
MARVEL X DC: Monster System

Jack was sent to a world of heroes, a fusion between Marvel and DC. A world with so many possibilities, full of heroes flying through the skies or hiding in the shadows. Heroes that Jack liked. It was really a shame that he had to destroy everything these heroes stand for. Will he be just another villain who will be defeated? Or will he actually achieve something that many villains have failed at?"

DiaboV · อื่นๆ
4 Chs


 A woman enters an old building that is supposed to be abandoned and goes straight to the third floor. She had long black hair, was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, and was also wearing a blue jacket and black pants, she was also carrying three large black bags with her. She was none other than Jack.

She arrives in a hallway where some men are standing, they all look at her and stop her from going any further.

"Where do you think you're going, gorgeous?" A man with a tattoo on his neck asks

"I came to see the accountant, I want to change the paper." The men then look at the three bags pick them up and hand them to the others.

"Extend your arms and spread your legs." The man says and Jack obeys. He then begins to search her for anything suspicious that she might be carrying. While the other men run a metal detector through the bags

"She's clean." Said the man

Jack picked up the bags again and followed the tattooed man to a door at the end of the hallway. The man knocks on it in a specific way, the door opens and Jack enters.

It was an office with several people working on their computers, a man in a suit passed among them giving instructions until he noticed Jack and approached.

"I'm the accountant, what can I do for you?" The man said, he was a fat little man, wearing expensive jewelry all over his body, his name was Spencer Carter. He was a third-rate criminal who provided currency exchange services to all types of outlaws.

Jack didn't speak and began to open the bags and dump their contents on a table, dollar bills began to fall out, some with dried blood on them, and made a small pile. Jack stole this money from some minor criminals in the city, he is still surprised at how easy it was to get this money.

It only takes a little bit of power to get so much money, whoever said that crime doesn't pay was completely delusional. Seeing so much money, Spencer started to salivate, after all, it's not every day that someone shows up at his door with that amount of money.

"In total, there are 5 million dollars here. Transfer the money to these accounts" Jack said as he handed the man a piece of paper.

"Of course, but we charge 50% of the amount for the service." Spencer says as he takes the paper

"Fifty? Oh dear Spancer, who do you think I am?" Jack says as several snakes come out of his body and spread into the room, scaring people. The snakes then stood up and stared at Spencer.

This act made Spancer remember a rumor that was going around the underworld, the rumor said that someone was robbing the mafias all over New York. A single person, killing mobsters with the help of snakes. He thought it was just nonsense but then he noticed the blood on the banknotes.

"Please forgive me, I didn't know it was you. But the maximum I can do is 25%, but I guarantee that the money will hit the account without arousing suspicion." Spencer says in a cold sweat.

"See, it's not that difficult. I also need a laptop" Jack says as the snakes return to his body

"Surely. What are you looking at? Back to work quickly!" Espancer shouts to his employees as he hands Jack a notebook. Jack then sticks a flash drive into the computer and starts typing frantically.

With the points he had earned from defeating Daredevil Jack bought Elliot Alderson from the TV show Mr.Robot. Even with Orochimaru's intelligence, he was still a character from a world with very primitive technology compared to this world. And Jack needed more advanced hacker skills to stay in the shadows in this digital world.

So he bought Elliot Alderson and assimilated him. Elliot was a brilliant hacker with vast knowledge in programming, with remarkable skills but not by far the best hacker compared to some ridiculous characters in this world, but the best hacker that Jack could buy at the moment. But at least for now, Elliot was skilled enough to keep Jack undetectable in the cyber world.

After ensuring that the computer is secure and undetectable, Jack looks at the people who were counting the money he brought, and after they verify the amount Spencer nods to one of his employees. Jack then looks at the money entering his accounts with a smile on his face, he has never had so much money in his life.

"I can assure you it's 100% untraceable." Spencer says, which makes Jack close his notebook and look at it.

"I hope so, Spancer, because if not. I will find and kill every single person in this room, do you understand me? I was never here." Jack says in an icy tone that chills the spine of everyone present.

"Y-You don't have to worry about that, all of our clients have my guarantee to remain anonymous." Spencer speaks with a bit of a stutter.

With that Jack doesn't say anything else, he turns and leaves, taking the notebook with him.


"If you need our services again please come and see us!" Spencer screams as he loses sight of Jack

It was already night and it was raining heavily in New York. After leaving Spancer's building Jack was at the top of a building looking at a specific apartment. It had been two months since the incident in the hospital and he was now classified by the federal government as a highly dangerous criminal on the run, the New York media focused on this for only a few days at the time, but now Jack was old news.

There was a Chitauri invasion in Europe which the Avengers prevented and made Jack irrelevant to the media, after all, Jack was just a drop in the ocean of much more relevant news that happens almost every day. News involving superhumans, villains, heroes, aliens, wars, and disasters was much more interesting.

