
Chapter 1-5

Chapter 1

1995, Los Angeles.

Elsterdam Primary School, boys' toilet on the first floor

"Gabri, it's your turn."

A little boy with a strong build and a serious face handed a knife in his hand to a fat boy named Gabri.

Gabri hesitated and reached out to take the knife, nervous even with the fat on his face. The flesh is trembling

"Clark, do you really want to do this? Can't we just give a high five or shake hands or something?"

Gabri slowly moved around his left hand with the knife, gesticulating around it, but in the end he couldn't muster up the courage to cut his finger.

"hurry up! Kyle and Ian have finished, and now you are the only one left. If you are afraid, let me help you!"

As he said that, the little boy named Clark took a step forward.

"No! I will do it myself! I can!"

When Gabri heard that Clark was going to help him, he was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, summoned up the greatest courage, and used the knife in his hand to cut a small cut on the tip of his finger. The hole.

A drop of bright red blood suddenly gushes out.


Kyle on the side urged him.

He was sucking his fingers, and there was a small cut on his fingertips, which was obviously cut with a knife before.

"I know, you don't need to remind me!"

Gabri glared at him, and then put his scratched finger on a plastic bowl on the sink in front of him.

Tick tock~!

A drop of blood followed the gravity and fell into the bowl.

In the bowl at this time, there was originally The water in his mouth had turned a light red.

After finishing the dripping, Gabri glanced at Kyle and Ian, put his fingers in his mouth and sucked them, with a look of pain on his face.

"Okay, give me the knife. Clark said.

Gabri handed it over.

After getting the knife, Clark cut the tip of one of his fingers without any hesitation. After dripping a drop of blood into the bowl, he folded the knife and put it in his pocket.

"Okay, now we start to make a blood alliance!"Clark said with a very serious expression.

When the three little boys heard this, they immediately took out the small notes prepared in advance from their pants pockets and read out loud according to the contents on the notes.

"I, Gabri (Kyle) (Ian), voluntarily accept the invitation of Boss Clark to join the Hydra family. From now on, people are born as Hydras! Death is the death of Hydra!"

When the three of them finished reading, Clark smiled and clapped.

"Very good, now as the commander of Hydra, I welcome you to join!"

Clark shook hands with the three people in turn.

"I now declare that from this moment on, New Hydra is officially established!"


The three little boys did not dare to be disobedient and clapped their hands and applauded quickly.


Clark interrupted what Ian was about to say and corrected:"Remember to call me Commander-in-Chief from now on."

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief! Ian quickly changed his words and asked:"Um, Commander, can we go back to the classroom now?" Class is almost here."

Kyle and Gabri also looked at him.

"Okay, everyone, go back. Remember to gather at the same place after class. I will announce our first operation of Hydra!"Clark waved his hand and let the three of them go back.

When the three little boys heard this, they felt as if they were being pardoned. After they responded, they quickly ran out of the toilet.

"Cut~! If you are in a hurry, you will definitely be unable to accomplish anything big in the future!"

As he said that, Clark poured out the bloody water in the plastic bowl first. Originally, the Blood Alliance had to drink it, but Clark didn't have such a hobby, so he skipped this step. He threw it away casually, and threw away the plastic that had lost its value. The bowl was thrown into the trash can, and Clark slowly walked out of the toilet with his hands in his pockets and walked towards the classroom.

On the way, Clark recalled everything that had happened in the past eight years.

Eight years ago, Clark originally He was just an online article writer in another world, China. He lived on a meager remuneration every month. Then suddenly one day he woke up and found that he was in a strange place, and his body had become... A swaddled baby.

Being familiar with various time-travel routines, he immediately realized that he had time-traveled.

Then, he quickly understood his current situation.

A baby who was only a few months old, but his parents Both died in a traffic accident. What's even more tragic is that the couple didn't have any relatives, so no one could adopt Clark, so they had to be sent to an orphanage.

In the orphanage, Clark lived for five years.

Until he was 5 years old, he was adopted by a kind-hearted couple.

