

nyfrmdanorph · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Mindmentor (Chapters 4-7)

[Beginning of Chapters (4-7) of Mindmentor]

(As Officer Ryan takes Altair to "The Hold", Ryan sparks up a conversation as he is driving)

Officer Ryan: So, how did you get yourself into this mess?

Altair: Well, it started when someone wanted to bump into me, then she called me names, I said something back and then she decided she wanted to attack me.

Officer Ryan: I see, so how'd it get to the degree where the police were involved?

Altair: Her boyfriend tried to kill me with his ability, he had powers that rivaled the surface of the sun.

Officer Ryan: The surface of the sun?! Just how strong are you to survive that?

Altair: Stronger than I can comprehend.

Officer Ryan: But how?

Altair: I was just born with this.

Officer Ryan: Well I mean if you can rival the sun's surface then I don't think even bullets could hurt you, hell I don't even think handcuffs could hold you off.

Altair: You're right about that one, these handcuffs cannot contain me, but I'll follow the rules for now.

Officer Ryan: Now that I think about it, prison might just be a playground for you.

Altair: True on that one as well, however, I happen to want to try it out, I think it'll be quite an interesting experience.

Officer Ryan: I don't understand why you'd wanna stay in prison, I feel like at any moment you could just break out.

Altair: You're right once again, this is the exact reason why I let you arrest me, you see I'll only stay for 1 month, today is November 18th, 2023, and I'll break out on December 18th, 2023

Officer Ryan: Well, there's nothing I can do about it, I'll save other questions for interrogation.

(As Officer Ryan says this, they pull up to the Police Station and escort Altair into the building, when they walk through the doors, an officer speaks up)

Random Officer: You're in here bringing these punk ass kids now huh, he looks like a sissy.

(Altair glares at the random Officer as he says this, his anger slowly building up like a volcano, just waiting to erupt)

Altair: You cannot be talking about me, who're you talking about?

Random Officer: I'm talking to you, idiot.

(Altair immediately snaps the handcuffs off as if he were tearing a piece of paper apart, leaping forward and holding the Officer up against the wall, lifting him up by his shirt with just one hand, his feet no longer touching the ground)

Altair: You wanna repeat that?

Random Officer: Wait a minute! Hold on, how the hell did you get out of the handcuffs, you damn freak?!

(Other Officers raise their firearms, aiming them at Altair, prepared to shoot at any moment, which makes Officer Ryan look over, trying to calm everyone down)

Officer Ryan: Everybody calm down! Altair just let him go, he does this all the time whenever I bring someone in, but he's a good cop, don't hurt him.

(As Altair hears this, his silver eyes flicker and glisten in the light, he then unhands the officer and speaks up)

Altair: Just don't do that again, next time I won't be so generous, you're lucky Officer Ryan said something or you would be dead at my feet right now.

(Officer Ryan begins filling out some paperwork and then he takes Altair to the interrogation room for further information)

Officer Ryan: So Altair, how're you so incredibly strong?

Altair: I am what's called a "Lochman" The origin of the name dates back to when the Mayans and the Aztecs were at war, they were secretly mating with each other although it was forbidden, so they did it by a lake so no one would figure out about it.

Hence the "Loch" part, referencing the "Lochness Monster" who thrives in the lake

And the "man" part being as it's still a branch of Humanity, "Lochmans" are born with extraterrestrial powers that allow them to manipulate the very forces of nature, and the laws of physics.

(Officer Ryan, who had been listening is now intrigued into the story)

Officer Ryan: So you're a descent of an ancestral overpowered species?

Altair: I guess you can put it that way.

Officer Ryan: Alright then, well onto the big questions.

You murdered around 10+ Officers and murdered 2 students in the school you came from, do you wish to fight these charges and go to court?

Altair: Actually, I will go to court, I feel like it will be fun.

Officer Ryan: I'm surprised, considering how strong you are, you still want to go to court, you sure you ain't just gonna lash out at the judge and kill them?

Altair: I won't, at most I'll just provoke the judge really.