Jack likes it that way, he got access to the FBI's confidential report on him. In the FBI report he was not classified as a Metahuman or mutant, he was just classified as a normal criminal without any special powers. If this information is reliable, Jack is almost certain that he has not yet fallen on Shield's radar.

But he knows this won't last. As Jack became familiar with his Systema, he discovered a few things about the system. The monster system was intentionally or unintentionally designed to encourage Jack to create monsters, he discovered this in the last two months.

In these two months Jack wasn't just sitting around doing nothing, he was creating his network of contacts while spreading his influence in New York. After all, Orochimaru was also persecuted by the law, he was a deserter ninja who was never found or captured by elite ninjas who were much more experienced and powerful than simple humans.

With Orochimaru's experience and skills, along with the shadow clones. Jack got contacts from interesting people who provide special services in the criminal underworld, such as Spancer himself. In addition, Jack created his own network of spies in the New York underworld.

The spy network was not that robust and was only made up of thirty-five agents, the majority of whom were minor criminals. criminals that Jack never had personal contact with or even knew that Jack existed. Jack only had contact with the now head of his informant network. She also acted as an intermediary between Jack and his network. Her name was Alice, she worked for the FBI as an Intelligence Analyst.

Alice was a very introverted and quiet person, who never imposed herself, which is why she carried a tremendous hatred inside, for never receiving the respect and credit that she received at the FBI even though she was one of the best Analysts at the agency.

It was pure luck that Jack found her. but as soon as Jack found out about her, he sent a clone to 'take' his old therapist's place and began recruiting her, after a week of therapy, Alice became her first loyal follower.

And that's when Jack discovered more about the system. he doesn't need to cause chaos himself to earn points, Jack discovered this after Alice became completely loyal to him and started scoring points for him.

Jack then investigated further and ran some tests. He discovered that only loyal people do points for him, and that amount of points is half of what he did personally. If Jack earned 5000 points for defeating Daredevil, if Alice had defeated him he would have earned 2500 points.

He also discovered that if the things he created were used to do evil, even if it was by someone else not loyal to him, he also gained points. With this, Jack discovered a way to earn points faster without taking any risks, as well as a reliable way to know if his subordinates are loyal.

Speaking of subordinates, Jack was looking at his new potential subordinate. someone with very special gifts.

Dex was having a shitty day, his world was falling apart. During his work at the FBI, he was called into a room to speak to his superiors, they showed him old footage from a security camera where Dex killed two criminals with two shots to the head who surrendered to him, because of this the superiors then they put him on suspension, which was a cute way of saying he was fired.

Dex didn't know how that footage came to light, but he couldn't be without this job, it was like Doctor Eileen always said, he needs structure, and rules to be followed. But that wasn't the worst thing that happened that day

Julie discovered that he was stalking her. Tonight when he watched her from afar eating the broccoli pizza that she always ate every Wednesday night at the same pizzeria, she simply came and confronted him. She said that she knew he was stalking her and if he didn't stop doing that she would call the police.


Dex then enters his apartment and starts to hear that noise. that familiar noise he hears when he's losing control, it was as if a swarm of wasps were surrounding him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" Dex screams with all his strength as he punches the wall, sinking his fist into it. Then he began smashing anything he saw in front of him in a frenzy of rage. He then takes a kitchen knife and throws it at the picture frames on the wall from the time he worked at the Suicide Prevention Center.

The knife sinks perfectly into Julie's neck. Dex then goes to his safe and looks for the old tapes from his therapy, he puts on the headphones and plays but the tape doesn't work, he then puts another one to play quickly but it doesn't work either, then another and another and another and another and another but all Do not work.

The buzzing of the wasp exam starts getting louder and louder, it drives Dex crazy. Dex in his desperation goes to his safe again but this time he takes out a pistol and then goes to his dining table and sits down.

Dex was in a cold sweat. He could hear Julie's voice clearly in his head. Julie spoke as if she were on the phone at the suicide prevention center.

The voice speaks with a poisonous tone different from the sweet tone she always spoke.

'Do you plan to commit suicide? Do you have a plan on how you are going to do this? You certainly do, am I not sure? Dex...' Julie's voice comes into his head and Dex unlocks the pistol's safety while dripping with sweat

'You know Dex...You're doing everyone a favor. So do it, just pull the trigger and all your pain will be gone.' Voice Julie speaks then Dex points the pistol at the head

"Hello...Special Agent Benjamin Poindexter." A voice takes him out of his thoughts, Dex then points the gun at a person who is standing in front of him. He had no idea how she got in there without him noticing.

She was a beautiful woman with long black hair, wearing a rain-soaked jacket. She had a completely cold and calculating look in her eyes.

