humans who became a half human instead of being a natural born shapeshifter. They had fallen in love when Y/N was on a rescue mission.

She was assigned to rescue him from the lab where he was being held.

She found him in a containment cell with a bunch of syringes in his arms. She broke through his lock and snuck him out while undetected. He found her bravery attractive and tried to entice her with his charms. At first she wasn't interested but fell under his efforts and agreed to be with him. Ironically, she found out to be his mate and loved him even more.

She gave him the nickname "Blackie" due to his fur and how he is in the night. Whenever she returns home late, she can tell that he's there but the sounds of shuffling across the floor and his soft purrs when he sneaks up behind her. He call her "little solider" due to her job, obviously, and her height. She's almost a foot shorter than him and he teases her alot about it. Now let's take a look into their life for a bit, shall we.

Super cool transition into Y/N and Michael's really cute apartment!

Y/N was off for the day, the agency finally gave her a break for once and let her relax. She was up clearly in the kitchen, making a surprise for Michael when he wakes up. She hasn't had enough time this week to actually hang out and relax with him, so this would be a nice time to. She mixing in the batter while peaking her head out of the kitchen to make sure that Michael wasn't actually awake and trying to sneak up to her.

Michael had been up already and noticed that Y/N was still her. Odd. I thought that she was at work today. He thought while getting up. He yawns and stretches like a cat, tounge out and all, as he gets up from their bed. There room was kinda a class of their personalities both were easy going and relaxed people but how their sides of the room showed their other traits. Y/N's side had everything neat and tidy but with a few things, she didn't know where to put, on her dressing table and swivel chair. Michael's side was a different story. It messy with cat hair on certain things, dirty clothes on the floor, a scratching post for his claws/nails, and a few scratch marks on the night sky wall that Y/N and him had painted a few weeks go. The only clean/tidy things was the things that Y/N gifted him and pictures of him and Y/N on their dates and with family. He smiles while looking at the pictures and changes into a shirt and sweatpants. He brushes his teeth and heads down their spiral steps.

He smells before seeing anything and noticed the smell of chicken and waffles in the air. She's making one of my favorite breakfast meals! He drools at the smell and sneaks towards her, only stopping when he sees her finishing the waffles and places them on a plate with the fried chicken. She pours him sine orange juice in a glass and puts them in server tray. He sneaks behind the couch as she walks up the spiral steps to their room. He follows her quietly and waits for the food to be put down.

Y/N places the food on her dressing table, surprised that Michael wasn't there. She does however feel like she's being watched and turns to see Michael play tackle her onto the bed. "Mmmm, hey babe~♡" He purrs in his naturally deeper tone. He snuggles into her while purring.

"H-Hey." She stutters. Why does he use that tone with me? He knows how fluster I get when he uses it! She looks up at him with red cheeks. He smirks at her face and kisses it while grabbing the food. He purrs again and eats but the realizes something.

"Babe, did you eat?" He asks as his tail gently curls around her waist.

Her eyes widen. "Ooh, no. I was was to busy cooking for you that I didn't realize." She explains. Michael's ears drop and he puts a forkful of waffles in her mouth.

"Eat, babe." He simply says while petting her head. She smiles softly and gulps it down.

"It's really good!" She smiles.

"You should cook more dear." He purrs softly. She nods and keeps eating with him. They finish the plate as Micahel nuzzles her. He keeps rubbing his face against hers while purring. He holds her close while smiling.

"You must be really happy to see me off." She giggles and pets his ears. His tail gently brushes her legs. He purrs louder and nibbles her neck while smiling. "What do you want to do goday?" She asks him.

He sits on the bed, thinking. "Cuddling all day, to savor this joyous occasion of you being off." He says, pulling her onto his lap. Y/N giggles even more as she leans into his chest.

"Okay, cutie." She teases him and feels him caress her sides. She yawns and smiles softly.

"Shortie~♡" He simply responds and lays down with her on his soft chest. He hears her yawn softly and curl up around her, his tail acting like a barrier as he cuddles her close. He hears soft breathing and snoring as he looks down and sees Y/N knocked out in his arms. He purrs even more and licks her forehead before falling asleep after her.