
The start off everything

As long as I could remember I have been completely normal girl. there was nothing weird about my family it least that's what I thought. well it changed when we moved well the move was normal but the school wasn't. Let's go bit back let me tell you bit about myself before we get too my life story. I like reading if I could I would sit in the library and read and read. What's not normal is my hair color it's mixed blue and purple it's actually my normal color. My mother told me every day too tell it's colored. When I got older people didn't really ask anymore so I felt comfortable in the city but I didn't have any friends.

Thats why my parents tesided too move they let me buy clothes what I actually liked so I didn't look like so plain. let's get too the story.

I had fallen a sleep in the car when I waked up we wear all ready in the new city. I watched the city lay out I had good memorie.

mom... are we there?

Mother:we will be right there!!

My mom looked very happy as she told me about when she was young she lived here with her parents.

Why didn't I live here before mother, father?

father:well me and your mother wanted too see the world and we wanted too show you the world as well

Mother:Lilly you know didn't mean too chang your school so much. But you know how it is your fathers work wasn't always in the same places but now his work is going too be only here.

I sigh.okay if you say so

we get too a old house but it didn't look too old.

I get my bags as I start too walk too the door.

mother: you can pick a room in the upper floor there should be fore rooms!!

I look confused what should should be did my mom not look if there is or not.

My dad was unlocking the door as he opened it for me I walk in as I look in aww it was a beautiful House I went up steers as I picked the room with the light blue door only weird think was the bedroom doors wear different colors. I went too help my parents cary all the boxes and bags into the house. After that I went too my room and start too un back. As I was putting my books on the shelfs I look out off the window. next door neighbor

was a boy with dark blue hair with a white strip in his bangs. I stare at him until he looks at me he smirks I look away slightly my cheeks have turned pink.