"WHO ARE YOU? How did you get here?" Dex demands as he keeps his aim steady on her.

"Can I sit down? I just want to have a chat with you after that I'll leave and you can continue if you want to do what you were doing" The woman says as she raises her hands in surrender approaches very slowly and sits down on the chair empty in front of him.

"I'll ask you again, who are you?" Dex asks as the woman sits without showing any sign of fear at the gun pointed at her head.

"That's a very valid question, for someone as rude as me who entered your apartment without your permission. Please forgive me for that" The woman says as she stands straight and lowers her head like the Japanese do when apologizing.

"I have a lot of names, but I've never found one that I really like, you know... some call me The Snake, White Snake, Jack, Terrorist, The Master, but you may have heard my most infamous name so far, Phantom Terror. " She says this and this makes Dex remember the incident that happened in a bank and then in a hospital caused by the same people.

"Yes, I know that last one. The question now is why shouldn't I put a bullet in your head?" Dex says in a threatening tone. but the woman didn't feel threatened, on the contrary, she smiled as if she expected him to ask that.

"Because I came to free you, Dex. Free you from the shackles that have been placed on you your entire life, shackles that you don't even know exist and that are holding back all your hidden potential." She says and this takes Dex by stunner but he soon shakes his head.

"You don't know anything about me." Dex says

"But I know you very well. Benjamin Poindexter grew up without parents and was sent to an orphanage where he grew up hurt because his parents abandoned him. He joined the baseball team where he quickly stood out as a pitcher, it was there that he found his his talent in throwing things in an extremely precise way. One day his coach let him down, and he got mad at him so he threw a ball that hit a fence and ricocheted off his coach's head and killed him. Dex then lost his first guide star.

Everyone thought it was an accident, but he then told the truth of what really happened to his new psychologist, Eileen Mercer. She then set young Dex on the path she thought was right, but Eileen also disappointed him in the end by dying of cancer. And Dex then lost his second guiding star. Young Dex then finally became an adult and joined the army where he honed his talent for extreme precision to a completely new level.

After leaving the army, Dex begins working at the Brooklyn Suicide Prevention Department. Where he meets his third and current guiding star, Julie Barnes. a woman with a heart of gold who fascinated him. Time passes and Dex joins the FBI as a sniper, where he learns many things that are not taught in the army. So we arrived today, on this rainy night where Dex's world fell apart to the point where he tried to kill himself."

After Jack finished speaking the silence in the room was a tangible silence. The two stared at each other while the sound of rain and thunder was heard in the distance. With the gun still pointed at the woman who broke into his house, Dex was sweating heavily as he listened to all of this, but then he remembered his old tapes that weren't working.

"So you listened to my therapy tapes. That's how you know my story but that doesn't mean you understand me. Do you think you're going to fool me with your shit talk?" Dex says in an angry tone. The tapes that this woman destroyed were something important to him, they helped him keep his life on track, and they kept the noise of the wasps away.

"Oh right, the cassette tapes. The things you use as training wheels because you're so afraid of removing them from your life, that you always use them for fear of falling off your bike. No, that's not correct, you use them to keep the wasps away, right? Yes, I destroyed them." The woman says in front of Dex while supporting her head with one arm. Dex is speechless, so she continues

"That wasp swarm sound that only you hear. Like real wasps crawling into your skull and eating your brain. Bzzzzzzzz! Bzzzzzzz! Bzzzzzzzzz! Bzzzzzzzz!" The woman began to imitate the noise and Dex began to hear the wasps returning louder and louder as she continued to imitate.

"STOP! STOP OR I'LL KILL YOU!" Dex screams at the top of his lungs as the hand holding the gun begins to shake.

"Okay, I stopped. I'll never do that again I swear, now calm down. I have something I have to tell you" The woman says raising her hands in surrender after Dex calmed down she continues.

"I didn't just destroy your tapes. I was the one who found that security camera video of the FBI raid in which you killed two criminals who surrendered and sent it to your superiors. I also filmed you stalking Julie Barnes for a whole week and then I sent everything to her. But I did all this to...."


The shot was right in the middle of the forehead. Parts of the woman's brain came out from behind her head and flew across the room. Due to the impact of the shot, she was pushed back and fell onto the chair while her blood spread across the floor. Dex, after shooting her, inhaled heavily and the strong smell of blood and gunpowder entered her nasal passages. After a while, Dex got up from the chair and went to the woman's body.

"AAAAAAAAAAGH!" Then Dex madly shot the corpse while screaming in rage. The shots always hit in the same place, when the woman's head cracked in two due to the shots, Dex finally stopped.

Relieved that he managed to kill the person who screwed up his life.

Dex then went to the living room and sat on the couch. Mentally exhausted and drenched in sweat, he then decided to finish what he was doing before this woman interrupted him. He points the pistol at his own head and without thinking twice, he squeezes the trigger.


