
chapter one

Good morning family. I greeted my family, who were busy enjoying their breakfast.

Morning baby.

Morning darling, why are you happy. My mom asked.

Mom it nothing new. I said reluctantly.

Okay, come have your breakfast before it get cold.

Thank you mommy, but am not hungry.

Harley don't you dare start your child play this morning. Dad caution.

But dad. I called fuming that puppy face, that he can never resist.

That face will not work on me today.

Mom help me.

Harley you've to eat your breakfast, you've lost a lot of weight baby. Mom complained.

Mom, am on fast.

Harley i know you're doing this just to see us happy, but dear you don't have to starve yourself just to put food on our table. Said dad sadly.

Dad, you don't have to worry about me, am fine... I promise to eat lunch at work.

Which work are you talking about. Mom asked.

Mom, am talking about Ariel fashion house.

Dear i thought, she fired you.

Yes she did, am going to apologizes to her and beg her to employ me back.

Harley eat up. Said dad angrily.

Dad, mom.

Now Harley eat up and go back to your room.

My room, what will i be doing there.

Sleep off course.

But dad, i have to work.

She fired you Harley, what will you do there.


Now young lady, i might be poor that doesn't mean..... I won't be able to provide for my family. He flared and walk out of the dinning room.

Mom. I called sadly.

Baby your dad is right, you don't need to beg her, she fired you remember.

Mom, i was the one that made a mistake.

By sleeping on duties, Harley listen to your dad... You know how he feels when you disobey him.

But mom, you and i know... That job is our only source of income.

Baby i know.

If i don't go out today, mom we might die of hunger.

Baby don't worry about that, mom id going to look for a job today.

Mom you don't have to.

Harley, am sorry for everything.

What are you saying mom.

Me and your dad are sorry for not being able to counter for your needs. She said with tears sliding down her cheeks.

Mom you don't have to cry, even if you and dad are poor and couldn't give me the luscious life that i wanted.... That doesn't mean i hate you guys.

Harley my angel.

I love you mom. I said and hugged her.

Love you too baby.

I need to look for a better job so i can achieve my of becoming a well known fashion designer. I thought within.

~ Adrian Williams Estate ~


Sir time to wake up and prepare for work. My reboot alarm said.

Damn this stupid alarm. I cursed and walk into the bathroom to have my bath.

After doing all the things I've to do on myself, i walk downstairs only to see my maids and guards line up waiting for me.

Good morning sir, they all greeted.

Breakfast. I said totally ignoring their greetings.

What should i serve you sir.

Coffee and some potato knish.

A mins sir. The chef said and walked back to the kitchen.

Randy, get me my laptop. He said and sit on one of the couch.

Here sir.

Don't you guys have works to do. I asked the maids and guards who were busying tailing behind me.

Yes, we do sir. The chief maid said politely.

Am not a baby, that need to be taken care off, now back to your duties. I ordered angrily.

But sir.

Do you want to die. I snarled furiously.

Am sorry sir, let go guys. She said to them and they all went back to their duty post.

Bunch of fools. I groaned.

Sir, you've to calm down. Randy my secretary and doctor warned.

How is the result.

Same as always sir.

Randy do you think, am going to be fine.

You will sir, just that you need to get married.

And why should i do that. He asked arrogantly.

Adrian if you want to recover from your trauma, you need a life partner to do that for you.

Did you just called me by mine name. He asked.

That when it snapped to me, i called him by his name which he hate the more.

Am sorry sir.

You better be, next time you might not be lucky.

Thank you sir.

Sir here is your breakfast.

Take it away. He said angrily.

Why should i sir.

Do i need to explain myself to you.

No sir, am sorry for passing my limit.

And for passing your limit, am going to reward you.

Really sir. The chef asked happily.

Yes. He said with a smirked playing on his lips.

What a pity. Randy thought within.

So I've decided to reward you by..... Firing you. He burst out shocking the chef who was busying smiling.


Congratulation miss chef, you've be promoted to your apartment. He said and walk out, leaving the chef to wander in her own thoughts