
Interlude: Reactions about the changes in the North


7 moons after Aaron SnowStark took over Sea Dragon Point

[ Varys ]

Times have changed. Its been months since the Starks received the acceptance of legitimization for Aaron SnowStark, a bastard of Rodrick Stark and a Rogarè.

At that time I was ordered by the hand to find out all I could about him and to my surprise he was not unknown. Infact he was infamous even here in Kings Landing.Owns a few brothels that is run by Chataya. Which earns a steady and huge sum of income about ten thousand gold dragons per month across all of them.

Not only that he has ties to the Company of the Rose and ferries them from place to place en mass most times. Frequently joins them for raids across the Narrow Sea too. He has amassed about fifty ships which according to the deal with Rickard Stark can be used as the Northern Navy during wars. Making the SnowStark like the Redwynes of the Reach.

Although he's enemies with House Rogarè often disrupting their slave ships, attacking their trade ships even boldly attacking their manse once.

Like House Mormont he's directly sworn to Winterfell and House Stark. No bannermen under him yet but it can be seen there will be.

Too many changes in a short time for my tastes. Way too many. He's already rebuilt and added more towers to his castle and doesn't look like he's stopping soon. According to what I'm hearing more buildders from Volantis are being brought to plan to expand the castle and build more houses within the walls.

He plans to make it a fortress. A very intimidating one I may add.

A servant entered the room and said the king requested my appearance in the throne room. Plans plans too many plans at once. The game is changing.

[Lyanna Stark]

Sometimes she hates Aaron.

Their new cousin that grew up in Essos is an enigma. He's good at everything and everyone seems to like him. But that can't be possible. He's probably hiding his true nature.

He brought the new goods to the North especially one called Rice that simply can go with anything. He's the only importer of Rice in the Seven Kingdoms as he refuses to say where he gets it from. Which would be a problem if he didn't start farming it here in the North. Its being grown in mass at the Greywater Watch and Sea Dragon Point. Other places grow it now but not as much as those two castles.

When we first met he was dismissive of me favoring to instead fight with Bran. He and Bran went through ten bouts he won all of them. He seems to dance to a tune no one else is hearing with two blades attacking in tandem he looks unstoppable. Already being called 'Blade singer'.

I once asked Father if its a good idea to legitimize him and he said,

'A man like him has bold ambitions. The Stark name doesn't truly matter to him. Its only a means to further his goals. I had an option to create a possible future enemy to try and usurp us or a future powerful bannerman that brings a fleet to the North himself. I chose peace.'

Father can be really smart sometimes and also very very annoying like with my bethrothal to Robert Baratheon. No matter what I say to Ned he does not hear. He probably thinks Robert farts rainbows with the way he talks about him. Maybe he should marry him instead.

[Elia Martell née Targareyan]

That oaf went and did it.

He became the equivalent of a landed knight in the North. He's currently already one of the richest individuals in the North and owns a keep by the Sunset Sea. He's moved up in the world.

Rhaegar was talking to Arthur about him the other day and the current rise of the North thanks to him. I knew he would become important to Westeros but not like this. But then again since when has anything with him been straight foward.

Last week he even sent me a letter asking if anyone is vying for Ashara's hand currently that he took an interest with her and would like permission to court her. I gave it to him obviously.

Ashara was thrilled and they immediately started talking through letters. Sometimes I see her smile while reading them. How cute.

But his rise is causing friction especially with the Riverlands as the North is not buying as much from them as they used to and House Tully has petitioned the crown to tax them for the new product but unsurprisingly Aerys did not. Its like he's encouraging the conflict between them.

Rhaegar seems to want to befriend him. I'll try to encourage it but I won't hold my breath. Aaron does not like to be a lickspittle like that wretch Connington.

[ The three eyed Raven ]

This is a new development. I never seem this path before. This Aaron SnowStark was never meant to reach Westeros. He should have died in Lys originally. What changed.

This might affect the prince. The future that was once clear is now in flux. Paths changing, people that died having a chance of survival. Others that survived died.

And he's powerful. He can tell when someone is watching him especially through warging. He once killed one of my ravens that were watching him.

I decided to not approach him yet or intefere with him incase he marks me as an enemy. His magic is truly powerful too and it grows year by year. He has already mastered warging and his ability to control ice like the others is prodigious. What really sets him apart to me is his capacity for greenseeing.

He is able to dream of the past already without training but its mostly inconsequential stuff. His problem is lack of knowledge on how to further this gift but knowing him it won't be for long. All he has to do is go to Winterfell amd read one of the arcane books about the earthsingers rituals with weirwood sap. If he drinks it he'll be able to see into the past through the weirwoods.

Should he be my successor? No I chose Bran and even if not Bran then the hidden Prince would be better to guide and prepare for the coming of the Long Night.

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