Clark's original name was Clark. Zhou

Zhou was his surname. His father was a Chinese and his mother was an out-and-out Los Angeles native.

After being adopted Later, Clark got a new surname - Kent!

However, the kind-hearted Kent couple still kept his original surname in order to take care of Clark's emotions, so Clark's name became; Clark. Zhou. Kent! The original surname It became a middle name as a kind of commemoration.

Since then, Clark has settled down in his new family.

The Kents originally had a daughter, two years older than Clark, named Abigail Kent.

But in A few years after Abigail was born, Mr. Kent lost the ability to have children due to an accident.

The couple had always wanted to have another child, so they adopted Clark.

Although they were not biological children, the Kents treated Clark as There is no difference between biological children. At first, it was difficult for Clark to accept the so-called adoptive parents, but after several years of getting along, he slowly accepted this kind couple.

As a time traveler, Clark certainly has his own Goldfinger.

His goldfinger is something called the [Destruction System].

This system does not seem to have a high level of intelligence and can only answer some questions mechanically. The main function of the system is to make Clark go crazy and cause destruction everywhere. , and then the system will give certain rewards according to the degree of influence of the event.

This [Destruction System] was awakened by Clark when he was 6 years old.

At the beginning, there was a novice gift pack. Clark didn't know if he was lucky? Or bad luck?

Because the rewards in the novice gift pack are completely random, and the one he issued is a [Kryptonian template], if that's all, then of course it is great news. After all, Clark has already known how strong the Kryptonians are in his previous life. I learned about it from the movie comics.

But the problem is that the Kryptonian template he got only has a fusion degree of 0.01%....

Chapter 2

This means that the effect this template can have on Clark is only one ten thousandth of the complete effect!

It would be fine if this was just an ordinary world, but when Clark was in the orphanage, he had already learned through TV news that there was a company called Stark Group in this world, and the boss of the company was named Howard Stark..

However, Howard Stark passed away when Clark was five years old. Clark clearly remembered that year. Newspapers for almost half the year were reporting on some news about the Stark Group.

In addition, Clark also learned that during World War II, there really was a Captain America.

In other words, this world is not an ordinary modern world.

But the Marvel world!

In the Marvel world, what is the use of a Kryptonian template that is only one ten thousandth effective?

Well, I can't say it's useless.

But there is definitely no way for Clark to have world-destroying strength like the Clark from DC next door.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Clark spent three years basking in the sun every day.

But for three years, Clark only allowed his 9-year-old self to have a physical fitness slightly better than that of an adult male.

How about flipping off a car with one hand and chopping up the earth with one kick?

Don't even think about it!

Fortunately, this is not an unsolvable problem...

In addition to giving Clark a novice gift pack at the beginning, the destruction system's main function is still to destroy points.

Destruction points are a currency awarded by the system after Clark performs acts of destruction.

It can be used directly to strengthen various aspects of the body's functions, and it can also strengthen existing abilities.

However, the points required for the Kryptonian template are very high.

Even an improvement of just 0.01% requires 1,000 destruction points.

Due to his young age, Clark has done a lot of damage in recent years, but it was all small troubles.

The accumulated points are only 900 points.

There is still a full 100 points short of 1,000 points.

In addition, the destruction system will award an annual gift pack on the first day of every new year.

The contents of the annual gift pack are also random.

It might be an item, it might be a certain ability, or of course it might be some damage points.

So far, Clark has received three annual gift packages. Among them, the 1993 annual gift package contains a uniform, which is the uniform of Superman in the movie Man of Steel.

The system also thoughtfully added auto fit function ,otherwise Clark, who is only 9 years old this year, would not be able to wear such adult size clothes.

In addition, the color can also be chosen by Clark himself.

He didn't really like the original blue and red combination, so he changed it to a black and silver combination. The S logo, cape and shoes are silver, and the rest are black.

The next year, in 1994, Wolverine's self-healing ability was included in the annual gift package.

This ability actually overlaps with the ability of the Kryptonians themselves, but for the current Clark, it is very practical.

The third year is 95, which is this year.

