
Military girl in a mafia house

"happiness is a choice , you can choose to be happy or not" A simple quote on a broken car change the life of a little girl Who chose to be happy, who chose to pursue her dream to be in a military but everything stops when she is given an order from higher up to go under cover as a highschool girl and somehow find the secrets of viper gang This is a story of how a mafia girl survives in a mafia town , Will she be still the radiant and happy girl pursuing her happiness or will she be broken

PANDAzoe · วัยรุ่น
2 Chs

Chapter: 2 dream, secrets

Years passed, and Lily grew into a strong and ambitious young woman. Inspired by her encounter with the man and her own unwavering belief in happiness, she set her sights on a career in the military. Her dream was to bring hope and security to those in need.

Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks along the way, Lily remained true to herself. She trained tirelessly, pushing her limits to become the best she could be. Her radiant smile and infectious positivity became legendary among her peers.

Lily's dream of joining the military became a reality when she was recruited into a special operations unit known for its covert missions. Her skillset and unwavering optimism made her the perfect candidate for a dangerous assignment.

Word had reached the higher-ups about a notorious gang called the Viper Gang. They were responsible for a string of criminal activities, and the authorities needed someone to infiltrate their ranks and gather crucial information. Lily's commanding officers saw the potential in her and decided to assign her to the task.

However, there was a twist to the mission. Lily was ordered to go undercover as a high school student in Willowbrook, where the Viper Gang was suspected to have a strong presence. Her task was not only to find their secrets but also to protect the innocent students who might be caught in the crossfire.

As Lily assumed her new identity as a high school girl, she found herself immersed in a world vastly different from her previous military training. The hallways buzzed with gossip, the classrooms filled with youthful energy, and the hierarchy of popularity reigned supreme.

Lily, ever the optimist, embraced the challenge with enthusiasm. She understood that blending in was essential to her mission's success. With a quick study of teenage fashion trends and social dynamics, she managed to navigate the complex social landscape.

She joined clubs, participated in extracurricular activities, and gradually gained the trust of her peers. However, behind her cheerful facade, Lily couldn't shake the weight of her true purpose. The constant danger and the secrets she carried burdened her soul.