
Marvel: The Son of Odin

At dawn within the grand halls of Asgard, a storm was brewing. The second prince, Caesar, along with his sister Hela, found themselves ensnared in the cold chains of imprisonment. Yet, amidst the cold grip of their confinement, Caesar's heart burned with a fiery resentment towards his father, Odin. Right then a voice sounded in his mind. [Option 1: Unleash your fury towards Odin. Reward: Awaken the fearsome power of the Sun.] [Option 2: Hold back your rage, for now. Opt for a more cunning response to Odin's inquiries. Reward: increase in magical power.] [Option 3: Play the game of submission and swear loyalty to Odin. Reward: a precious treasure from Asgard's vast vaults.] With a grin, Caesar made his choice. For he knew that with the power of the Sun at his command, he would shake the very foundations of the cosmos. ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Mystic_Verse · ภาพยนตร์
77 Chs

The Schemer

Asgard's archives might be filled with accounts of cosmic empires, but Caesar, preoccupied with training didn't delve much into the thick tomes of history.

The universe is vast, nearly infinite in its civilizations.

His understanding of various civilizations often stemmed from memories of past life. But it was apparent that there was was more to this world than what the movies had shown.


Caesar and Valina remained vigilant, trailing Carol and her companions.

However, witnessing Nick Fury and Carol forgiving the Skrulls and considering aiding them made Valina's frustration reache a breaking point.

"Are they all devoid of reason? Trusting the Skrulls? After they attacked them not long ago, attempting to end their lives? And what about Tofa, obliterated by the Kerry Empire's fleet recently due to the skrulls? Are they blind to the truth?" She began venting to Caesar, "

"It's not the Skrulls' fault, it's the Kree Empire's doing, that damn bitch. Is she stupid. And do you seriously believe she possesses an unimaginable power within her?" Valina exclaimed.

She seemed ready for action, itching to confront Carol with a punch.

Caesar nodded solemnly, perplexed by some of Carol's and Nick Fury's choices. Had the Skrulls not sought refuge on Tofa, the planet might have been spared the direct onslaught of the Kree Empire.

The Kree Empire is a bunch of murdering bastards, and the Skrulls are like their partners in crime, making them even guiltier.

According to Carroll, the Skrulls were just trying to escape the mess.

But she failed to see the whole picture. The Skrulls also wiped out a bunch of folks on Tofa to pull off their disguises.

No matter how you slice it, the Skrulls are carrying some serious guilt baggage.

Valina couldn't help but get all worked up, even though she couldn't do anything about it. As a former valkyrie, a soldier who fought for her homeland, she struggled with some of Nick Fury and Carol's moves. And then there's Dr. Laura, the big shot in charge of the "Pegasus Project." a Kree scientist.

"Nice hit," Valina practically cheered when she heard that Laura got taken out.

"Keep it down," Caesar hushed Valina, looking kinda puzzled why she was so thrilled.

"That Laura's a traitor through and through!"

As an ex-soldier, Valina had beef with the Asgard royal family, especially Odin, for some of their past moves. But hey, she was still Asgardian to the core, giving her all for her homeland.

"She turned her back on her own kind, her own country, just to help out her former enemies."

"Damn her!"

"Seriously, is she even a real doctor? A real scientist?"

Valina shot Carroll a skeptical look, doubting what she said. Then she burst out:

"What was she even thinking?"

"What's the point of right or wrong in a war between civilizations?"

"Individuals get it, but civilizations? They're beyond that. Even Asgard's brawn-over-brains warriors get it. And she calls herself a scientist?"

"The Kree Empire sent her to Midgard to study the Tesseract, all sneaky-like."

"She's done it, finally cracked the speed of light engine. And she's planning to hand it over to the Skrulls?"

"Giving it not to her own homeland, but to our sworn enemies?"

"Doesn't the ordinary citizens of Kree deserve protection?"

"Isn't it heartbreaking for those who were mercilessly slaughtered by the Skrulls under false identities?"

"What about the countless civilians caught in the crossfire between the Kree Empire and the Skrulls?"

"She's a traitor, damn it!" Valina exclaimed.

As Caesar watched on it slowly dawned on him, though it didn't strike him at first.

Five centuries in Asgard.

He witnessed Odin and Hela's conquests, the pillaging of countless civilizations, the relentless expansion of Asgard.

And there was always talk of Valina in front of him.

It made him realize deeply that while individuals may embody justice, civilizations operate on a different scale of right and wrong.

Everything is for the sake of civilization's growth and perpetuation, that's the harsh reality.

"And now that guy, Nick Fury with the cool hair. See how he is cozying up to someone who tried to kill him not too long ago? Doesn't he grasp the havoc this Skrull shapeshifting ability could wreak on Midgard? What a bunch of clueless fools!" Valina sighted

Caesar took a closer look at the young Nick Fury, finding it hard to believe that the future director was a fool in his younger days.

But suddenly all of it made sense to Caesar after he pieced together Fury's motives.

Fury aims to utilize the Skrulls!

This explains his actions and how he will rise in the future.

From a mere field agent to the director's throne in just six years.

Nick Fury is quite the schemer.


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