
MHA: The Green Blur

Izuku Midoriya just your ordinary run of the mill kid, until that is his life was completely turned upside down. After an accident caused him to suddenly gain powers, how will Izuku use his powers? Follow along as Izuku becomes imbued with the powers of super speed and how he became known as the fastest man alive! Aspects taken from DC's The Flash (Story by RSmallz on fanfiction.net)

drswagman · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
48 Chs

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A week had gone by since Izuku woke up, normally he would be with Hatsume working on his powers. But today was a special day, not necessarily a good one, for today it was the anniversary of Inko's death. Izuku walked through the path as the cold crisp wind blew past him, he held in his hands a bouquet of red roses.

Deviating from the path, Izuku walked past grave stones, until he stopped in front of one. Looking down at the headstone it read, "Here lies Inko Midoriya, a loving wife and mother."

Izuku smiled, "Hey mom, it's been awhile huh, sorry for not visiting you sooner. I was sort of in an accident, nothing crazy just got struck by lightning is all. Oh but don't worry, as you can see I'm fine, I just took a nap for about ten months. I brought these for you, red roses, your favorite."

Placing the bouquet on the grass, Izuku sighed, "I miss you mom. Everyday I wish you were still here. I'm still working on getting dad out of prison. I'm taking the exams for UA in two weeks, once I'm in I'll become an amazing hero and prove that dad is innocent."

Izuku laughed, "I know you're probably asking yourself, how could I possibly get in without a quirk? Well, funny thing actually, it seems like being hit by lightning and being thrown into some chemicals gave me super speed. Don't ask me how it happened because we don't know."

"Hatsume has been helping me get a handle on my powers. And I think I've gotten a hang of it, I even helped some people. Yeah I know it's technically illegal but dad always said to never look back. You want to hear what they are calling me, they are calling me The Emerald Comet. I hate that name, couldn't they have named me something cooler? I'll just have to think of a better name once I'm in UA."

Izuku kneeled down in front of the grave and placed a hand on the cold gravestone, "I promise you mom, I'll be careful. Just keep on watching over me like you always do, and I'll be fine. Anyways I should probably get going, I'm going to visit dad for a bit. He still hasn't seen me since the accident, he's probably worried sick too. I'll come by more regularly now, bye mom."

With that Izuku stood up and began to walk away from the gravesite. After taking two trains, 2 busses, and a 20 minute walk Izuku finally made it to the prison. After being forced to give up all electronics and personal items Izuku was led into a room with a long glass panel separating the room, there were multiple sections that were for one person. Each of them had a phone on either side of the glass, so people could talk.

After taking a seat the door on the other side of the glass opened up and out walked his father still chained up. After taking a seat Hisashi smiled as he grabbed the phone, Izuku did the same, "Good to see you're still alive kid."

Izuku smiled, "It's good to see you too, dad."

That's when Hisashi started, "Are you sure you're feeling alright? Did the doctors say anything after you got out? What about long term effects? Being hit by lightning is no laughing matter! When Mitsuki and Masaru told me what happened I almost broke out of here."

Izuku laughed, "Dad, slow down. Breathe." Hisashi took a deep breath and exhaled, "Good, now I know where I get my mumbling from. Seems like that's the only thing I inherited from you."

Hisashi shrugged, "What are you saying? You got my irresistible looks."

Izuku rolled his eyes, "Right, we both know I got that from mom."

Hisashi couldn't argue with that, "True, alright I'll give you that one. So have you visited your mother?"

"Yeah, I just came from there. I gave her the flowers and everything." Said Izuku.

"Good, I feared that you would have forgotten about your mother. Good to see that you haven't. So, besides falling into a coma, what have you been up to?" Asked Hisashi.

"You know, same old same old. I had a lot of school work to cover but I already got that done." Explained Izuku. "I am now officially a middle school graduate."

"Atta boy, I'm proud of you son. So what's next, what highschool have you picked out?" Asked Hisashi, happy to see his son grow.

Izuku flinched, "Well about that…"

Hisashi saw that look in Izuku's eyes, "No Izuku, you can't. We've been over this."

"Dad, I can do it, I just know I can." Said Izuku.

"No, you could get hurt, or worse!" Said Hisashi. "Being a hero is too dangerous."

"It's fine, I'll be careful." Said Izuku. "Besides, I'm not weak anymore."

Hisashi sighed, "Please Izuku, this is for your own good. You can't keep forcing yourself to do this."

"But I'm not, I want to do this. If I get into UA, I can be a real hero and get you out of here." Said Izuku.

Hisashi rubbed the bottom of his lip, "I've accepted my fate Izuku, it's about time you forget about me and live your life. You can't keep making decisions about your life around me. I'm just holding you down."

Izuku's heart rate began to increase, "But you're not holding me down. I want this, I want to get you out. And I intend on doing it."

