

The moon and the stars tried their best, but I couldn’t look away from you. I just find myself endlessly in love with you. . . . I do also upload on Wattpad, so just take a look there as well if interested. Happy reading :)) - Amare

AmareKheir · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs

C4 - Michael Eclair

"You seem rather pleased." Recognizing the voice, I turned my head to face the elder man gracing my screen.

The figure displayed was adorned with hair as white as mine, and the fine lines etching his impassive visage hinted at his age. Despite the passage of time, there lingered a hint of former allure in his younger days.

Seated in his chair, pen in hand, and engrossed in the papers before him, he exuded power and elegance. His mere presence seemed capable of inducing a shiver in anyone who encountered the aura he projected just by sitting there. This man stood among the world's wealthiest, having forged and erected his empire by the tender age of thirty, thereby amassing respect worldwide.The sovereign figure and mastermind behind Eclair Conglomerate – Michael Eclair.

Michael Eclair, father to two sons, the elder being Ethan Eclair and the younger Lucas Eclair. Ethan, in turn, had a son named Zayn Eclair, who was approximately six years my senior. Lucas, on the other hand, was a father to a daughter who seemed to embody everyone's adoration, Elayne Eclair. If my calculations are correct, she's about two years my senior.

While this man might not have cared much for his own sons, he doted on his grandchildren. It was perhaps the privilege of being a grandparent.

In the sphere of business, Michael Eclair is one of the few individuals I hold in high regard – nearly topping the list. Our paths crossed unexpectedly through Cain.

Back when I entrusted Cain with the safeguarding of my account and confidential data, I knew that certain successful investments might eventually draw attention. However, I hadn't anticipated someone of Michael Eclair's stature becoming one of those individuals.Initially, I was confident in my ability to maintain my anonymity. I remained veiled in the shadows, with my representatives attending meetings and signing contracts on my behalf. I believed Cain would fulfill his end of the arrangement. Little did I know that his father, Laurent Lee, worked for none other than Michael Eclair.

Events unfolded, leading me to this man.

At the outset, my defenses were firmly erected – a stance I'm sure you'd also adopt. Over time, he sought my insights and opinions on business matters, a stipulation outlined in our contract. I functioned as his advisor, as he liked to phrase it, for a specific fee. Conversely, he served as my life mentor, imparting guidance without any charge. Despite my confidence in market dynamics and business, there was no harm in learning and being guided by this formidable figure.Halting my hand's movement, I shifted my focus to my screen.

Sporting a faint smile, I declared, "That's an excellent deal."The man engrossed in the papers on his desk turned his gaze toward me. His eyes held a soft, gentle gleam, despite the impassive mask his face wore.

"I've secured a violin teacher for you. Every detail is arranged, no need to concern yourself."

This man was akin to a grandfather I never had the chance to meet, yet his demeanor bore resemblances to my father's. Once you've proven yourself, he gradually warms to you. High society and its trappings never enticed me, but according to his perspective, I required advanced lessons. My parents supported my growth, yet their knowledge of the outside world remained limited.

After exchanging pleasantries and updates, our call concluded.

I hope the readers will come to love this old monarch as much as I do

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