Officer Ryan: Alright then.

(Moments later, Altair is escorted to a court where he stands in front of a judge)

(The Judge then slams the gavel on the lectern)


(moments pass and then the Judge speaks up)

Judge: Defendant Altair, do you wish to plead guilty on all charges or do you plead not guilty?

Altair: I plead guilty, I did it.

(At first, the Judge is appalled by Altair's straightforward and calm demeanor about the situation, but she then regains composure and speaks up once more)

Judge: Well then Altair, I hereby sentence you to 94 years in Jackwalk Prison.

Altair: And what if I don't go?

Judge: Excuse me? You trying to refuse my authority?

Altair: Yeah, add some more years to that.

Judge: Well then, since you've already lost your mind it seems, you'll be sentenced to 146 years in prison, have fun serving a life sentence.

(Altair smirks and is then taken to prison, he arrives at his Cell but notices something, he can point out and detect another heartbeat in the Cell)

Altair: I can hear your heartbeat, you're not exactly stealthy.

(As Altair says this, a figure drops from the ceiling, a male that is the same height as Altair, presumably 5'10, he then speaks up)

Adam: Hey there, the name's Adam.

Are you my new cellmate?

[To be continued]


[Chapter 5]

Altair: It would seem so, my name is Altair, what you in here for?

Adam: Well, let's just say I was a hitman, I assassinated a few world leaders, I mean who do you think killed John F Kennedy?

Altair: That was 60 years ago, you don't look a day over 30.

Adam: Well you're right on that one because I'm actually 20. The one who killed JFK was my pops, but he's in some mental hospital I believe, anyways, what are you in here for?

Altair: Strange, but I'm in here for 10+ bodies, don't plan on staying here long, about a month at most.

Adam: You gonna escape? Like hell you will.

(Adam bursts into laughter, he seems quite amused by Altair's bold statement)

Altair: You tryna say I can't?

Adam: Listen kid, I've been in here since I was 17, I tried thinking of ways to escape… it's useless, so I just got used to the environment.

Altair: Giving up so soon?

Adam: Quiet, you should just get used to your life here, starting with this…

(Adam lunges forward and puts a switchblade up to Altair's neck, threatening to slice his throat open)

Adam: You're gonna be my little toy and maid, I'm gonna ruin you in here.

(Altair doesn't even flinch, as if Adam was a mere fly landing on his shoulder)

Altair: For starters, how did you get a switchblade? Secondly, that isn't going to do anything.

Adam: In Prison, it's every man for himself, your reputation means everything in here, strength is crucial to survival in here, without it, you're weak and useless.

Altair: Is that so, let me teach you a lesson about strength then.

Adam: Excuse m-

(Adam gets lifted off his feet, being pushed against the Prison ceiling, Altair seemingly lifts Adam up like a baby, holding him with one hand like he always does to people)

Altair: Strength means everything here?

Then that makes Prison a playground for me.

Adam: Tch…

(Adam attempts to slice Altair's wrist with the switchblade but the blade bends and curves against Altair's skin, destroyed completely)

Altair: Your little knife didn't seem to work, too bad.

Say Adam, have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be a woman?

Adam: I… don't know, I've never been a woman before, I'm a man!

(Altair smirks at Adam's response, he can just smell the fear emanating off of him)

Altair: Well since you say that, I'll change that for you.

(Adam's heart sinks into his ass, he is petrified out of his mind, he doesn't know what Altair means by this remark, and he doesn't want to find out either)

(Then suddenly, Altair's eyes glow a bright silver, and in a flash, Adam gets turned into a woman, his body biologically remodified, when she comes to be, her period goes off, blood running down her leg)

(Altair notices this and smirks, then he remembers he was holding Adam up to the ceiling by his chest, which is now Adam's right titty)

Altair: Quite soft, appears you should've been like this all along, but who am I to say that?

(Altair then releases Adam and puts her back on her feet)

Adam: W-what… did you do to me?

Altair: You're a woman now, and you're on your period too, that reminds me, your name was Adam right?

Adam: What about it, you gonna change it now?

