
1006. Head Merchants

Walker and Gil had made the move toward the larger group of families searching for those who would be in charge of the merchants. Leon was already there speaking with a group of five men and one woman that appeared to be guarded more heavily than others. "Ah, Walker. I take it you have seen the current state of the bay? What do you think?" Leon was sure that hearing Walker's analysis would lead to a better plan no matter what. 

"The mother kraken doesn't seem able to come in to the bay. I guess it is her size. That's good for us. We can lure in the young and trap them. Then we exterminate them and head toward the mother to defeat her." Walker was sure that the plan sounded simple but that was because he didn't feel the need to explain every little detail with the seeds and how Alma would make them grow perfectly. 

Excuse me. Sir Walker. How would you lure them in?" The man that asked was one of the ones that Leon had been speaking with. 
