
Misfits: Dungeon Outbreak

Note: Book also available on Novels GG and RoyalRoad.com Jakob Reavers lost his eyesight inside the dungeon and after successfully getting out, he is welcomed into a world that’s completely different from what he used to know. Having suffered persecution in the past, he finds it hard to accept the new reality. He visits his old acquaintance and senior only to find out a bitter truth after his disappearance. Wanting to see how the world really changed, he sets off to the academy that trains new Misfits to defeat the monsters coming out of the dungeons.

Hyuuse · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Unknown Variable

The incident involving Lady Aira was peacefully resolved after the leader of the abductors confessed everything during his interrogation. Trying to lay their hands on a noble was a common occurrence. Anyone can harm a person from a noble family as long as they are not caught. But in the unfortunate event where the culprits are caught, their fate rests in the hands of the noble family of their victim.

Faram Valter, who became the overseer of the incident made sure that everything was taken care of without a hitch.

"Hah~ today is especially tiring. If only those people did not cause a mess, House Pyre's head wouldn't have brought me so much trouble." Faram Valter sat on his chair, exhausted. "My goodness. Why are there so many troublesome people in this city? We barely managed to rebuild our city back after that major incident, so I was hopeful to have a few peaceful months. But to think I was too naive to hope for such a thing to happen."

Faram Valter was expressing his disappointment and frustration verbally inside his office. Without no one except for his trusted butler by his side, Faram Valter knows that his butler is aware of what needs to be done.

"What do you think, Arnod? Don't you think I've been overworking recently?"

His trusted butler, Arnod, standing by his side, serving his master a cup of tea, nodded his head. "I believe so, master. It may sound rude but may I say what I really think?"

Faram Valter briefly gazes at Arnod. Although he did ask for his thoughts, there's a chance that he will find Arnod's words unpleasant and may ultimately worsen his already ill mood. They've known each other for a long time and it's not so far-fetched to assume that Faram Valter already figured out what his butler is about to say.

"Very well, do tell me."

"I think this is entirely your fault, master. If you haven't done such unnecessary things, you wouldn't be in the center of this mess." said Arnod, with an unwavering tone.

As a servant of a noble, one should be mindful of not only the words they speak but also in the manner how they deliver those words to their master. What Arnod had said can be considered as rude to most nobles, and yet he doesn't show an ounce of regret nor fear. This just shows how they have come in terms of treating each other over the years.

Faram Valter, despite being a person of noble bloodline, had always been different. They both understand each other so much that such remarks can easily be considered normal at this point of their relationship.

"I see. I am somewhat responsible for what's happening to me, indeed." Faram nodded his head, agreeing. "But it's thanks to that that we are able to avoid total annihilation from that incident."

Arnod also nodded his head, "It is just as you said, master. This just proves that there is blessing in misfortune, and vice-versa."

"That's good and all, but is there any progress in 'that'?"

Hearing his master's sudden inquiry, Arnod's expression shifted in response.

"As far as I'm concerned, there isn't any progress at all. If it continues like this, what you fear might come true, after all."

Faram bit his nails upon hearing Arnod's response. His eyes wandered for a bit before finally setting his gaze on the paper sitting on his desk.

"...Jakob, that idiot. I forgot that he's sometimes stubborn as a mule. I've always wondered why he picked up our master's terrible habits. I mean, anyone would have done something, right? It's just natural to do something, don't you think so as well, Arnod?" Faram slammed his hands on the table out of frustration.

"It is just as you said, master. His age might not match his body at all, but there's no doubt that he is still a young man on the inside." Arnod agreed.

"I know, right?! People his age should have been interested in 'that' and yet, he isn't showing any interest at all! Do you know how worried I am right now for his future? Just thinking about it myself scares me! It scares me, Arnod!"

Seeing him wallow in distraught, Arnod went and patted his master's back to show sympathy. No matter how much he wants to help, he can only offer so much help as it is outside the scope of his abilities.

Just then as he is patting his master's back, Faram slams his hands on the table again. This time, Arnod thought it was inappropriate and told him off. But before he could mouth a single word, Faram shouts in delight as if he figured something out.

"That's it! If he can't do it, then we have to intervene and force him!" Faram smiles in delight.

Just thinking about how sudden and forceful his idea is, let alone neglecting the opinion of the person involved, Arnod finds it unacceptable and expresses his disapproval.

"M-Master… no matter how I look at it. Shouldn't we at least try to consult the young master's opinion first? I know how worried you are for his future, but if you continue like this, you will surely incur his anger."

Faram, who is surprised about his sudden disapproval, frowned. It was not the first time for Arnod to not support his decision, but as far as Faram is concerned, it was of utter importance. Ever since Jakob returned from supposedly getting trapped inside a dungeon, a lot of time has passed and a lot of things have changed. The times where they had to go hiding after getting hunted were no more, and so, he wanted his junior to settle down.

"I know I am being forceful, but I can't just sit still knowing that he wouldn't do anything if we leave him to his own devices. And besides, I do want to hear his own opinion. It's just that I want to give him a prior experience before the real thing." Faram sighed.

Hearing his master's intentions gave Arnod a sense of relief. He knew Faram for a long time and knows just how forceful he can be with his methods sometimes. But after Jakob arrived, he had seen different sides of him that he usually kept hidden.

"It seems that the master thinks about his junior too much. I just hope that you show the same level of attentiveness with the young miss as well. As you know, she always strives to get your attention. If ever, even in the slightest chance that she hears about someone taking too much of your attention, she will surely do something incredibly inappropriate."