Clark opened a Mystique shape-shifting power from the third annual gift pack.

The abilities released twice were related to mutants, which made Clark wonder several times whether the system was hinting at something.

Fortunately, he checked online and found that mutants did not exist in this world.

So with a high probability, this should belong to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not the comic book universe.

This is undoubtedly good news for Clark.

After all, there are so many big bosses in the comic book universe that they can't afford to offend them by restarting them at every turn!...

The entrance to the third-year classroom.

Clark walked in slowly with his hands in his pockets, just in time for the teacher to enter.

This period was a math class. The teacher was a middle-aged fat woman wearing thick glasses. When she walked in, she frowned and glanced at Clark, who had not yet walked to his seat and sat down. She seemed a little unhappy.

"Okay, everyone, sit down, let's start class!"

The students who were still talking in a low voice immediately fell silent.

At this time, a mechanical system prompt sounded in Clark's mind, who had just sat down.

[Impersonate the Hydra organization, destroy the reputation of the Hydra organization, and gain +100 damage points! ]

Hearing the prompt in his mind, Clark's eyes suddenly lit up

"Good guy! I was given 100 points all at once. How could it be so influential to create a Hydra?"

Even Clark himself did not expect this.

After all, he originally named the organization Hydra, firstly out of a bad taste, secondly because he felt that the name was in line with the purpose of the organization, and finally he thought Can you touch Hydra and get some destruction points?

Unexpectedly, I got an unexpected surprise!

Over the years, Clark has also figured out the general method of calculating points for the destruction system.

He mainly uses influence As a judgment.

The higher the impact of the sabotage event, the more points will be given.

In the past, Clark was always engaging in small troubles, so the points he received every time were almost single digits.

This time he encountered the porcelain Hydra, Even though the Hydra organization he founded is not well-known and only a few people know about it, he directly gave him 100 points.

Clark noticed that the system prompt mentioned"damaging the reputation of the Hydra organization". A little.

After thinking about it, he thought that it was probably because he chose to establish the Hydra organization in a place like the men's room, so he was judged by the system as having ruined the reputation of the Hydra organization.

"I'm such a genius!"Clark was secretly happy.

Chapter 3

With these 100 points, Clark's destruction points finally reached 1,000 points.

[Name: Clark Zhou Kent]

[Sex: Male]

[Age 9/300 (Wolverine's self-healing ability is improved plus the Kryptonian template is improved)]

[Already have template: Kryptonian Template 0.01%+]

[Already possessed abilities: Stellar Energy (Passive) (from Kryptonian Template) Super Speed ​​Self-Healing (Passive) (Wolverine Version) Transformation (Active) (Mystique Version)]

[Destruction points: 1000 points]

This is the basic information panel of the system.

Compared to the last time I saw it, there is an extra plus sign after the Kryptonian template.

Click this plus sign for Clark's Thoughts

[Do you want to spend 1,000 destruction points to improve the Kryptonian template?]


The next moment, 1,000 points were cleared.

The Kryptonian template fusion degree was also increased to 0.02%!

Clark's seat in the classroom was right next to the window, and the sunlight outside could directly shine on him. At this time, the Kryptonian template After the template was improved, his most intuitive feeling was that the sunlight on his body became more comfortable, as if all the cells in his body were cheering for it.

After half a class;

"This feeling is not as simple as just doubling the amount!"

Feeling some subtle changes in his body, Clark realized that his previous understanding of the Kryptonian template was still too one-sided.

Even if it was only improved by 0.01%, the effect would not be as simple as doubling.

This improvement , at least about ten times!

"Very good, that's how it should be!"

Clark clenched his fist secretly, feeling the age-inappropriate power contained in his body.

After a moment, he tried to improve the Kryptonian template again.

The system still prompted that there were insufficient points and 1,000 points were needed.

"The number of points consumed has not increased, which is good news."

Clark smiled.....

Mathematics class is the last class this morning. Elsterdam Primary School has seven classes every day, three in the morning and four in the afternoon.

