
Shocked of results!?

Ritsuka woke up feeling something soft on top of him as he opened his eyes a sleeping Kama was to be seen laying naked on his front. She was in her beast second form as she went out of her beast form. What Ritsuka thought something lewd was having literally three forms to have sex with. Her loli form, second form were she becomes a busty woman who he can use to dress up in many things. While her beast form it's just sexy by itself no need to do anything and she becomes more sexy monstrously.

Groaning he felt something warm, wet and soft. He looked to the right and left just everything in his room was disheveled. His cock was inside her pussy and for sure he had molded it to be shaped for his cock.

'How do I get out of this?'

Something like this would be hard to get out off. He got even harder making her slowly wake up. As her eyes flutter open she gave a small smile.

"haaaaa~...Fuuuu~ you really did a number of me"

She talked like nothing happened to her as if she didn't just get dominated.

"Master~ or should I say honey~?"

"Whatever you see fit"

"Hmmm~.....love let me tell you master that Love is troublesome something that I an entity surrounding love gets tired to have people ask for a way to have the other fall for them with a cheap trick.....it's a trivial thing mortals get but at the same time it can be so beautiful to witness love between two people"

Kama went on more about love while still being in that position as she let out a couple moans there and here.




Ritsuka finally got out of there and felt like Kama wasn't trying to let him go any time sooner.



Next second he was grabbed and thrown to the wall as Baobhan Sith slammed her hands on the wall next to his head. It was like those school scenes were the handsome cool guy does it to the female lead.

Baobhan sank her teeth right into his neck and drunk his blood and after that they composed themselves.

"You could've told me sooner"

"Can't I just take blood from you whenever I want?"

She asked innocently and she was nothing of innocent.


"Kyaaa~!....W-What was that for!"

She became flustered and he glared at her.

"Well you can't just sneak up on me like that and just drain me of my blood or do something like that"

He spined the position they were in and he slammed his hand to the wall and she was looking small in front of him. Baobhan looked to the left to not look at his face.

"You hear me?"


"I don't mind giving it to you whenever you're thirsty but just so you know"


He groped her tits and ass making her moan.

"It's best if we go now to the singularity I'm having mashu with us"


They left to go and stop the singularity.


---hours later---

Kama was going to see Olga and when she first met her and days went by she was wary of Kama every single day. Well who can blame her when she is a threat to humanity. It amuses her when seeing people afraid of her. But she never sees that in Olga or some other people which is very few. Olga is a mother who is the woman of her master Ritsuka.

*knock* knock*

"Come in"

Kama entered the office to find Olga who had Maya in her lap who was playing with a little toy in the mean time. Olga looked up and saw Kama and couldn't help but give her that suspicious look which Kama chuckled at but knew the very reason why.

"What do you want?"

Maya was to distracted playing with the toy as Olga doesn't let her guard down. One thing she might not be strong in terms to go against a god. But her motherly instincts and just her responsibility to keep humanity from going instinct makes her not fear Kama.

"You don't have to be on guard, I won't do anything"

"Then what is it?"

Kama still in her mind was surprised how this woman just would never be afraid of her and speak to her disrespectfully. Olga was a woman with backbone and right now she was the Director that everyone respects.

"I have a question how did you find out that you were pregnant?"

"You're curious why?"

"Just because I want to know~"

Kama kept on budging which worked as Olga slightly let her guard down.

"Sure.....I'll tell you"

Olga felt her tuition flare up as she felt like this woman was asking something that she will use on herself.

'Did you fuck her honey?...If it truly happened I'll need to go talk to him'

Honestly for Olga to think of something like that were her husband fucked a literal threat to humanity an entity that just doesn't give a fuck about human lives is an accomplishment. She wouldn't be mad or jealous because in her mind this is the best way to keep a threat under control. As she now has a child and is now mature unlike her previous self her immature self who would feel all that. A calculative woman she now is who wants the best of humanity and her husband and daughter.

'If that's the case then it be best if he continues to do so'




"Here are your results"

"Mmmm~ Thank you"

Romani was nervous in front of Kama as he quickly scurried away well of the results that came up as he found out that she was pregnant. The only one to do such a thing was Ritsuka and he couldn't help but pray for the man.

"Oh I hope that she doesn't go on a rampage, I pray for you Ritsuka that you're able to handle her"

Woman go into mood swings and what would happen if someone like Kama just wants to destroy something because of their mood swings. Pregnant woman are scary and besides Romani hopes for the best for Ritsuka.

As for Kama she went out and checked the results that being a stick and a piece of paper telling her that she was pregnant.


She screamed causing nearby workers to quickly leave feeling the danger.

'I-Impossible!?.....I-I am pregnant!?"

She has never been this shock since being here and well it seems that she will have a lot to talk about.
