
MHA: Kibutsuji

It was a simple cliche process being reincarnated and being given a system in a world with special abilities called 'Quirks' being present. But after waiting a year of being quirkless and being bullied he finally awakened his quirk along with his system. 'FINALLY!!' [System On.] Name: Hairo Kibutsuji Quirk: Biokinesis(Muzan Version) Rank: E Skills: None It was a simple system but it got Hairo excited for what's to come. _______ Short chapters probably 2k words No harem Scuffed schedule

TheFanBoy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

The Exam Final/ First Day

Hairo dashed towards the Zero Pointer at full speed as he covered his right arm with hardened bone and muscle strengthening it and as soon as he made contact with one of the Zero Pointers legs it caved in causing damage to it, but Hairo's arm due to the impact exploded into bits spilling blood everywhere causing the students to look in disgust and fear.

"H-His arm!"

"N-No Way!"

Hairo seeing the remains of his arm sighed before flicking his shoulders instantly regrowing it for the others to see.

"He regrew it!"


"What the hell is his quirk!!?"

But looking at the blood covered leg of the Zero Pointer Hairo smirked before snapping his fingers causing the blood on it to freeze halting it's movement, he then proceeded to cover himself with more muscle and harder bone before his arms looked similar to Genos's except for the fact it was all bone, muscle and burning pink fire.

His lower body proceeded to look quite similar before hole started to appear from everywhere around his back, these were the Jet Holes from his soles but instead of being limited to one area he could place them everywhere. And right now with all his modifications to his body he looked more like a boss from Bloodborne instead of a hero. 


His jets propelled him towards the legs of the Zero Pointer before he reached out his hands sending a condensed ball of blood towards the joints of the Zero Pointer which covered it in his blood before it started freezing. 

Seeing that his attack landed he proceeded to dodge and weave through the missiles that were being sent to him as in his hands a longsword made of blood that was constantly dripping appeared. 

'I may not be strong enough to destroy it's body with sheer force, but I can do the smart thing and aim for it's weak spot.'

He then proceeded to run across it's ginormous leg and soon enough he was close to it's frozen joint and in one quick motion he winged at it and before his blood sword could make contact he activated his Pyrokinesis setting it ablazed. 


Without the help of its missing leg the Zero Pointer started to become unbalanced but before it could fall over Hairo went inside it via the hole he caused due to the explosion. 

"One minute left!" 

Present Mic's voice caused the stunned onlookers to be snapped back to reality before hurrying to grab more points as Hairo while inside the Zero Pointer started to form multiple appendages on his back similar to that of the original Muzan's. 

'Its outer shell may be hard but everything here is quite fragile.'

Suddenly all four appendages started to slash his surroundings breaking the inner workings of the Zero Pointer while Outside everyone would watch as the Zero Pointer that caused so much damage started exploding from the inside. Meanwhile Mineta who was trying his body suddenly grabbed hold of his arm in pain

"Damn it I've only gotten 28 points!" Mineta needed to at least 30 points to pass and in the original he would make it but sadly since his arm was now sprained and injured he couldn't throw any more of his balls and unlike his right arm his left arm was quite weak, thus his fate was changed as Hairo would now replace him.

"And just like that time's up!!!!, We'll send the results to you all via mail see ya next time folks!" 

And with Present Mic's voice Mineta's whole world shattered as he fell on his knee's and started crying, While Hairo got out from the broken Zero Pointer with injuries that were slowly healing. 

"Note to self, find a way to make an extra stomach."

[---My Hero Academia---] 

Hairo may have the abilities of Muzan but without the body and psychological advantage of being a demon, in demon slayer ranking he would be considered Lower Moon 1. Which was still quite strong but unlike the upper moons he was only town level. While full powered Muzan would be considered to have the strength to destroy Japan if given enough time while weaken Muzan would be around City Level, which Is quite terrifying for the MHA world but then again power level isn't everything.

[----My Hero Academia---] 

"I still find it usless on how UA instead sends a hologram projector instead of an Email." 

