A man from our world finds himself in a battlefield with beings that would be gods among men and it's given the choice to rise or fall and in the middle of this chaos he gains a cheat of his own which grants him immense power and so he with nothing but his wit decides to become the greatest he can be in this multiverse as he is thrown around it with the only goal he has is to survive. —This story will be dark, the mc will be a cruel person and will do anything as long as he deems it ‘fun’ or beneficial to him. —also all depraved acts will be shown here...most of them anyway. [sorry I'm shit at synopsis.] [anyways this is my fic I woke up and decided..hey that would be fun to write, but yeah hope you enjoy it as much I am writing it] [note: English is not my first language...it's not even my second but yeah and also I'm not a writer so please excuse the various mistakes i will make in this fic of which I'll try to fix when I get my writing skills up to par.] [also I have a pat so if any of you has a couple bucks you wouldn't mind giving away please donate it helps a lot with my life and will encourage me to write this faster.] [patre on.com/GodOfDepravity]
Suddenly waking up to the sounds of a explosions and screams I slowly opened up my eyes and immediately wanted to fucking faint.
Not far from me there was a big purple monster wearing gold armor while wielding a glove that showed with 6 colours completely manhandling a green monster along with hundred of elien like beings fighting against humans who were cutting through some of them with yellow weopons made out of some type of energy and then there were black warriors all wearing different clothing that seemed to give them protection as attacks got absorbed inside their clothes as they kept attacking back and then a woman flying overhead while shooting blast after blast at the purple elien.
'…..haha..ha..what the fuck' my brain just seems to crash as dread just took ahold of me making me want to scream seeing beings that only should have been in comics and fighting Infront of my eyes.
' I'm in marvel….and in endgame no less…where is my time to prepare before the big bad appears? this…. isn't how I thought I'd die…again' I thought before looking at my dirty tactical armor in black before I suddenly noticed that I was wearing a helmet that had a see-through glass-like material allowing no vision impairemet on my body and slowly standing up i felt my bones pop back into place and some pain on my body dissapear.
Before I could think further about maybe running the away from here a screen appeared Infront of me.
[Hello, if you're reading this then that means you've been chosen to become one of the billions who will either crumble or rise in this little event, if you're confused then don't be…simply survive.
You have been sent to a random world within our multiverse to see if you're worthy to become a 'contestant' in our little games.
Now we are not cruel beings and as such you've been sent inside the bodies of capable beings to have a chance of survival and it is not your survival that is most important but your actions going fourth, when you die or after 3 days you will be sent to the 'God-Space' where you will be given a ranking on how you did and gain rewards depending on how well you did.
For this time only if you gain a ranking of ‹F› your soul will be destroyed immediately so you have to participate in some way or another.]
[Mission: The Endgame.
Description: You've been sent to a random battlefield tasked with the job to survive a war against Monsters….easy right?
Rewards: ?,?,?,?]
Okay I'm fucked.
Groaning at my bad luck I started looking around myself looking for anything I could maybe use to not become shit cannon fodder and actually help even if it is just to kill the other cannon fodder.
Before i could get into searching I looked at the battle ongoing and saw that almost a quarter of the avengers and it's backup was down and before I could even think a screen appeared Infront of me showing me with my dirty armour along with their durability and then by the side was a status screen.
[Name: Darius SinClair
Alias: Killswitch
Age: 28
Race: Enhanced Human(Unawakened Mutant)
Body: 10
Mind: 10
Soul: 10
Looking through my status screen I widen my eyes as actually I did feel stronger then normal and seeing it in the screen made me grin before I remembered where I am and who I was against making my new confidence diminish.
Groaning at that before I could maybe go to thanos and maybe get a good hit in before I die I stopped as a screen appeared this time different.
[The 10,000 Critical Multiplier has been booted and installed inside the host.]
'huh? what?'
[It is detected that host has an Unawakened ability and with my capabilities I would like to notice host that I am able to awaken said ability and increase its usefulness, efficiency and power if awakened by me, would you like to awaken ability? ]
' wait I think I've seen this kind of system in mostly Chinese novels….oh..hahaha most of the hosts of them were op as fuck so yes please awaken it!' I thought to the system.
[Critical multiplier activated...×1,000]
' oh I hit a 1,000 critical hit not bad'
[Ability — Deaths Strengthen[D+] has evolved to Deaths Eater[SS+]
•Deaths Eater[SS+]—[Lv-100]: As long as someone dies besides you, you are able to absorb the energies of death around you and strengthen yourself with it.
–Allows user to gain a permanent strength gain with each person dies around him.
–User is able to manipulate the energies of death around him to form constructs and allows user to use death blasts able to wound almost anything.
–Allows user a minor leeway inside deaths domain.
–Deaths stare allows user the ability to induce fear on anyone he fears gradually.]
Smiling at my ability as I suddenly felt like I had been using the ability to a million years as I felt the hundreds of souls around the battlefield shoot towards me and fuse with me but to anyone else nothing was happening as they couldn't see souls and so I felt my strength rapidly increase an not a second later I opened my eyes as they shined in purple light.
[+479 Body.
+278 Mind.
+349 Soul]
With my body literally exuding power as a black auara enveloped me before I began floating with the help of my death energy that bubbled up inside my body as I shot straight towards Thanos appearing just Infront of him as he he had punched Thor through a rock as I coated my hand in death energies and punched him straight on his face which resulted in him being thrown right to a big chunk of rock as it cracked on his contact burrying him inside them.
