

On the Eastern Continent, there was a large forest, a lush green landscape that was often traversed by both the nearby villagers and heroes alike. After all, to the villagers, the forest provided plenty of blessings from nature, the fruits that were found on the low-hanging branches of the various trees, to the fish that could be caught at rivers and lakes within the forest. They had little to fear in terms of wild predators or bandits, for the ruler of their land ensured their safety. However, heroes often entered the forest for a different reason. They had chosen to challenge a great enemy to a battle of wits and strength. According to the legends, there was a powerful creature that lurked in an ivory tower, a mighty sorceress known as Aundra, the dark elf Overlord. How ironic it was that this was the very same person the villagers adored so much.

And so it happened that today, at the center of the forest where the large tower belonging to the Overlord stood, that something was happening. An event that would possibly shake the very foundations of this story.

It was on this day that two adventurers had decided to challenge the Overlord. Just a brief glimpse at them suggested as much, the leader of the pair, a young man with short blond hair that was kept in a wild and spiky hairstyle was clad in stylish plate armor, his trustworthy sword sheathed on the belt around his waist. Of course, his shield had not been missing either, strapped on his left arm as he looked at his companion. Claire was a woman most would easily describe as beautiful. And yet her beauty was more akin to that of a sword crafted by a masterful smith rather than just the beauty of feminine features. Elegant, graceful, and yet fierce in her own way. Unlike her companion, she had wielded only a rapier, but her skill with it was worthy of praise, something the man knew.

"So Johan, what type of plan do you have this time?" Claire's words to the man-made him turn around, a confident grin on his lips as he exclaimed proudly. "Today our victory is guaranteed my dear Claire, for the Crystal Order, the benevolent followers of our goddess have provided me with an artifact of great power."

The man pulled out a small silver tinted crystal from his pouch where a myriad of lights shone from it. Claire seemed skeptical, to say the least but had chosen to at least entertain the young man for a moment. "And... what does this great artifact do?" Johan paused for a moment, the seriousness in his expression making Claire worry for a moment the man had received an item capable of causing immense destruction. It was understandable after all the Overlords were beings of immense power, so something of equivalent strength was needed to best them. But was this truly safe to use?

"I don't know~" Johan's exclamation and hearty laugh made Claire raise the palm of her hand to her forehead and sighed in disbelief. The idiot had no idea what type of thing he had received? He truly was a gullible fool... "You... do realize that currently the score between you and the overlord is nine hundred and ninety-eight loses?" Johan pouted his cheeks in anger, rebuking the statement with a firm. "AND ONE DRAW!" But Claire was quick to remind the young hero: "That only ended up as a draw because you bored her so much that the Overlord fell asleep and you had to excuse yourself..." Johan turned around, stamping a foot on the ground as he stated firmly. "A knight does not attack a sleeping person, even if she is the Overlord!"

And with his statement made the man entered the tower, causing Claire to chase after him in a hurry...

After a hazardous climb of the tower which involved Claire saving the reckless knight several times from the dangerous traps that were in place--- or rather perhaps it was just Johan being clumsy, having to prevent Johan from getting distracted by the invitations of the servants of the Overlord, when finally the pair reached the large oaken door that led into the throne room of their target.

"Finally we are here, the Overlord awaits us beyond this point." Johan spoke excitedly, clearly having to do his best not to straight-up rush into the room like a child about to enter a festival ground. Claire held her hand on her rapier, seemingly waiting for the event to happen: The one-thousandth loss of the hero.

As Johan opened the door and stepped inside a grandiose throne room awaited him. Giant pillars rose from the ground all the way up to the ceiling, a red carpet stretched from the entrance of the room all the way to the throne. The throne itself was quite awe-inspiring, made from the skull of a giant dragon that once terrorized the Eastern Continent, just as intimidating as the power that the claimer of the throne expelled, and yet before he could even face her a cheerful boyish voice greet the knight. "Oho~ Look who is back, The stooge and his babysitter."

Johan was quick to retort with a frustrated "I'm not a stooge! Nor is Claire my babysitter!" The source of his frustration was a small creature that seemed to resemble a bat, yet it was slightly larger, and its face seemed less animalistic, in fact, its humanoid face seemed to elude a certain intelligence and the crown on its head was fanciful to say the least. It was the Overlord's familiar: Astri

"Then what is she to you? Your Girlfriend?" A softer feminine voice called out from on top of the throne, and there she was. There was no denying that the Overlord was a overwhelming presence. Not only were Dark Elves known for their exotic allure, some even calling them bewitching in beauty akin to succubi, but the woman on the throne had such a powerful magical presence even Johan who knew little of the magic arts could sense it.

"I-I-I'm not dating Johan!" For the first time Claire shown a flustered reaction, yet the slight flush of color in her cheeks, hints at a blush made the dark elf smile as she shifted in her seat, resting the palm of her hand against her cheek. "I see~" Of course Astri caught the hint also and hummed in amusement. "Must be tough dealing with a guy who can't catch a clue even if you slapped it in his face~"

Johan tilted his head to the side in confusion, looking from the familiar over to Claire and back, while the Overlord slowly rose from her seat. "Nonetheless, I guess we should get today's game out of the way~ So what will it be today? Swordsmanship? Arm-wrestling? Mathematics or... A 'Corruption of Champions'?

Hearing the last suggestion Claire quickly intervened with a violent shake of her head. "THERE WON'T BE ANY SEDUCING! HE IS HERE TO DEFEAT YOU!" The Overlord seemed quite amused at the flustered companion of the knight, turning to face Johan as she asked with a hint of fascination in her voice. "What type of scheme do you have in mind today~"

Johan stepped forward, brandishing his sword at the Overlord while the one holding his shield reached for his pouch, withdrawing it from his belt. "Today is the day I finally defeat you Aundra!" Astri couldn't help but laugh out loud, flapping his wings in the as he hovered next to the Overlord. "Hahaha~ You're forgetting that Aundra is the strongest in this world! How do you propose to defeat that which is unable to be bested?"

Johan's lips curved into a grin as he pulled out his secret weapon, the enigmatic crystal he had shown Claire earlier. "With this!" However, it seemed to had quite an unexpected effect, for Aundra merely tilted her head to the side in confusion "What is that?" while Astri exclaimed eagerly. "OOOH SHINY!"

Claire hesitatingly reached with a hand toward the hero, "Johan wait!" but it was too late. The moment Johan tossed the crystal toward the Overlord an overwhelming radiant light consumed the entire place, and the poor knight had no idea what type of misadventures he had just caused....

Hello everyone~ Originally released as a one-shot manga, I decided to rework my story into a web novel, I hope you will enjoy the Misadventures of an Overlord, and if there is anything that sounds confusing, please don't hesitate to let me know, since I learned English through self-study~

Reikikocreators' thoughts