The third class in the morning ends at 10:35. At this time, the students will have 25 minutes of free time, and then lunch will start at 11:05 and last until 11:35.

After class, a corner of the school playground.

The newly formed Hydra organization is holding its first meeting here.

Clark's three younger brothers, Gabri, Kyle, and Ian, sat directly on the floor and listened to the first task organized by Clark in front of them.

Everyone knows that Hydra is an evil organization.

This is no secret.

The existence of Hydra has been reported by countless newspapers and magazines, but people don't know that Hydra still exists after World War II, rather than being eliminated as they know.

Therefore, if Clark sets up a Hydra organization in school, he will not be targeted.

After all, this is nothing new.

People will just think that this is a sign of a child being too naughty, and they won't really take it to heart.

Clark also took advantage of this mentality of adults.

That's why I blatantly touched the Hydra

"Do you all remember what I just said?"

Clark glanced at the three younger brothers in front of him.

Among the three younger brothers, Gabri was the least timid, and his personality was a bit bullying. He could act very strong when facing those who were weaker than him, but when facing someone who was stronger than him, he would Shrinking his neck like a quail.

Kyle is the strongest among the three. His parents are fitness instructors. He has been fond of exercising since he was a child and has the best physique.

Ian is a top academic and the smartest among the three, but he This top student is a bit sinister and has a very unpleasant personality. To put it bluntly, he is too arrogant and has a habit of looking down on others.

This guy is also a rich second generation, with a family worth over ten million.

"Remember, the commander-in-chief is not just about wreaking havoc everywhere, but also recruiting new people to join!"Ian smiled and patted his chest and said,"Don't worry, leave this matter to me, I will arrange it for the two of them."

"Well, I will give you two quotas a week. If you fail to meet them, you will be punished."Clark is still relatively assured of Ian's ability to do things. If it is left to Gabri or Kyle, he will not be so assured.

"Two a week, it's a joke!"Ian said confidently.

When the two of them were talking, Kyle and Gabri were listening. They knew that their brains were not very good. Things like this that require using their brains should be left to Ian and Clark. , they just need to be responsible and take action....

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, school is over.

A large group of students carrying small schoolbags came out of the school gate and took the school bus home.

The residential area where Clark's family is located is not far from the school, about four kilometers away.

While in the car, Clark met his sister, Abigail.

She was sitting and chatting with these little sisters.

When he saw Clark, he smiled and waved hello.

"Abigail, your brother is so cool!"A girl wearing glasses next to her secretly looked at Clark and said in a low voice:"Next time we have a party, why don't you call your brother too?"

"My brother is only nine years old. You don't want to take advantage of him, do you?"Abigail stared at her with a suspicious expression.

"How can it be! The girl looked guilty,"I just think that as a sister, you should pay more attention to your brother.""

"No need, Clark disappeared as soon as it was his day off, he wasn't free."Abigail said.

After hearing this, the girl looked disappointed....

Chapter 4

Back home, Abigail told Clark about her little sister.

Clark looked surprised.

Secretly, girls in Western countries are really precocious.

"Abigail, is there a boy you like at school? Clark asked curiously.

Abigail shook her head with a look of disgust.

"No, those guys are too boring, and I promised my mother that I wouldn't have a boyfriend until high school."

"By the way, I heard that you led a few people to form a Hydra. Abigail showed her dignity as a sister at this time,"Clark, you have such good grades in school and are so smart. You will definitely become an elite in society in the future, but you can't be like those gangsters on the street!""

"Who taught you this? Clark looked at her with a strange look, and then said:"Don't worry, my group is just a learning interest group. As you know, Gabri and Kyle don't have very good grades. Ian and I are here to help them improve their studies." score"

"So why is it called Hydra? Abigail asked:"Isn't that an evil organization?""

"That's why I want to clear up Hydra's name! Clark joked.


In the evening, the Kents also returned home from get off work.

Mr. Kent is a senior accountant in a large company, and Mrs. Kent is a dance teacher in a dance training class.

So their family's income is pretty good, and they even have some savings for investment.

