
MHA: Swordsman System

Kenta is your average anime fan, he then dies an abnormal death and is transmigrated into the My Hero Academia universe. He soon realizes he is Quirkless but then obtains the swordsman system. With it, he will grow much stronger and become the #1 hero. But not without spending quality time with some beautiful girls!

TyrantIsMe · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 1: Quirkless on my first day?

Resting on my dingy bed, I groaned and moved around as if in discomfort. 

"Murmur...Murmur...this bed...hurts...Murmur.."

I finally sit up from my uncomfortable mattress and scratch my head in a look of confusion.

My head feels like a blurry mess and it feels like I had a huge hangover, even though I don't drink.

I'm only 18 and have been living by myself for the past 6 months, and it's hell.

The rent is insanely overpriced and the residents are just horrible.

I mean look at this.


Cockroaches crawled from within the dishwasher, and I was horrified with the look of disgust.

Some may call me disgusting but these roaches have been here since the first day I moved in. And I make sure to keep this place as tidy as I possibly can.

I can say my life is extremely mediocre, no real friends, no good job, and no girlfriend. Just me, myself, and I.

I'm still a virgin and can barely hold my own when talking to a girl, but I've been working on it.

The last girlfriend I had was during my 2nd year of elementary and even then it was just barely holding hands.

I don't think that girl could even be considered a 'Girlfriend' but it's whatever.

Today's a Saturday and that means no work and just chill time. And what do I like to do during my chill time? eat some snacks and watch some anime.

I'm currently watching 'My Hero Academia'.

I recently watched through the entire show and decided to go back and rewatch it just to jog my memory on everything that's happened thus far.

But why am I choking on a Dorito right now?


I gagged and choked on the small triangular chip stuck in my throat. I ran to the kitchen and rushed to grab some water but to no avail.

My vision blurred and slowly darkened, and I was sure I was dying but was I seeing a light?

It's very bright, so bright almost blinding. 

I don't want to look at it.

I do actually, what is it?

I turned my head to look at the immense light in front of me.

It pulled me closer and closer and once I reached it I was in some unknown place.

I looked around to find myself in the direct middle of a middle school classroom. All around me, kids of all calibers chatted with one another.

"Where the hell?.."

Checking my surroundings, I was confused by what I saw.

A student with long fingers, a student with horns, a student with wings. Just where the hell was I?

A teacher walks into the room, with grey hair and a grey beard with a hint of blonde in it. He then spoke up, "I would hand out these future career forms but...."


Everyone cheered as the teacher spoke.

"Oh yeah, Kenta. You also want to go to U.A"

'Huh? Me? U.A.?...wait these words and this setup sounds familiar...is this? My Hero Academia?...but how? was I sent here after my death?'

Everybody in the classroom glared at me, before bursting into a loud cackle, some cried until their stomachs tensed up and tears fell down their faces.

'What so funny? why can't I be a hero?'

But then I soon found out.



'Huh? Q-Quirkless? WHY ME! Aww come on! it's my first day!'

I chose to stay silent, but something in me told me to speak up. 

"I will be a hero." It was almost inaudible.

one student who was still giggling asked, "What was that?"

"I said. I will be a hero."

I raised the oomph in my voice and spoke with confidence.

'I say that but don't know how.'

They looked at me before just snickering a bit, "Yeah right!"

Turning my head, I look down at the book in front of me. I chose to just ignore them for now.

But a loud ding rang in my head.

It almost made me jump.

Lifting my head, a large display panel floated in my face.


[Name: Kenta]

[Age: 14]

[Quirk: - ]


(SP: 0)

<<Swordsmanship: 1 100>>

<<Physical: 15 100>>

<<Strength: 4>>

<<Stamina: 3>>

<<Vitality: 5>>

<<Agility: 3>

[Skills: N/A]


'The hell? what is that? am I hallucinating? no, I can't be. what does it do?'

[The Swordsman System is a system meant to help the host grow far stronger even while quirkless.]


I yelled out loud for everyone to hear.

"The hell is up with him?"

"Probably going crazy knowing he can't get into UA, kekeke!" they giggled.


The day ended and I was eager to test out this system.

With my memories, I somehow know exactly where my home was.

For some reason when I came to this world, I was put in the body of a person with the same name as mine but different looks. And out of all honesty, I am quite handsome in this body.

Dark hair and bright blue eyes match my elegant face well. The only thing throwing it all off balance was my skinny and frail body.

At home, I walk in the door and am greeted by a mother and father, both of them seem loving and kind.

My mother was a very enchanting lady, with black hair and black eyes yet so beautiful.

My father is a handsome man, with dark brown hair and blue eyes he was sure to attract any women back in his youth.

"Kenta! how was school?" they both said in unison.

"Good, just the usual."

They realized I was acting a bit different than usual, probably because I'm not their usual son.

My mom spoke to me, "Is something wrong Kenta? are you still sad you can't make it into U.A.?"

"Don't let it get you down son, you can still become a great person and work a normal job!"

Their efforts at cheering me up were futile as I seemed unmoved.

"It's fine because I will get into UA. Just watch."

They were speechless, they knew I was determined but not this determined. They know I'm quirkless and they knew it was only a matter of time before I gave up on my dream but they didn't expect that.

In my room, I sat on my bed and opened the status window.

"Explain how I can get stronger!"

[The host can train or complete small quests for rewards and skill points to upgrade their stats.]

[But the host should train their body and grow stronger through natural means first. And then go back and invest in your stats.]

"I see. Thanks for the info."

A sweet voice comes from in the dining room, "KENTA~ DINNERS READY~"

I stood up and walked to the small dining room where my parents sat at the table with the food.

I sit down and thank them for the food, and immediately start to chow down on the meal.

'I need to eat as much as I can if I want this skinny body to gain a bit of mass. I have 10 months until the UA entrance exam. I have to get as strong as possible!'