Altair: Damn right, your name is Eve now, just like Adam and Eve.

Eve: I'm… gonna kill you, EAT SHIT!

(Eve lunges forward toward Altair with the same knife used earlier, although it is bent from what previously happened, Eve holds it in a diagonal way to still attempt at driving the blade into Altair's flesh in of a fit of rage)

(Altair stands still, with a smug look, not phased at all, and as Eve charges Altair, she suddenly stops and begins drooling as she takes another look at Altair, she appears to have been charmed by not only his looks but his aura of masculinity, as he appears to be the 'King Of Power, both Strength and Intelligence' in her eyes, this greatly captivates her feminine hormones as well, putting her in heat, horny like a rabbit.)

Altair: Looks like them feminine hormones hit you hard, you got your period and your mind has been altered too.

Eve: Altair…

(As she says this, she walks towards him while the drool travels from her lip to her neck, her eyes full of pure lust)

Altair: Hold on a moment, you're like 20, that ain't right.

Eve: So what? It's Prison.

(She jumps on him and they begin doing the deed, several hours later they are both sleeping on the bottom bunk, and then Altair wakes up, he gets up and walks towards the gate as if he sensed something)

(Out of nowhere, a man walks up to the cell, he has black hair, a beard and brown eyes, bunch of tats on his face and neck)

John: Hey there, my name's John, can you quiet the fuck down next time? Loud asses, you just couldn't wait to come here to get your freak on huh?

Altair: Excuse me?

John: I think you heard me, quiet the fuck down next time.

Altair: Watch your mouth, you may look intimidating to others but you're nothing but a flea to me.

John: Yeah yeah, you wish, open the door then pretty boy, I'll have you screaming.

Altair: We'll see about that.

(As Altair opens the door, he feels a turrent of wind around his feet, it's certainly unusual for it to be windy inside of a building)

Altair: The fuck?

John: You should pick your battles properly next time.

(The wind travels up Altair's leg, ripping his pants up but not making any scratches on his flesh, which makes Altair wave his hand around his leg, somehow putting out the little wind current, which causes John to step back in confusion)

John: What the hell are you?

Altair: Someone you shouldn't be messing with.

(Altair steps through the door and grabs John by the shirt and throws him over the Prison Ward's 2nd Floor Balcony, causing a crazy free-for-all. Altair looks over and notices this, a bit flabbergasted by how fast things escalated)

Altair: Domino effect I guess?

(As the free-for-all continues, it gets extremely brutal, people begin snapping limbs off and stabbing others in the eye, a few moments later an alarm blares, and a voice speaks out the intercom)


(Suddenly, the Riot and Swat team bust through the doors with shields and electric batons, bear spray and AP-Pistols)

(Altair observes the spectacle in awe and amusement)

Altair: Now this is entertainment.

(He peeks over the balcony as he watches events unfold, inmates are getting beat, handcuffed, electrified, bashed by shields, and sprayed by the bear spray, most of them screaming out in pain and agony, some of them are balled up on the ground trying to take the immense pain from the bear spray)

(After a couple of moments it dies down, then one of the Riot team members notice Altair looking over the balcony)


(They all begin storming up the stairs to reach Altair, most of them drawing their electric batons)

(Altair merely smirks as he watches them get closer)

Altair: It looks like it's my turn.

(As the Red-Riot members approach Altair, they raise their electric batons, about seven of them all charging Altair, while he sits there and grins, not backing down)

[To be continued]


[Chapter 6]

(The Red-Riot members storm towards Altair, and one gets close enough, around 5 meters from him, swinging their electric baton, hitting Altair in the head, and it suddenly snaps, snapping in half, which causes the Red-Riot member to step back for a moment)

Red-Riot Member#1: What the hell?! You must have a tough skull or something!

Red-Riot Member#1: LET'S JUMP HIM!

Several Red Riot Members: YEAH!

(They all charge Altair, hitting him with their electric batons, and their weapons break against his body, one by one)

Altair: All your weapons are ineffective against me, try something else.

