

A whole week passed after Neito's recruitment of Twice and Toga, and today he was leaving for overseas.

Hana monoma was crying while fussing over Neito, telling him what to do and what not to.

"I get it mom, I'll be fine, Twice will take care of everything, he's an adult you know."

Looking at Jin standing there awkwardly, Hana turned her face with a huff.

"He's a criminal, what good can he do."

Jin heard his heart shatter, but he didn't say anything, this was boss's mother, and Jin had lived enough to know who you should and should not snap back at.

Shibasaki seeing how Hana was again about to start her rant finally decided to step in.

"Come on, give Twice a break, he's Neito's legal bodyguard okay, and Neito's also going to meet up with the number one hero there."

"He'll be fine, now let him go, Neito is already late."

Giving Neito a look, Hana gave him one last hug and got up, watching Neito smile at her and turn to leave.

Toga also gave her signature smile to Hana and Shibasaki, but only Shibasaki retuned the gesture, not Hana.


Watching the private jet engine start, Hana rapidly waved Neito farewell.

She finally turned back when Neito smiling face was no longer visible.

"He's gone.. we are alone again.."

Said Hana, Shibasaki rolled his eyes as he grabbed his shoulder and stopped her from overreacting.

"It's fine, Neito's going to open another UA branch at overseas, and he got the number one hero there to support him."

"This is good for his business, you know how things are, he's definitely safe, so you don't have to be so glum."

Watching Hana beginning to register his words and finally starting to realise Neito isn't in any danger, Shibasaki tried to uplift the mood.

"Neito won't want you to be all sad, so look at the plus side, we also get to spend more time with each other again, it's been ages."

Hearing that Hana sighed while walking with Shibasaki, holding her cheek she said with sadness.

"But I am used to having Neito with me, it doesn't feel right without my child running around."

Looking at his wife, Shibasaki smirked.

"If it's a child you want running around, I can fix that pretty quickly."

Rolling her eyes at her husband's words, Hana finally had an embarrassed smile forming on her lips.

"We are in public!"

Grabbing her a little tighter, Shibasaki said.

"We can get out of public if you want."

Understanding her husband's words, Hana wondered, they really did lack alone time for quite a while didn't they, so she decided to just return to the dorms.

"You! Have some shame."

While Hana did say that, she turned towards the medical center with Shibasaki anyways.

Who caught on to their changed destination, and questioned.

"Why are we going there?"

Pursing her lips Hana said with a hushed tone.

"For protection!"

Turning away immediately and taking her with him, Shibasaki said.

"We don't need such things."

Looking at him with a dry look, Hana patted her forehead.

"Why not?"

Looking at her Shibasaki said righteously.

"That stuff ain't biodegradable, I am saving the nature."

A speechless look was all Hana could muster before going along with it anyways.

Shibasaki wasn't about to listen, and she really was open to the idea of giving Neito a sibling.

"Fine, you win."

While Shibasaki and Hana walked along, Neito in the private jet finally closed his eyes with an emotionless face.

Toga turned towards Neito and asked him curiously.

"What's the matter Neito kun?"

Looking at her with a dead expression Neito again closed his eyes with pain.

"Nothing.. I think I might have a sibling when I return."

Looking at him weirdly, Toga figured it was another one of Neito's crazy predictions.

Twice meanwhile being an experienced man did understand what could have made Neito reach this conclusion.

Given the situation of Neito being away for a long while, it's completely possible for this to happen.

'Boss doesn't look interested in talking right now, I should probably start the lookout then, he won't tell me to begin.'

Immediately a bunch of Twice emerged from him who flooded every corner of the private jet.

All of them now fully aware they are clones and acting for the good of the main body, Neito taught him very well.

While Toga played around with Neito, Neito himself had his eyes closed, but his eyes weren't resting behind his eyelids, they were eerily clam.

'Nezu was right, I might get a sibling after all, wonder if another quirk like Copy will be born.'

Like Nezu, Neito wasn't a regular human either, he was a man with High Spec, he and Nezu had already predicted this possibility.

He was infact looking forward to it, if his sibling was born, will another case of OFA and AFO will occur..?

'AFO can take, OFA can give, both have same parents, I can copy, will my sibling-'

Getting a glint to his eyes, Neito shook his head, it was only a possibility, this wasn't something essential.

His sibling and him might not share the same fate as OFA and AFO, but who knows, quirks tend to repeat themselves, Nezu had researched extensively on this.

'Am I the new generation hero, or am I the villain, if I am Envy will my sibling be Generosity..?'

Neito's shook his head once more, he was getting ahead of himself, this was only a speculation, a speculation made by Nezu, but Neito himself disagreed.

'Nezu wants me to take measures against any possible future siblings, but It might not be necessary..'

Neito was also an owner of High Spec, so he understood where Nezu was coming from, but he didn't want to just follow Nezu's words.

Because according to Nezu the best course of action was neutralizing Shibasaki and Hana, complete elimination so their quirk's cease to exist, leaving no chance of another combination.

Neito disagreed to such absurd terms, so they thought of a compromise, Nezu would let them be, and he would also let his possible sibling be.

'But I have to think of ways to extend Nezu's lifespan. That rat.'

While upset at Nezu, Neito didn't care too much, because again, this too was just another way of Nezu teaching Neito in his own twisted way.

'Nezu's showing me how easily I can be manipulated because I have a glaring weakness in my parents.'

Tapping his seat, Neito became quiet, Nezu was leaving the choice to him.

He wanted Neito to figure out how he will deal with the weakness surrounding him.

Neither Nezu nor All Might have any such people around them, that's why they can do what they do.

'So that's it huh, I should prepare myself, if I am to be a symbol like them.'

Sighing at how complicated yet simple problem Nezu gave him, Neito decided to think about this at a later date.

Currently he had to be in best shape, he was going to meet and possibly copy from the owner of New Order.

He needed to execute all his actions correctly, or New Order might slip off his hands forever like it did in canon.
