
I am Mary

Have you ever wondered? What is behind the sky? What is the reason for us to be here on earth? what is the purpose to be alive? Some believers may say that God brought us to earth to repent our sin fully and fill us with virtue for a result of going back to heaven. What is destiny? What is love? Does true love really exist? Everything is a mystery; words, numbers, languages, behaviours.

What if seventeen is not a number? What if seventeen is a sentence? perhaps it's all human illusion as this world filled with uncountable number of mysteries there was once , a single drop of mystery dripped on one village where lies a story about a beautiful girl whose name is Mary. the story of her life will reveal her significant secrecy.

I am the birth of Cornelius and Rosemary, "Mary" they gladly named it. My name itself exists from the name of my mother "Rosemary" I am the only child in my family, my father is a indefatigable writer who kept writing books with hope to accomplish his achievement, He passed his younger days perpetually occupied by the affairs of his country, before his writing paid everything in his life he was hardly lived his life. He nearly fallen because of the tragic of bad circumstances of his life, he had to live all by himself with grieve and pain, writing need a lot of time for my father but before he successfully complete his writing, his intimate friends was keep supporting him in every aspect include financial situation and their name were Christopher and Rosemary this is the beginning of their fateful encounter.

At the age of 30 he decided to marry his intimate friend rosemary and then they lived a simple life in their village and his writing provided everything they need to live their life but life was getting tougher followed with war and demonstration, at the age of 34 he decided to quit writing and joined the army to fight for his country instead, his wife tried to stop him, but he didn't listen to her and he ended up left that poor lady all alone in that village therefore little did they know, Rosemary was carrying a new life in her fragile body.