(Altair smirks while saying this, the Red-Riot members begin sweating, nervous as to how Altair was unfazed by their electric batons, so they begin spraying him with bear spray)

(Altair stands still and takes the bear spray with an expressionless look, as if the bear spray was nothing more than a slight breeze, he then walks through it with ease, approaching the group of Red-Riot members, in response to this, the Red-Riot members begin putting up their shields and attempt to bash him with it)

Altair: A man with a shield is no man, merely a boy.

(Altair drives his arm through the shield, putting a hole in it, ripping through several of their shields and throws it over the balcony, as the Red-Riot team sees this, they put up their pistols and begin firing, scared for their life)

(Altair grabs all the bullets as they're being fired, not because he could be hurt by them, but because the bullets were fired towards his cell, where Eve was sleeping, which the sound of bullets eventually wakes her up)

Eve: Huh?!

(Eve rolls over and wakes up, getting up to see Altair catching all of the bullets that were fired, he merely catches the bullets as if he were playing baseball, or rather a game of catch)

Eve: What the hell is going on here!?

(The Red-Riot members run out of bullets and their guns click, they're out of ammo)

(Altair grins as he hears their guns click but no bullets fire, so he takes the bullets that were fired at him, and flicks them towards the Red-Riot members, shooting one straight through the head, faster than even the fastest sniper bullet in the world)

Red-Riot Member#3: WHAT THE FUCK?!

(They begin to step back, cowering in fear, terrified of what's going to happen to them next)

(Then suddenly a voice is heard through one of their walkie talkies/radios, it's the Warden)


(The Red-Riot members jump in fear as they hear the Warden on the radio, and Altair stops flicking bullets, listening in on the conversation)

(One of the Red-Riot members speaks up, communicating through the device)

Red-Riot Member#7: Well sir… he's just too strong! He can eat the bear spray, and he can catch bullets… I don't know what we can do!


Red-Riot Member#7: Well, we can't!


(After that is said, the Warden stops talking, seemingly disconnecting for a moment, then the Red-Riot members all charge Altair, since they have no choice anyways)

Altair: That man is getting you guys killed, but since you want to follow his orders then so be it.

(Altair runs through all of them, punching their heads off their shoulders and breaking their bones with ease, throwing them off the balcony and killing several, as Eve watches in shock, she steps out for a moment)

Eve: Altair, what's going on?!

Altair: Nothing, I'm just taking the trash out.

Eve: Why is the Red-Riot team here?

Altair: No clue actually.

Eve: And how… how are you just man-handling them so easily?!

Altair: I'm just like that.

(Altair finishes the wave of Red-Riot members and as the last body of the Red-Riot members drops to the ground, the Warden speaks up once more)

The Warden: Hello?! Did you get him?


(Altair walks over to the radio and picks it up, then speaks in it)

Altair: Hey Warden, how about you come do it yourself and stop being a pussy?

The Warden: Excuse me?

(The Warden then re-checks the cameras and sees Altair picked up the radio, he then chuckles as he sees the pile of dead Red-Riot soldiers as well)

The Warden: Oh I see what's going on, alright then buddy, I'll take you down in a moment, black boy.

Altair: We shall see.

(Moments later, the Warden arrives with his formal attire, a man with blonde hair coming up, ready to take on Altair, he storms up the stairs and approaches Altair)

The Warden: So, I already know how this is going to go down, you're one of those types of humans.

Altair: Oh? You know about my kind? Or is this another racist comment?

The Warden: Quiet, spook.

I know your kind, you're a Lochman, all Lochmans have silver hair, rather if their skin tone is dark or not.

Altair: Is that your only reasoning to your accusation? Don't get me wrong, I am a Lochman, but that's the only thing that made you assume that?

The Warden: Obviously your strength plays a huge part in it, but not every Lochman has the same ability, such as super strength, and your unwavering defense, truly remarkable, but not enough for this…

(As The Warden says this, he whips out a pistol)

Altair: Pfft, you think that is going to do anything? Did you not learn anything from your little dead servants with pistols?