Hairo was currently looking at the small disc like projector on his desk in curiosity, before finally deciding to press it. 

[Hello My dear Nephew!] 

"Ah, All Might."

[You don't sound quite surprised!, then again you are his grandson...]

It was obvious instead of a video Hairo was basically on a video chat with All Might, but this wasn't the first time as All Might would visit him and his grandfather every Christmas. In fact he already knew about his condition since his grandfather explained everything to him about All Might was injured from a battle and he was one of his mentors, he didn't say anything about One For All but he didn't need to as Hairo being from another world knew about it but he of course didn't tell his grandfather. So all he knew was All Might was weakened but still 'A Natural Born Hero'. 

[Well I know how you hate talking!, I'll get straight to the points you passed with 80 Points!] 

"Alright I'll see you in classes then uncle."

Hairo went to grab and destroy the projector but All Might seeing this began waving his hand stopping him as he clearly had more to say. 

[Wait! Wait! Don't be to hasty it's almost like you don't want to see me!] 

'You're loud and annoying of course I don't want to see you.'

Over the years during his Birthday's or any other Holidays All Might or what he would like to be called 'Awesome Uncle Might!' would bring over the top Gifts to Hairo or would out right kidnap the boy from either school or his home and turn into a less muscular version of himself(Think young all might and since Yagi could turn into his buff self it wouldn't be far fetched to say he could also control his transformation to look more human) to look more just like a body builder who had a resemblance to All Might and would take Hairo to amusement parks. 

[Anyway's! Don't think your heroic deeds didn't go unnoticed!] 

Suddenly the video changed from All Might to the sight of the Zero pointer about to crush a girl with Purple hair to bits before Hairo procdeeded to cut off it's limb saving the girl.

'What the hell is this cliche turn of events!?' 

Seeing how he apparently saved a girl from being squashed to death, All Might was proud of his nephew and thought that the boy had learned something from him. Yes that must be it!. 

[Due to your act of heroism we've decided to give you an extra twenty points raising your score to a hundred!, good luck my amazing nephew as this is the start of your Hero Academia! See you in Hero Training!. Oh and I Almost forgot! Just like tradition I'm going to take you out and celebrate!] 


And with that the little device proceeded to turn off as Hairo could only sigh at his Uncle's antics, he ws sa grown man! And yet he acted like this. He wouldn't mind if it was a woman doing it but as he's already seen his buff Uncle in a maid outfit for some charity with an Idol Group he could only curse on whatever God was giving him this Emiya type of luck.

"School starts on Monday and seeing how it's Saturday I can expect that idiot to arrive tommorow."

Sadly that wasn't the case as in his front yard something had apparently crashed before the doorbell rang. He slowly looked outside from his window seeing the figure of his Uncle in his lesser form outside with a shirt that said 'GO! AMERICA!' with a goofy smile on his face. 

"Your lucky you were my last one for the day! Let's go my dear nephew!" 

'I wonder if people would mind if I ate their Symbol Of Peace.'

(Some time later) 

"Hey doesn't that guy look alot like All Might?" 

"Nah All Might looks more muscular I mean if this was 10 years ago sure I would think that guy was All Might but now? No chance!" 

Hairo and Yagi were now currently at Akihabara, and how they got there so quickly was due to the fact Hairo piggy backed on Yagi who got them there. 

"Man it feels nice not looking like a skeleton Thanks again champ!" Yagi smiled and did a thumbs up to Hairo who only sighed at his antics. 

"Don't mention it now be quiet" 

'So Moody! He's like David during his Emo years!' 

"But still if it weren't for you I would be looking like a skeleton instead! Now I can look like I'm in my twenties!, well except for the fact I can only use around 10% of my strength in this form and any more than that I'll cough blood!" 

Now ever since Hairo reached C+ during one of Yagi's Visits he 'Healed' his stomach and a bit of the flesh around his injuries as he could make organs and integrate them to a person like Golden Experience, but making an extra organ work took alot of work as the body sometimes couldn't handle the change no matter how strong your body was as even if there was a slight imperfection he would suffer the consequences and he learnt this the hard way. 

