
Final And Award Ceremony

Katsuki blasted towards me with his quirk, seeing him coming at me with full force told me that he's here to win. So i didn't mess up, squatting down I pumped everything I had on to my legs and jumped upward just in time to dodge his explosion that he would have made right in front of my face if I didn't jump.

As I reached a reasonable height I started ro decent seeing that I was coming down fast he used his explosion to propel himself upward to meet me in mid air saying "I'll make you use your damn feathers bastard."

I figured that he's aiming to make me use my wings in mid air, cause if I don't I won't be able move myself away from his blast. Well that what he thought. As I was sure that I was reaching the right distance I spread my both hands side ways and brought it down to the front for a sonic clap, courtesy of the Tetramand dna.


A reverberating sound was produced as I clapped with air moving away from the path of the sonic clap and Bakugo who was in the radius of the sonic clap was blasted away out of the bounds pretty easily, *crash!* and he crashed into wall.

As he was out of the bounds I landed on the stage cracking it a bit and looked over to him.


Blood was dropping from ears, most probably ruptured his ears. I just hope this doesn't push him back from his drive to ve the number one hero.

"Katsuki Bakugo out of bounds, Haruto Kageyama Win!!"

Midnight's voice brought the audience and teachers back to their senses.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen we have the finalists for the U.A festival.....

The finals will start shortly after the stage is fixed."


At seats as class 1A students was watching the match they saw Bakugo blasting an explosion right in the face of Haruto bu just in time Haruto jumping upward and avoided it pretty easily.

As they were thinking what Bakugo will do, he propelled himself upward with his explosion. As both Bakugo and Haruto was about to meet in the middle they saw Haruto spreading his hands and getting it into the front as a clap. Everyone was confused at what he was doing, bus a second later that thought passed through their heads *Booom* a sonic boom was heard and *crack* they saw Bakugo crashing into the walls of the stadium.

After Midnight declared Haruto as the winner, Denki asked "Hey... isn't his quirk something related to wings? How in the world does he have this much strength?"

"His Quirk is Angels Physique. He told me when we were in the combat training." Momo answered Denki's question.

"Does that include this much strength and all?" Izuku asked her.

"I don't know." Saying that she left to find Shoto.

As she reached the waiting room where Shoto was waiting. She didn't knock and just entered and saw Shoto rewatching the scene where Haruto knocked out Bakugo with a sonic clap.

Seeing this she asked Shoto "Are you sure that you want to push him to the point letting him use his wings?"

"I don't know. I'm at lost...."

"Hey, what did he say before leaving for the quarter finals? He said that, he'll be rival for both of you so that he will be a rival that push you forward to surpass your limit. So I would say he's trying to make you surpass your limit and try to beat him with all you got."

"Yeah, you're right."


"It's finally the last battle of the U.A. High School sports festival!

From the hero course, Shoto Todoroki! V/S Also from hero course, Haruto Kageyama!


I looked at Shoto, and he was determined I can see that from his eyes.

Shoto as usual made an iceberg that almost reached Haruto as he just cocked his hand in a backward motion and bought it forward breaking that ice in an instant.

But right after that a stream of fire came *swooosh* so Haruto jumped up and avoided it.

In mid air he saw Shoto trying to use both ice and fire at the same time, seeing this Haruto smiled and landed back on the stage making the mist to disperse. The mist was created when the ice was melted by the stream of fire.

When the mist disappeared from the stage the audience saw that Shoto sends a giant ice wave at Haruto, which the latter avoids by using his enhanced jumping ability to jump over it and dive at Shoto. Shoto heats up the air and melts all the ice in preparation for a giant flame attack. Haruto counters with a sonic clap with his arms.

Seeing that this will make either of them to be severely injured, Cementoss interrupts their fight, but their attacks collide with each other by destroying the cement walls Cementoss created and destroy the stadium.

When the smoke from the explosion clears, Shoto collapses outside the ring. Haruto stands alone inside the stage like nothing happened. Midnight announces that Shoto is out of bounds and that Haruto Kageyama is the victor.


During the award ceremony, Katsuki was eerily silent for some reason. Nobody know what's going through his mind at all.

As we were standing on the podium, with me being the 1st of the tournament, Shoto Todoroki being 2nd of the tournament and Katsuki Bakugo. at 3rd place.

Midnight started to speak "All of the first year events for this year's U.A. sports festival have been completed.

And now, we will begin the award ceremony!" When she finished saying that the podium started to rice to the surface.

"In addition to Bakugo, there is also Iida in third place, but he left early for family reasons. Thank you for understanding."

'So stain attacked Ingeium'

"Now, we will award the medals! The presentation of tge awards will of course, be by this man.... "

"Ha Hah Ha" Laughing like that All Might jumped from the roof of the stadium to the ground, on the way he spoke "I have brought the medals here!"

"Our very own hero, All Might." Midnight als said at the same time All Might spoke.

After apologizing to him Midnight handed him the medals.

As my turn came he just put on the medal and whispered to me while he hugged me "Young Kageyama, you didn't use your quirk from the beginning. Why?"

".... " I didn't reply to him, just smiled at him.




-----------Chapter 38 End----------