I can catch those with ease.

(Eve, who had been watching previously, is now intrigued, but also scared for Altair's safety, suspecting The Warden's gun might be more than what meets the eye)

The Warden: You think this is an ordinary gun? I'll show you it isn't, just you wait.

Your kind is susceptible to Astatine, and this thing is coated with it, although not much, it's expensive material.

Though I happen to get my hands on it.

Altair: Is that so? Well then let's test it out.

(The Warden smirks, thinking about how he'll easily shoot Altair down with a singular bullet, and have him on his knees)

The Warden: As you wish, buddy.


(The Warden raises the gun, firing a single bullet, and as the bullet is fired, it hits Altair in his ribs, piercing through his flesh, causing Altair to bleed)

[To be continued]


[Chapter 7]

(The Warden begins to laugh hysterically as he notices Altair bleeding profoundly from the bullet wound)

The Warden: Not so tough now are ya?

You damn porch monkey, you think you're hot shit but you're just like us, weak to bullets.

(Altair's eyes then flicker, his silver eyes glowing a bit and then suddenly, the bullet flies out of his body, as if it were pushed out by something internal, Altair then heals within the snap of a second)

Altair: You were close, but unfortunately for you, my adaptability helped me out in the last second, you see, all Lochmans have extremely potent adaptability and development, just like humans.

The Warden: No… this can't be.

Altair: Although, Lochman's adaptability is around 200x more potent than the average human, but since I'm special, my adaptability is cranked up to an estimated 400x.

Meaning my adaptability is twice as potent as average Lochman's.

The Warden: But, Astatine is your weakness… I'm confused.

Altair: Unlike most people, I adapted to my own weakness, it's called trial and error, and in this case, I overcame it.

The Warden: No no no… this isn't how it was supposed to end.

(The Warden looks around, he is now scared of what might happen next, he tries to see if there's anyone to help him, but all his men are dead, scrunched up in a pile of bodies, which horrifies him)

(In a moment of fear, he thinks about running and potentially escaping this situation, but he also knows that might be impossible considering who he is facing)

Altair: So I'm going to give you an option, I can either impale you with my bare fists, choke you to death, or punch the oxygen out your lungs, the same as choking you basically, or I could snap your neck, etc.

(The Warden nearly shits his pants, he steps back a bit, frightened of what's to come eventually, his inevitable death)

(As if on cue, Eve steps back out of the Cell and speaks up)

Eve: Altair, I think you should spare him, even though he did call you those names and try to kill you, have a bit of empathy for him maybe?

Altair: Empathy?

(Altair thinks for a moment, pondering his decision while The Warden inches back, trying to escape slowly)

Altair: Sure, I'll spare you, but only because Eve asked, also I'm going to tell you something, I'm breaking out in a month so don't try anything, I'll be out of your hair by December 18th.

(The Warden sighs in relief, as he was sure he'd be doomed if Altair hadn't decided to spare him)

The Warden: A month?! Fine, do what you want, not like I can do anything.

(Altair nods, and as The Warden walks away, he begins thinking in his mind about a devious plan)

The Warden (in his mind) : That's fine Altair, I'll get my revenge on you, watch.

It may take a moment, or maybe even years, but I will get my revenge for you humiliating me, and why is a woman here?

Nevermind that, I'll get my hands on some more Astatine, looks like I'll have to pay the Government a visit.

(A month later, it's December 18th, The Warden hasn't made any advances on Altair with negative intent, Altair then wakes up and looks at the wall, which has carvings that documented today's date, as if he was truly waiting for this very moment)

Altair: Today's the day, December 18th, 2023.

Time for my plan to commence.

(Altair then wakes Eve up, tapping her on her face, which immediately wakes her up, as if she was electrified out her sleep)

Eve: Huh?!

Altair: Today's breakout day.

Eve: Oh, right.

(Eve gets up to stand, which now she has to be careful, because she is now pregnant, even though they had sex on her period cycle, it seems Altair was possibly able to bypass this, which is frightening)

Altair: Alright, here goes nothing I guess.