Looking at what I had just done I grinned inside my helmet before besides me floated a girl exuding cosmic energies floated besides me as she bled blue from her wounds looking at me with caution.
" Good job " She said as she that I was attacking her or her team and I simply nodded to me before I felt someone float besides me and looking besides me I found Doctor Strange looking me with shock.
" how…how is this possible?" The doctor asked but I simply ignored him and looked as the team's lineup lined up besides me from iron man to iron woman—Pepper pots to Spiderman and …..wait is that Gwen? And then a green woman came in crashing looking angry at the place Thanos had just been punched in and more people that I knew but shouldn't be in this fight.
'fuck…this is of course not a movie so the other heroes came to fight….of course' I thought to myself as I found even Jessica Jones in this line up.
Sighing at that nodded at them as I floated infront earning a nod back.
Holding up my hands towards the rubble that Thanos was burried inside I with a twist of my wrist made all the rocks begin floating as black energy which looked a lot like Wanda's chaos magic now that I looked at it appeared making the rocks move out of the way making Wanda look auo at me in shock before looking back at thanos of stood up with a groan and bit of blood leaking out of his mouth before he spit it out and then looked at me with confusion ans anger? and then spoke.
" I felt that" He said before he raised his hand shooting at me with energy blasts of which i met with my own as we went on a stalemateon our blasts power but I felt my blasts were being being eaten by his and mine utterly failing.
"Now!!!" I shouted as the dozens of hero's jumped thanos some shooting energy blasts some throwing rocks at him to distract him which worked as he focused on them and not me before they started piling on him not giving him a chance as he got slower probably due to overuse of the stone's but he was still beating the crap out of us.
A few minutes later 80 percent of our team was down leaving people like hulk, She-hulk, Thor ,Iron man Captain America and the like and we all stared down at thanos raising himself from his knees after getting struck down with thunder by Thor who looked like he was on his last breath we ran towards him with renewed vigor and some of the physical ones getting a punch in befire they got punched away some knocked out as I saw She-hulk transform back to her human form Jennifer and looking at the downed hulk along with iron man who was struggling to stand and captain America whobwas coarsing with lighting around himself and then me who immediately ran towards Thanos who had already stood and was about to crush Captain Marvel with a power stone infused punch but got besides her downed form intime before grabbing the gauntlet before I pushed him away and shot him with half of my remaining energy sending him stumbling befire he stood back up.
" You okay there?" i asked captain marvel as she looked at me with gratitude and as I offered her my hand she took it and stood up but looking behind me as Thanos stood raising his gauntlet.
"Enough!! I'm done playing these games with you puny human!" Thanks said as he prepared to snap making everyone pale.
Groaning at this I immediately shot towards him grabbing his giant ass thumb and hand not allowing him but after a couple seconds of him punching me and punching me through the rocks he threw me off.
Snickering while looking at me he raised his gauntlet once more.
" I am…Inevitable" Thanos said before he snapped as the heroes around me closed their eyes seemingly awaiting their deaths but as the snap that was supposed to take away everyone's life came nothing happened and thanos in shock looked behind his gauntlet finding not a single stone on his gauntlet and looking at along with the other heroes I on one knee with one of my hands raised up with my hand coated with thick energy and on it were the stone's as they sent power right inside me.
I stood up with a groan as power to do anything I so wished inside this universe coarser through me but in doing so started breaking my body apart even with death energy coarsing through me but in that moment I had all the power and using my enhanced mind, body and soul the breaking down of my body was slow for what it would usually be for a human and closing my eyes I connected with tge stones on a deeper level doing multiple things with them and then connecting them with my ability Deaths Eater I made a snapping form with my hand.
" And I Mr purple elien guy…..Am Fucking Killswitch! And with that your switch is flipped Bitch!!" I said before snapping releasing a deathly aura around the world as Thanos army Began screaming and then burned in an instant as black fire engulfed them and then Thanos began burning as the black fires started from his feet burning him to ash before moving upward but all along he never scram only groaned before he was nothing but dust but then all the dust that accumulated around the battlefield condensed into one and in it a feminine figure stood and as all the dust dissapeared a familiar figure of Natasha The black widow stood shocked while looking around himself as then the deathly energy started healing all the wounds of the avengers and their team bring back all that had died in this war and that was all thanks to my domain with death that I so mercilessly took advantage off.
Afterall all had risen the stones in my hand absorbed all the energy it had released and I fell into the ground as the stone's energies broke down my body as I looked up into the sky with distant eyes and before I closed my eyes I heard the loud shouts of a couple woman and the face of Natasha looking at me with worry and the energies that that held Carol as she landed besides me before I died.
—Bonus Scene.
In a battlefield with no corpse or so to speak of and a dozen of so ships and weopons scattered around the warzone a dozen hundred or people stood watching as their savoir fell to the ground as the woman who had appeared just after he had used the infinity stones to bring back more then half the spectators ran towards the person and after a woman flying landed besides him as she was lit with cosmic energies.
After a while of the man not responding to the shouts of worry from the woman who looked at him a man with blond hair walked up to the dead man and a metre or so away from him layed on his knee and looked down in a sign of respect and mourning amd not before long everyone inside the battlefield followed as they all knelt down with sad expressions on their faces and mourned for the hero that had saved them.
And so the story of our hero ended in this universe with the tears of one Natasha and one Carol along with the tears of a hundred more but was this trully the end of our hero's story?