"Lisa, John, you are back."

Clark, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, heard the sound of the door opening. He poked his head over and saw the two people entering the door.

Lisa was Mrs. Kent's name, and John was Mr. Kent's name.

Clark always called them by their names directly. I have called mom and dad, mainly because I feel a little awkward, and this kind of calling is very common in adoptive families like the Kent family, and it is not considered unusual or rude.

"Honey, how were you at school today?"

Lisa came over and kissed Clark on the cheek and asked him with a smile.

"Well, as usual, pretty good."Clark nodded and replied

"Clark, are you watching cartoons?"John came over and sat down next to Clark,"Oh~! It's a Superman animation. Does our little Clark also want to become Superman?"

"He has the same name as me." Clark said with a smile,"So I like him very much."

Mr. John laughed.

"Maybe we should move to Kansas."

Then you buy a farm?

Clark smiled.

The Marvel world has DC comics, just like the DC world has Marvel comics.

This setting is also very interesting. What's even more interesting is that Clark's name , and his Kryptonian template.

I don't know what people in this world will think when he grows up and flies around the world wearing that black Superman uniform?

He shouldn't be sued for infringement, right?

Late at night , John and Lisa were already asleep, and Abigail had fallen asleep long ago.

At this time, in Clark's room, a small figure got off the bed, quietly opened the window, then turned over and jumped out of the window Go out.

The height difference on the second floor does not bother Clark.

And this is not the first time he has done this.

Ever since he received the magic transformation ability in this year's annual gift package, Clark will run out every night and go Sabotage is committed all over the city.

The system's definition of sabotage is relatively broad.

This gives Clark a lot of room for maneuver.

In the past two years, Clark had been doing small things because he had to take into account the issue of identity exposure. , and received very few points.

But after gaining the ability to transform into magic this year, the problem of identity exposure has been completely solved.

He can finally let go.

The moment he walked out of the yard, Clark's appearance changed from a person wearing pajamas The 9-year-old boy turned into a tall, muscular adult man in his twenties and thirties, wearing a black windbreaker.

"It's time to make some big noise."Clark looked up at the moonlight tonight, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then quickly disappeared into the night....

Blood Rose Bar.

This place is located in an old neighborhood of Los Angeles. The people living around are low-income people. This kind of place is also the most chaotic place in Los Angeles. There are gang organizations everywhere. Sometimes in a block, there may be There will be more than ten gangs.

Chaos abounds!

The Blood Rose Bar is the headquarters of a gang called the Skeleton Brotherhood in the surrounding area.

Clark has a small grudge against this Skeleton Brotherhood.

One of his younger brothers, Gabri's mother, was harassed by people from this gang some time ago.

Clark came here tonight, partly to earn destruction points, and partly to vent his anger on his little brother.

Carrying a bucket of gasoline and a knife, Clark walked across the street.

The two men in black who were responsible for guarding the door of the bar immediately noticed the abnormal situation and stopped Clark.

"My friend, if you want to cause trouble, you are probably looking for the wrong target!"

The two people stopped Clark, one on the left and the other on the right, with fierce eyes....


Chapter 5

At this time, Clark calmly put down the gasoline barrel he was holding. next moment...The light of the knife flashed away under the neon lights.

A member of the Skeleton Brotherhood covered his neck with one hand, eyes widened, and fell down unwillingly.

He didn't expect Clark to really dare to take action.

And it's so sudden!

"Feel sorry! I didn't hear what you were saying clearly. Could you please say it again?"

Clark's expression was kind. If there wasn't a man lying alive at his feet with a bloody knife in his hand, the other party might be happy to answer his question.

But now...

"Damn~! You madman!"

The remaining member of the Skeleton Brotherhood cursed angrily, and then without hesitation reached out to his lower back. There was an M1911 pinned there, but before he could pull out the gun, a flash of knife light hit him. A flash of light flashed across his retina, and the next moment a sharp pain hit him, and a feeling of powerlessness suddenly hit his whole body.

"Although your gun can't kill me, it will be very painful, so I'd better ask you to die."