Faram immediately held his head after hearing that. He seemed to have forgotten about that fact right after Jakob returned and couldn't hide his disappointment. Arnod, who was watching him from the back, shook his head.

"For him, who is doting on his daughter to forget about her existence… this is going to be troublesome." Arnod thought to himself.

Just as they are discussing the matter, the doors suddenly open. Faram's eyes almost popped out the moment he saw a woman around his age enter the room. Despite being around Faram's age, she was still beautiful and elegant. In her sudden and unexpected appearance, Faram was stunned. And Arnod, who was standing idly, welcomed her.

"Your back, mistress," Arnod's voice was stiff.

She noticed this and gave him a sharp glance. It was a surprise for her to see Arnod that agitated as he usually keeps a calm demeanor no matter what the situation may be.

"This is a surprise, Arnod. I, for one, did not expect to see an agitated Arnod right after I returned," said the woman and sat on the couch, comfortably.

"W-What a surprise! I didn't know you'd be returning today." Faram cuts in before anything happens.

She gave Faram a sharp glance as if she's trying to get him to speak up in Arnod's stead. But right after a few moments, she lets out a sigh,

"Forget it. More importantly, I heard that our house is one of the few households that was able to sustain little damage from the 'Purge'." said the mistress, "It was all thanks for the help of a certain someone, I reckon," she added, with a sharp glance at Faram.

With his wife giving him a sharp glance, he started breaking in sweat. He did not expect that word would reach her as she is supposed to be in a place that would be uninterested in the affairs of a mere city in the countryside.

"I didn't expect you to hear about it."

"Don't talk nonsense. Of course it would be in my interest to hear about the city's affairs. I live in this place, after all."

His wife shot him a glance and crossed her arms. For Faram, who had been submissive to his wife, her sudden and unexpected appearance brings about an unknown variable and it just so happens that she dotes on their daughter a lot. So if she hears anything about him actually forgetting about their daughter due to Jakob's presence, he will be in a whole world of pain.

So to spare his life, Faram decided to change the subject and shift it towards the events in the academy. Unfortunately for him, his wife saw through his intentions and kept silent. For a husband, the moment their wife kept silent could only mean a storm is brewing and will ultimately end in their defeat.

"It's no use, dear. I can read you like an open book." says his wife, turning her gaze over to him, "So? Where is that person who single-handedly reduced the damages of our household?"

Faram did not want to involve Jakob in their family affairs since he knows how troublesome things can get the moment his wife intervenes. Faram had resolved himself to keep him away, however, like every submissive husband, he is powerless against his wife who dominates him and his entire household.

"He is currently training," Faram then stood from his seat, "But you can't get him involved! Even if you're my wife, I will not let you off so easily if you do something unnecessary!"

It was rather a bold statement for someone who loves his wife more than he loves himself. And it was the first time Faram had shown such courage in front of his wife, blatantly threatening her. Seeing her husband show some backbone for the first time paints a smile on her face, piqued her interest further in the person named 'Jakob' who her husband is covering.

His wife's eyes gleamed in excitement, and Faram could see that in her eyes. At that moment, he knew that he had to go all out and there was no turning back.

"Seeing you like that somehow makes me even more interested." 

"What do you intend to do?"

"What do you mean? Meet him, of course. He is the savior who saved this city, after all. And since he is somewhat related to you, I need to meet him, anyway."

Faram gave her a shocked look on her face, and she quickly admonished him saying that she knew about his odd behavior during their younger days. And it wasn't just her but the entire city knew about it. People just forgot about it and moved on, thinking that it was one of those dark chapters of everyone's life.

Finally remembering his blunder, Faram calmed down.

"Calm down, dear. It's not like I'd do anything to him. Meeting him just once would be enough." 

Faram stood from his seat and walked towards his wife's side, and offered his hand. His wife looked at him, a little perplexed.

"You want to meet him, right? I'll bring you to him."

The sound of Faram's voice is so stern that you wouldn't see him as someone who is submissive to his wife. She finds a refreshing side of him and takes his hand.

Arnod, who did nothing but observe the two could help but feel like something bad is about to happen.

Mylene, Faram's wife, was astonished right after seeing Jakob up close. Not because of his well-built body but because of the fact that he was able to achieve such a feat all while being blind. And because of that, she couldn't stop herself from asking an outrageous question despite saying that seeing him alone was enough earlier.

"Are you engaged to someone?" asked Mylene.

Faram knew that it would happen and immediately rushed to keep his wife's mouth shut. However, despite his best efforts, his wife was able to stop him

"N-Not really." replied Jakob, "And I don't really plan to get engaged at the moment. I think there's a right time for that."

"So he says," sighs in exasperation.

Mylene could hear the frustration inside her husband's voice and ended up sympathizing with him.

"Looks like you have a lot on your plate."

"Tell me about it," Faram agreed, "He didn't even have a single ounce of experience despite his age. Forget engagement, just doing 'that' alone would be a tall hurdle."

Mylene immediately shifts her gaze over to Jakob after hearing that from her husband. It was unheard of for people around their age to have no experience. Especially for people born in noble houses as they tend to want to impress their future partners to secure themselves in the future.  Now that she has a good look at the situation, Mylene could not help but pity her husband, who is dealing with such a person. 

"You want a hand in this?" asked Mylene.

"No need. I'll just have to force him to have an experience myself. I've already got a plan in mind. All that's left is to put it into motion and we are all set," said Faram, confidently.

Faram then ruffled his own hand and smiled deviously. In the eyes of his own wife, he can almost be seen as a devil already seeing his plan successfully unfold. Though she did not know what kind of plan he had  in mind, considering the look on her husband's face, she is most certain that it will certainly be unconventional.