But ever since he healed Yagi's stomach his default form was now a younger smaller version of himself of course if he were to exhaust himself too much he would reverted back to a skeleton known as Small Might, as not only did he have a more human looking his 'Hero Time' was now increased to 5 hours instead of 3. 

"Now let's get you a girlfriend!" 

"I'll kill you."

And thus the two went out to celebrate and their celebration consisted of Maid Cafe's and Yagi trying to be his wingman by shoving him to the workers while Hairo caught himself and the worker he would eventually be pushed to and keeping them from falling and eventually getting their number which would eventually all ways be thrown to trash cans, or Yagi pulling Hairo to arcade machines as the boy was good at getting prize's to the point they were kicked out!. 

And after a few hours of celebrating Hairo had to rent a room in some hotel with Yagi's credit card while he himself made his way back to Mustafu via train, and so the day ended with Hairo enjoying it as he was able to have some peace and quiet on the train. 

[---My Hero Academia---] 

All Might would always try to get Hairo a girlfriend everytime they would go out, and everytime he would get drunk to the point Hairo would need to bring him to a hotel and lay the man on the bed before using his credit card to get a few thousand yen from the ATM machine before returning said credit card and heading home. 

Sometimes he regretted healing his uncle's stomach. 

[---My Hero Academia---] 

"Please get your foot off the table!" 

"Who the hell are you, you extra!?" 

"Such rude language!" 

Hairo was now patiently waiting in class while he ignored the sounds of Iida and Bakugo arguing and the looks he got from Todoroki and Yaoyorozu who probably knew about him being first place in the practical public exam and written exam. 

'Three years, you just have to handle this for three years. Don't do anything rash Hairo'

Just like the original Muzan, Hairo had a short temper which was why he would always beat up the delinquents on his way home to let out some steam. But sadly the area surrounding UA and the way to UA were clear of any delinquents and trouble makers making Hairo frustrated. But in the plus side the book he had obtained as a gift from Yagi would help him with his extra stomach problem, the book was something from the the medical researchers of I-Island thus in it's 900 pages of contained not only biological knowledge about the human body but also theories which Included the addition of an extra organ. 

'Unlike an extra heart or brain which would form in me when I rank up an extra stomach wasn't something the original muzan had, but if I want to make the most of having a human body and having no source for a blue spider lily I have to find a way to integrate an extra stomach'

As Hairo was engrossed with his reading he had noticed how someone specifically two people were currently looking over his shoulders.

"If you two have something to say speak."

He turned to look at the two and he recognized both of them, one being Yaoyorozu Momo and the other being Kyouka Jiro. He was sitting where the original Mineta would be sitting so he was confused on why Kyouka was looking over his shoulders before remembering her had unintentionally saved her. 

"Well I don't know about her but I would like to introduce myself to the one who had reached first place in the public practical exam, my name is Yaoyorozu Momo."

Momo had a look of admiration towards Hairo which he was confused about but decided to humor her and introduce himself. 

"Torino Hairo, now you purple hair what do you want?" 

Hairo turned to Jiro who took a moment before bowing in a 90 degree angle. 

"Thank you for saving me during the exam!" 

Hairo looked at her one more time before returning to his book and blocking out any noise that reached his ear's he would of course occasionally look up to see if Aizawa was there but seeing how her apparent savior wasn't paying attention to her any longer Jiro grunted in frustration before going back to her seat. 

While Momo getting the signal also went back to hers but was still amazed by the fact that she wasn't just next to the top scorer for the recommended examinations but she was also behind the top scorer for public examination who was clearly reading a book that was far from their learning level!. 

Meanwhile Izuku who has just finished talking Uraraka suddenly noticed to what seemed to be a yellow caterpillar on the ground drinking a juice pouch.

'So he finally arrived.'


Two chapters for today since yes-