Clark said the words in a calm tone that made people unable to help but feel frightened.

He gently pushed away the Skeleton Brotherhood member in front of him with one hand. As the other person fell, the blood-stained blade was pulled out from the other person's body.

"It would be bad if it gets beaten to pieces later."Clark bent down and picked up the gasoline can next to him, placed it next to the door, then opened the door and walked in.

After a few seconds,

Clark stepped back.

"I almost forgot to touch the body, I really shouldn't have."

He bent down and found two guns and four spare magazines from the two bodies.

"One handful is enough."

After unloading one of the guns and throwing it away, Clark put all the magazines into the pocket of his windbreaker, and then walked into the bar again.

In the bar, the loud music made Clark subconsciously frown when he just came in. brow

"What a terrible environment."

He looked around.

Under the dim light, there were people everywhere, and there was an unpleasant smell floating in the air. It was the smell of tobacco mixed with alcohol and various perfumes.

Clark didn't like it here.

He He raised his hand and fired the M1911 three times at the ceiling.

The sound of the gunfire covered up the loud music in the bar.

The guests who heard the gunfire screamed in fright, many of them out of fear. He instinctively held his head and squatted down, his movements looked very skillful.

"Okay, now that the entertainment program is over, if you don't want to die, get out of here immediately!"

Guests who are just spending money to have fun, how dare they stay after hearing this?


"Wait a moment!"

Clark suddenly stopped a person who was trying to run past him.

"I-I'm not from the Skeleton Brotherhood!"The other party was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and even stuttered when speaking.

"I know, and I recognize you."

Clark put the muzzle of the gun against the other person's head.

When he felt the muzzle of the gun against his own head, the man almost peeed in fear on the spot.


He just begged for mercy, but Clark suddenly pulled him in front of him. next moment...

Gunshots rang out!

More than ten or twenty bullets hit this man in an instant

"Shoot as soon as they arrive, they are indeed a ruthless group of people!"

Clark grabbed the lifeless guy in his hand and rushed forward. After reaching a certain distance, he threw his arm hard, and the body was thrown towards the opponent as if it were a thrown object.

Bang! Bang! Bang!...

He emptied the bullets in the M1911 in one breath. As a result, he had never touched a gun before. Only two bullets hit the person, and they were in non-fatal areas such as the arms and thighs.

"MD, this shooting is really bad!"

Cursing secretly, Clark, who had no time to change the magazine, threw the gun in his hand as if it were a concealed weapon.


An unlucky guy was hit in the face. He squatted down in pain, covered his face with his hands and screamed.

"shot! Beat him to death!"

The leader of the Skeleton Brotherhood roared loudly, picked up a micro punch in his hand and shot at Clark who rushed up.

"I block it! Clark shouted loudly, waving the long knife in his hand.

A flash of knife light flashed...

Not a single bullet was blocked!


Clark's facial features were distorted in pain, but he still rushed forward and slashed a member of the Skeleton Brotherhood in the face.

This knife cut off his double eyelids on the spot.

Seeing how happy the other party was, they couldn't help but cheer. boom! boom! boom!...

The gunfire continued.

There are more than a dozen people on the other side, and each of them has a gun, which means a dozen guns.

And Clark was alone. Even though he had Wolverine's super-speed self-healing ability, these bullets still hurt him to the point of death.


Clark cursed the word starting with F while slashing two more members of the Skeleton Brotherhood to death.

"F***! What kind of monster is this?!"

The other party also cursed, with a look of fear on his face.

"Your whole family is a monster!!! Clark roared angrily and threw the opponent to the ground with the knife.

The blade directly penetrated the opponent's body.

He grabbed the gun from the opponent's hand and was shot a few more times in the back. He turned over and fired continuously behind him.

This time the distance was closer, and Clark's accuracy had obviously improved significantly.

Three members of the Skeleton Brotherhood were shot and fell to the ground on the spot.

Just for fun, I like the novel so I am going to share with fellow reader, it is a Tl so you know.

Thangam_Robertcreators' thoughts