(Altair then turns to the wall, going up to it and plucking the wall slightly, destroying the wall entirely, shattering into a thousand pieces)

Eve: Holy shit!

That was your breakout plan?!

Altair: Yeah, I'd rather not take the Pablo Escobar route.

Eve: Just how strong are you?!

Altair: We'll save that conversation for later.

(Altair then takes Eve's hand and begins flying, reaching subsonic speeds, soaring through the clouds, arriving back into the city of Philadelphia)

Altair: Freedom at last.

Eve: Indeed, this is exciting!

Wait, how are you flying?

Altair: Nevermind that, you see that blue building over there with the satellite looking device on it?

Eve: Yeah, what about it?

Altair: That's where we will live for the rest of our lives.

Eve: Huh?!

(As Altair says this, he then zooms to the building, which has the words 'Lochman Industries' on it)

(And as they arrive at the building, they land on a rooftop, met with a door that leads inside the building, although the door is locked with highly advanced technology that can only be accessed by those who are within the Lochman family, well rather Altair's family at least)

(Altair then walks up to the door and bites his thumb, making it bleed, afterwards he proceeds to place his thumb on the doorknob handle, and soon as he does, the door flashes green and speaks)


(Eve then speaks up, shocked by what she just saw)

Eve: Did you just unlock that door with your blood?

Altair: Yeah, pretty neat ain't it?

Eve: Definitely.

Altair: Follow me.

(Altair steps forward, walking down a flight of stairs, Eve following behind, they're both met with another door, which automatically opens as they step toward it, and as they step inside, they are greeted with the most beautiful room they've ever seen, the finest furniture, the most amazing and jaw-dropping TV's plastered high up on the walls, around several rooms, beautiful kitchen and bedrooms, high quality bathrooms that function on their own, a whole futuristic home that lies within 'Lochman Industries')

(Eve is left speechless as she glances around, looking at all the fine details of the home, confused as to how to react, as she was once a Assassin who was imprisoned, now a Escapee living in a futuristic home)

Eve: I… I… I don't know what to say…

Altair: Yeah, this was originally a guest 'house' if that makes any sense, my parents are filthy rich.

Eve: Just… just who are your parents?

Altair: Romeo and Juliet.

Eve: What?!

Altair: I'm joking.

(Altair smirks a bit, taking amusement in Eve's reaction)

Altair: My parents are the owners of this building, 'Clara and Caesar Lochman'

Eve: What?! That's even better than Romeo and Juliet!

Altair: Eh, not really.

Eve: How can you just be talking so casually about your parents like this?!

Altair: Don't really see them like that, too busy with work, no opinion on them both.

(Altair then remembers about his plan, on why he escaped in the first place)

Altair: Oh right, I need to pay two people a visit, I'll be back, and be careful, you're still pregnant.

Eve: Oh, uh, alright.

(Altair waves and then leaves the building, taking flight to find someone, so he closes his eyes and senses a detect heartbeat count of everyone in the world, then finding a certain person's blood flow's speed rate, pointing out one singular person in mind, and then flies towards in the middle of the city, entering Dilworth park)

(As Altair arrives, he crash lands into the park, sending someone's dog flying, which happens to be Officer Ryan's dog, and so he catches the dog before it is harmed)

Altair: Oops!

Officer Ryan: Woah! When did you get here, just now I'm assuming?

Altair: Yeah, told you I'd break out on December 18th.

Officer Ryan: Guess you really are a man of your word, well then, what are you gonna do now?

You're considered an escapee so they're going to come looking for you.

Altair: True on that, but I'm going to pay the President a visit, I'll offer him a proposition in return for my freedom.

(Officer Ryan is baffled by this sudden statement of Altair)

Officer Ryan: You're going to speak to the President to reclaim your freedom? That's definitely going in the History books.

Altair: Most likely, but I have to go, catch ya later!

Officer Ryan: Good luck, Altair.

(He then waves as he watches Altair take flight, Altair travels from Philadelphia to Washington DC, going to meet the President)

[To be continued]