"What would your mother say? Would Inko really let you take such a risk?" Izuku stayed silent. "See, she wouldn't. Your mother wanted nothing else but to keep you safe."

"I know dad, and I get it, but I'm not a little kid anymore." Explained Izuku.

"I just don't want you throwing your life away for someone like me." Said Hisashi.

Izuku slammed his fist on the metal arm rest, startling the guards, "For someone like you? You're my dad! How could you say something like that?"

"Izuku….people are going to find out what I did. Remember what you told me when the kids in middle school found out?" Izuku breathed in heavily. "Do you really want to go through that again? If you just talk to Mitsuki about changing your last name you can avoid it."

Izuku hung his head, "I already told you I'm not changing my last name and that doesn't matter, besides not everyone is like that. Remember Hatsume, she never brings it up even after she found out."

"Yes but from what you tell me, Hatsume is a special case. If you get into UA how will your classmates react when they find out that your dad is a killer?" asked Hisashi.

"You're not a killer dad, we both know you didn't do it." said Izuku. "Besides I don't care what others think or say, they don't know you like I do. Plus, the whole reason why I want to be a hero and get into UA is to prove your innocence. So we can find the person in the red lightning."

Hisashi looked away, "Izuku…"

"I know it sounds crazy but you have to believe me. They are still out, the villain is still out there." said Izuku.

"The police didn't find him Izuku, it was all your imagination." said Hisashi.

"It wasn't! I know what I saw, and if I can just…" However, that's when Hisashi put his foot down.

"That's enough Izuku!" said Hisashi, raising his voice. Izuku flinched, "You can't live your life chasing after something that might not even be involved with what happened with your mother."

Izuku had tears in his eyes, "But I have to, I refuse to let you rot in here. I will find whoever killed mom and get you out. I swear."

As father and son looked at each other through the glass a guard came out from behind Hisashi, "Times up,"

Hisashi nodded, "I have to go kid, just consider what I said okay?"

Izuku didn't want to, but he agreed nonetheless, "Alright dad, I'll come back after I find out if I got into UA or not. I love you."

As the guard grabbed Hisashi he smiled, "I love you too Izuku, you still remember what I told you when you were little right?"

Izuku nodded, "Yeah, one step at a time, and never look back."

With that the guard took Hisashi away leaving Izuku alone, taking a moment to compose himself Izuku got up and began to walk out of the visitors area. As he was being checked out and grabbing his stuff he heard an all too familiar voice, "Midoriya!? Is that you?"

Looking behind him Izuku saw Naomasa standing there, "Oh hey Naomasa."

"You're finally awake! When I heard you got hit by lightning and fell into a coma I went to visit you a few times. It's good to see you up and walking again." said Naomasa.

"Yeah," Over the years Izuku and Naomasa were in contact with each other, Naomasa wanted to get Hisashi out of prison but he needed proof. "Any progress on my dad's case yet?"

Naomasa shook his head, "Sorry but no."

Izuku grabbed his stuff, "I see, would be a lot faster if you'd use your quirk on my dad."

"I know but with your dad it doesn't seem to work. I can't tell if what he says is a lie or a truth." explained Naomasa. "And with the evidence we…"

Izuku turned to Naomasa, "I don't want to hear your excuses Naomasa, I want you to get my dad out of jail."

Naomasa was taken aback, "I know how you must feel Midoriya…"

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "Do you, do you really? My dad is in prison for something he didn't do! Do you know how many times I've been called the son of a killer? How many times people have ignored me, not just because of my dad, but also for the fact that I'm quirkless?" asked Izuku.

Naomasa stayed quiet, "All I'm trying to do is help Midoriya."

"You want to help? Good, fine, be my guest but why not work a bit more on his case, you did help put him there after all." said Izuku as he turned to leave.

Once out of the prison Izuku's lip trembled, it was taking everything he had just to hold back his emotions. After walking down the street Izuku passed the bus stop and turned down an alley, looking around he saw that no one was around. Clenching his fist Izuku wanted to scream but now with his new powers he found a new way to vent, running.

With green lightning suddenly jumping off of his body, Izuku ran down the alley, zooming past people, cars, busses, trains, and even some heroes. But all couldn't catch him, or even had time to react, all they saw was a green trail of lightning crackling past them.

Within seconds Izuku made it to the beach, stopping in front of the hut he wiped the tears off of his eyes and walked inside. He needed full control over his powers and he needed to do it fast, the UA entrance exams were coming up fast. "Hatsume, you in here!?" Yelled Izuku.

From behind a pile of gadgets Hatsume appeared, "What's up?"

Izuku motioned towards the back, "Let's go, we are working on that thing again."

Hatsume's eyes gleamed, "Does that mean I can use my baby!?"

Izuku nodded, "Yes you can use your baby."

Letting out a small squeal Hatsume quickly ran off to get her baby.