
Mask of the Demon God

pushed far beyond his breaking point, Max unleashes a secret he swore to never let see the light of day. and nothing could prepare the world for how devastating the damage was going to be.

Un_Known_4543 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

bloody introduction (short)

"Stupid fucking runt." He spat as he kicked me in the stomach, knocking me to the floor.

"You should have learned your lesson by now, yet here you are." He smiled sadistically.

"Just ready for more!" He roared while smashing his boot into my sternum, pinning me down.

"So don't blame me!" He cackled as he went apeshit, punching, kicking, elbowing, slapping, head butting me over, and over, and over.

Each strike filled with the full force of his rage, the brunt impact of his hatred.

"You asked for this!" He justified aloud as the sound of my blood splattering against the lockers filled my ears.

"You chose this!" He continued relentlessly as I started to lose consciousness.

"So die!" He let out, the final fucking straw, the last nail in the goddamn coffin.

I snapped.

And suddenly snatched his incoming foot in my hands as I struggled to stand, swaying left to right unsteadily, his leg still in my ironclad grasp.

"Fuck. You." I spoke for what felt like the first time in decades as I brought the full weight of my expended patience down against his shin, snapping it in half in an instant with a sick crunch.

"I don't think you understand."

"I don't think you can even begin to comprehend how fucking done I am with your bullshit." I seethed through grit teeth.

"So here's an idea. How about you die." I shot at him point blank in the coldest voice he'd probably ever heard in his entire life as I punched him in the sternum so hard, it not only shattered in the blink of an eye, but his body was sent screaming directly backwards, directly THROUGH a cinder block wall, lockers included.

I grinned triumphantly while blatantly ignoring the horrific, grotesque sounds of my injuries twisting themselves out of existence as my body worked to put itself back together again.