"Run out of bullets?"

Dex quickly turned his head towards the voice to find the same woman he just blew his head off, alive. without even a single scratch. The woman crossed her arms licked her lips with her huge tongue and then smiled. Orochimaru was horrible at Genjutsu but for a mentally unstable man he was good enough, Jack thought. 

"W-what the hell are you?" Dex says in a weak tone, not believing what he is seeing. The woman then calmly walked forward to where Dex was sitting, pointed her index finger then poked her forehead.

"I am your true guiding star, silly" Then three shadows began to appear behind the woman. The three shadows took the form of three people that Dex knows very well.

"These people were your false guiding stars. Let's start talking about the first one" The woman then went to the first person who was a man.

"This is your old coach Bradley. Who never really understood you and always got in the way of you really standing out in baseball, always drowning your talent. In my opinion, he deserved what happened to him" After saying that a ball of baseball appears, hitting the coach in the back of the head and taking him to the ground, he then turned into a shadow and disappeared. The woman then moves on to the next one.

"Dr. Eileen Mercer. This one really screwed up your life. She was always afraid of you Dex. afraid of what you can do, afraid of who you always were, afraid of the real Benjamin Poindexter. So she deliberately manipulated you, so that you chained the real Dex deep in your mind, she made you believe that the real you was not a good thing and that you had to always fight it, always leave it chained.

And worst of all, you did everything this old woman told you to do. She gave you those tapes, to always chain you up even after she died. YOU MISSED YOUR CHANCE TO KILL THAT OLD BITCH WHEN SHE GAVE YOU THE DAMN TAPE! The real Dex who was chained deep inside knew this. Or am I lying and you didn't have the desire to kill her at that time?.... answer me Dex." The woman looked into his eyes and waited for him to speak.

"YES! I had the desire to kill her that day!" Dex admitted. While he was listening and seeing all this, his body trembled as sweat ran like a waterfall all over his body. After admitting this he saw Eileen Mercer turn into shadows and disappear. And then the woman went to the last person, Julie Barnes.

"This one I know, not face to face. But I know how you feel about her. I also know something you don't know about her. She's your key, the key that will finally release the real Dex from his chains" So The woman went to the photo frame that was on the wall and brought it out for Dex to see.

"See? The kitchen knife was thrown with such force that it went through the frame of the photo. The knife landed right on Julie's neck. Do you know who threw that knife? Because it wasn't you Dex. It was the real Dex crying, roaring, screaming, begging you to be free." Then a kitchen knife appeared and went straight to Julie's neck and she fell to the ground and turned into a shadow before disappearing.

Dex was exhausted from seeing this. He lowered his head so he couldn't see it anymore. Every word that came out of this woman's mouth penetrated him like hot knives in his mind. And worst of all, deep down Dex agreed with her.

 Then the woman came to him and lifted his head with her two hands so they could look into each other's eyes.

"I sent that video from the security camera to your FBI superiors, I sent the video of you stalking Julie to her, I did all of this with one purpose in mind. To show them who you really always were. And what did they do to you? They rejected you. But I'm not like them." After she said this, Dex found himself once again sitting in the chair at the table facing the woman while his gun was still pointed at her head.

"I understand who you really are, unlike your old coach Bradley. I'm not afraid of the real Dex, like your psychiatrist Eileen was. I won't reject the real you like Julie did. I accept and like the person, that has always been trapped in the deepest part of Benjamin Poindexter's soul." After she said that, Something unbelievable happened.

Something a psychopath like Benjamin Pondexter never in his life thought could happen. A tear. A single, solitary tear came out of his eye, and then fell to the ground. Along with this last Tear, the last drops of rain that fell on the city also stopped, signaling the end of the storm that had hit New York.

"Take some time to think. But keep in mind that today will be my last day in New York City. After I do what I'm about to do later today, I will leave the city. You only have one day to choose. If you choose to come with me, call this card number." Then the woman places a card on the table gets up and walks towards the window before opening it. Before leaving she takes one last look at Dex who was frozen sitting in the chair.

"If you don't want to accept my offer, then this is goodbye. Good luck in your life Benjamin Poindexter." Saying these last words the woman jumps out of the window and disappears into the night.

Jack jumped from building to building heading towards the apartment of a retired villain. A villain that the spider family knew very well, he was essential to the plans Jack had for tonight.

Jack is going to make a lot of noise tonight. Jack will show himself to New York again. But this time will be different from the bank and hospital incident. Because this time it's time for Jack to truly introduce himself to this world.

With this in mind, Jack rips off the disguise of the woman he had previously stolen, after ripping the woman's skin off his own body. Jack showing his true face. then speeds towards the apartment.

Tonight will be interesting because he will rob one of the biggest companies in all of New York.