
A Trip To Space

Mary's disappointment was palpable as Christopher prepared to take his leave. With the Spider-Man gene in hand, his mission here was complete. He bid them farewell with a wave. "Peter, Mary, I'm heading out. Take care."

As Christopher began to depart, Mary's voice rang out urgently. "Christopher, wait! You promised to take me to space," she reminded him, her eyes pleading.

Christopher paused, his gaze turning back to Mary. She wore a bittersweet smile as she pressed him to fulfill his promise. "Now's the perfect time," she insisted.

Watching Mary's excitement, Christopher couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. He had once believed in the depth of her love for Spider-Man, but her eagerness to leave him behind now made him question everything.

Mary's joy was overwhelming as she eagerly awaited their adventure.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man's expression darkened with a mixture of sadness and discomfort. He couldn't shake the feeling of being sidelined, wondering if Mary had ever considered his feelings as she eagerly embraced the opportunity to leave with another man.

"Optimus, come here," Christopher commanded, seeking to expedite their departure.

"We'll be there in five minutes, my liege," Optimus assured him.

The awkward minutes ticked by until, finally, the Optimus arrived outside the window with a powerful gust of wind.

"Let's go," Christopher instructed, gesturing towards the transformed aircraft.

Mary and Spider-Man exchanged glances, uncertain how to proceed.

Christopher intervened, addressing them both. "Both of you, come aboard together," he insisted, unwilling to exclude Spider-Man from their journey.

Without hesitation, Mary swiftly made her way to the window, crawling out on her hands and knees, and adeptly entered the passenger seat.

"Your aircraft only has a pilot's seat and a co-pilot. I think - I'd better not go!" Spider-Man awkwardly remarked.

"You can accompany Mary!" Christopher suggested.

Spider-Man glanced at Mary, who was happily inspecting Christopher's aircraft. Frustration welled up; Mary had never seemed so delighted in his company, except during sports.

"Forget it! You go and have fun!" Spider-Man conceded with a hint of dejection.

"Okay then!" Christopher agreed.

Having assimilated Spider-Man's genes, Christopher felt liberated from the need to consider Spider-Man's emotions. He could go wherever he pleased without holding back.

Christopher gracefully jumped, passed through the window, soared over Mary's head, and landed precisely in the driver's seat.

Such a feat would have been impossible before, but now, thanks to his Spider-Man gene, he possessed remarkable agility.

As soon as Christopher settled in, Optimus sealed the hatch.

"Optimus, maintain a normal speed and head for space," Christopher instructed.

Given Mary's ordinary nature, excessively high speeds would be too much for her to endure.

"As you command, my Liege," Optimus acknowledged.

The aircraft ascended, accelerating rapidly, covering thousands of miles within moments.

Soon enough, the aircraft pierced through Earth's atmosphere and entered the gravity-free expanse of space.

Devoid of Earth's gravitational pull, the aircraft surged ahead at an even greater pace.

"Wow, space is so beautiful," Mary exclaimed.

In the absence of atmospheric interference, Mary marveled at the unobstructed view of space. The sky stretched with either the profound darkness of space or the luminous glow of distant aircraftts.

Under the sun's radiance, the aircraftts resembled tiny lanterns, casting their unique brilliance in the vast and monotonous cosmos.

Even Christopher, seasoned in the extraordinary, found himself enchanted by the celestial display.

"It's truly beautiful," Christopher sighed in admiration.

Mary turned to Christopher, her expression sweet and grateful. "Thank you. If it weren't for you, I would never have experienced the beauty of space," she said softly, her heart fluttering with romance.

In the midst of such a romantic atmosphere, a confession from Christopher would surely move Mary to agree, even though this wasn't a formal date.

"The moon is so close to Earth. It would be incredible to take a stroll there," Christopher suggested, his voice filled with wonder.

Mary nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Yes, it's all up to you," she replied obediently, her trust in Christopher unwavering.

"Optimus, are there any issues with the mech's performance?" Christopher inquired, seeking assurance before their lunar excursion.

"My Liege, everything is functioning normally. I will notify you promptly if any problems arise. Rest assured," Optimus reassured.

"Excellent. Let's head to the moon," Christopher commanded.

"Understood, my liege," Optimus acknowledged before propelling the aircraft towards their celestial destination.

As they soared further from Earth, Christopher and the others marveled at the breathtaking view—a half-black, half-blue Earth against the backdrop of space.

Despite the considerable distance of 384,000 kilometers, Christopher's Optimus traversed the expanse swiftly, propelled by their unparalleled speed and energy. Within mere hours, they arrived at their lunar destination.

Touching down on the moon's surface, Christopher turned to Mary with a proposition. "Mary, would you like to take control of the mech and explore freely on the moon?"

Mary's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Can I really do that?" she exclaimed eagerly.

"Yes you can," he assured.

Christopher provided Mary with a helmet, allowing her to control the Optimus with her mind. "With this helmet, you can control the Optimus telepathically," he explained gently.

Grateful, Mary leaned in and kissed Christopher on the cheek, to which he simply nodded in acknowledgment, unfazed by the gesture.

"Based on my Titan form's physiology, I can withstand the lunar environment. However, my ability to remain without oxygen remains uncertain," Christopher poundered.

"Optimus, separate the co-pilot and main driver's seats, and then release me," Christopher commanded.

"Understood, my liege," Optimus complied.

With a mighty roar, Christopher transformed into a towering Titan and leaped onto the moon's surface. Despite the lower gravity, he moved with ease, his giant form adapting effortlessly to the lunar environment.

Back in the cabin, Mary watched in awe. "Oh my God, he—he can actually become a giant," she gasped in amazement.

Suggesting a remedy for the moon's eerie silence, Optimus proposed playing music to break the monotony.

Christopher nodded in agreement, and soon, the strains of a familiar melody filled the air—"My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion...

As the romantic song played, Christopher couldn't help but feel bemused. Playing the Titanic theme song on the moon—quite the unexpected twist, but nonetheless, it added a touch of charm to his lunar adventure.


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