
Medieval Warrior Reincarnated To A World Of Magic

The middle of the 14th century, in the midst of one of the most famous wars. This story is about a boy who was forced to turn into a man. He was seeking the path of revenge, but after realizing his true purpose, he chose the path to end all the wars. But people like him have nothing in their lives. He was an orphan, from an old village; he had no friends; he was always alone. This boy's favorite thing to do was to fight, and at the age of 14, the boy could knock out anyone from his town. He was nicknamed "the dark emperor" because of his quiet nature and dark eyes. He had a dream; he knew he couldn't achieve it, but still, he tried. Getting rid of war and suffering, but there was only tragic death waiting for him. Will everything change now, when he has been gifted another chance, but in a different world?

Shinichiro · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Elements of Magic

I decided to postpone reading the book that contained the method of gathering mana for now. Well, it's due to the fact that I have to know more about magic before I start cultivating it, in case I do something wrong. 

So I found a book that contained knowledge about magical elements and classes.

– Magic is an ancient art that allows one to use supernatural abilities. Our ancestors created various spells using this extraordinary art, from weaker ones to the ones that brought fear upon nations seeing its destructive capability. –

As I recall from the previous book, we obtain our affinity for an element when we create our core. The elements will start bursting in your body, deteriorating purified blood within your internal organs, 

– Although not everyone can use magic, even though they have a core, most people simply can't cast spells or strengthen their physical abilities with mana. It's been calculated that more than 80% of the population weren't created for magic. –

Well, I'm not really concerned about that; both of my parents are mages, which makes it inevitable for me to have an affection for magic.

– There are various classes that use magic in their own way: healers, battlemages, dragoons, and many more. –

– Divine magic is the unique type of magic affinity that someone may acquire; we are not fully sure how many types of it exist really, but here are some well-known: Support magic's user can buff, heal, or debuff your combatants and enemies. The magic of taming: with the help of this magic, you can unwillingly make a mana-beast obey you and marionate under your control. –

So this is what divine magic is, extraordinary indeed. 

My mother is a healer, which means she has affinity for a divine magic type; as I recall, my father is a battlemage, who has the affinity for the earth element. 

I am quite intrigued by which element I would have an affinity for.

– A mana user is believed to have only one affinity, but there are also mages who were born talented, and they exceed the limit of one affinity; it is believed that the highest recorded amount of affinities towards different types of magic was three.

More than one type of magic..? That sounds like a blessing.

– Now that we've given a little introduction, let's list the elements of magic: fire, earth, wind, water, gravity, ice, lightning, weather, and wood.–

– There are 2 types of magic that aren't available for humans, such as light magic, which is used by elves, and dark magic, which is used by the undead. –

W-what?! Elfes, Undead?!!! So humanity isn't the only race in this world? I wonder how much more this world has in store for me and how adventurous my life here will be...

Now that I have obtained this information, I really should read more about this world and how it is structured to get a better grasp of it so I will be ready for any danger that awaits me on my path.

I took a glance around the library in search of books that could aid my understanding of kingdoms in this world, and I also desired to fathom where those races were located.

Although I already have a theory for this question—that these races have their own kingdoms—although I still lack confirmation for that.

You ask me why I think in such a manner. Well, if those races possess magic that isn't even available to humans, then they must have some advantage, and to be genuine, dark and light magic sound dominant compared to other types of magic.

[After roaming around the library for a while more, Fray found the book he was seeking for.]

– Kingdoms and Races of Elantra –

– Fraaaay! – [an unexpected shout made Fray stir]

It was the voice of my mother; I assume she had been searching for me for a while now.

Well, I'll need to sneak these books with me to my bedroom.

[Norman Family Residence]

– Haven't we already told you that you aren't allowed in the library? – my father scolded me.

– Alfred, dear, please forgive him for this once!– my mother begged my dad to forgive me.

– Lucie, you already know why I'm keeping him away from there, so don't be foolish! – My father shouted at my mom, which was the first time I recall seeing him do so...

So it means there is something extraordinary in there? Which is dangerous? Or is it something different..but for now, I can't really do much about this. I guess I'll need to act like a regretful puppy and tolerate the punishment I'll receive.

– Alright, just this once. I'll forgive him and allow him to leave without getting punished. – my father said, as he made the final decision.

– Fray, go back to your room,– he added.

Just as he ordered me to do, I went back to my room, where I hid the two books that I sneaked out of the library.

Kingdoms and Races of Elantra and the Mana Gathering Method

Let's start with the first book...