
Marvel: Son of Cyttorak

The great Cytorakk sires a son with a human woman. Will this boy of unspoken power find his way or give in to his father's destructive tendencies?

TrapcardD · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

Movie Night.

Warning, scenes from the Lion king included.

As Orion read, he heard the sound of knocking at his door.

* Knock! Knock! Knock!

' I wonder who it is?' Orion thought to himself as he got up from his bed. He walked over to the door and opened it to see Maddy standing in the doorway.

" Hey, Maddy." Orion Spoke " What's up?" He asked the girl.

" Hey, Dr. Pym asked if you wanted to maybe go to the movies with us tonight." Maddy told the boy.

" I... I don't know. I mean I haven't been out out in years." Orion told the girl.

" You don't have to worry about being alone or fighting or anything. We're going in our civies. We won't be us. We'll... just be... Normal." Maddy told the boy.

Orion looked a the girl and hesitated.

' Don't let this foolish girl lead you to do something so trivial. This is a waste of your time. It's beneath you.' Cyttorak told the boy.

Orion shook his head and then looked back at the girl. " Come in." Orion told the girl. He stepped aside and let Maddy walk into his room. She looked around at the new mirror, that had been replaced after Orion smashed it in a fit of rage, and the bookshelves full of old looking books.

" You can sit if you want or stand. It'll only take me a minute." Orion told the girl as he shifted through his closet for an outfit to wear. He pulled out a pair of blue jeans a white t.

" It's cold outside. Shouldn't you put on more clothes?" Maddy asked as she looked at Orion's outfit.

" No. I don't get cold really. Besides. We'll be inside most of the time, right?" Orion asked the girl.

" If you say so." Maddy replied.

Orion shrugged his shoulders and started stripping until he was down in his briefs.

Maddy blushed and then covered her eyes.

After a few minutes, Orion finished and was ready to go. " All right. I'm ready." Orion told the girl.

" C-Come on then. Let's not keep the others waiting." Maddy spoke. She then got up from Orion's bed and walked towards the door with Orion right behind her.

The two teens met up with their fellow students and Dr. Pym, minus Hazmat and Mettle who couldn't blend in, and all went out to a theater in Manhattan to see an old Disney movie the lion king. After buying snacks and drinks from the concessions stand Hank and the others all piled into the full movie theater.

" All right, there's four seats here. and two open seats back there. We're gonna have to split up." Hank told the kids.

" It's all right, I'll head to the back. I don't like being around so many people anyways." Orion told the man.

" I'll go with him." Maddy also spoke.

' Are you guys sure?" Hank asked.

" Yep. Totally fine." Maddy said to the man as she grabbed Orion's arm. " Let's go, Orion." Maddy said as she pulled the man up the stairs.

Orion followed along, letting the girl drag him, and the two sat in the two open seats above.

" Have you ever seen the lion king?" Maddy asked the boy.

" No. Didn't really like T.V. that much growing up. I was always an outside boy." Orion replied.

" Oh yeah? What did you do outside?" Maddy asked.

" I was a bit destructive." Orion chuckled. " I remember when I was nine, I accidentally flipped our neighbor's car. I was never caught by the neighbor. But man, mom certainly did give me the talking of my life. I mean she was so mad she was beat red in the face by time she was done. Hahaha!" Orion laughed as he recounted the tales from his childhood.

Maddy looked at the boy's wide smile and joined him in laughter. " Hey, Orion can you do me a favor?" Maddy asked the boy.

" Sure, Maddy. What can I do for you?" The boy asked.

Maddy reached into her pocket and pulled out her cellphone and pulled up a song. " Can you memorize this before the movie starts?" Maddy asked,

Orion took the phone and read over them for a few moments then returned the phone to Maddy. " Got it. But why did I need to learn a song?" Orion asked.

" You'll see. Just follow my lead." Maddy told the boy. " Now pay attention, it's starting." Maddy told the boy.

Orion turned his face to the giant screen and watched as the movie began.

" Hahahahah!" The hyena's laughed.

" Well! Well! Well, Bonzai. What have we here?" Shenzi asked the male Hyena.

" Hmmm, I don't know Shenzi. Ehh what do you think Ed?" Bonzai asked the slightly smarter hyena.

" Ohhh! Ehhehehe!Hahah!" Ed cackled.

" Oh, look at the sun! It's time to go!" Zazu told the cubs as he tried to run off.

Shenzi jumped in front of the bird. " What's the hurry? We'd love for you to stick around for dinner."

" Yeahhh! We could have whatever's LION around! HAhaha!" Bonzai joked.

" Hahahaha!" Orion laughed. " This is good." Orion stated as he sat up in his seat.

" Wait! Wait! Wait! I got one! I got one! Make mine a cub sandwich. What ya think?" Shenzi also joked about eating the cubs

" Bleeh! Bleeh! Bleh!" Ed spoke to Shenzi as he pointed to the cubs.

" What Ed!? What is it!?" Shenzi asked.

" Hey, did we order this dinner to go?" Bonzai asked.

" No, why?" Shenzi asked.

" Cuz there it goes!" Bonzai yelled as Zazu ran with Simba and Nala.

" Oh, no. Come on Simba run." Orion muttered.

Maddy looked over at the boy so enthralled by the movie and smiled. She then placed her hand over the one Orion had resting on the arm of the chair

As Zazu flew Bonzai grabbed him. " The little major domo birdie hippity hopped all the way to the birdie boiler." Bonzai spoke as he pushed Zazu towards his fire pit.

" Not the birdie boiler!" Zazu begged. He was stuck into the pot and shot off into the air.

Orion watched closely as the Hyena's closed in on Simba.

" Here kitty kitty kitty." Bonzai growled.

" raaharaah rah!" Simba roared but it was like a small cat meowing.

" Haha! That was it?" Shenzi and the others laughed at the boy. "Do it again. Come on." Shenzi told the boy.

Simba did as told and roared again. " RAAAAH!" Much louder was the roar.

The three hyenas looked stupefied for a moment and a second later Mufasa jumped down and attacked the Hyena's

" YEAH!" Orion yelled.

Orion and Maddy watched happily as the movie progressed, though Orion's happiness was quickly ended when Mufasa was murdered by Scar.

" Dad?" Simba called out to his father as he nudged against him. " Dad, come on. You gotta get up. Dad. We gotta go home." Simba spoke on the verge of tears.

Sitting his seat Orion started tearing up without even realizing that in a way Mufasa was his mother and he was Simba.

Maddy squeezed the hand she had on top of Orion's gently as the boy rubbed his eyes with his other hand. They both watched as Simba tried his best to wake his father.

" Help!" Simba yelled. " Somebody! Anybody! Help." Simba pleaded as he started to cry.

Orion hung his head and cried a little as the little boy walked back over to his dad and cuddled up under him.

Orion lifted his head and watched as Scar fooled Simba into believing he was at fault for Mufasa's death and how he exiled the boy.

" Hey? Are you alright?" Maddy leaned over and asked the boy.

" Yeah. Just that was so sad." Orion replied.

" I know. But don't worry you remember that song I told you about?" Maddy asked the boy.

" Yeah. Why?" Orion wondered.

" Just watch." Maddy turned the boy's head back to the screen to see that Timon and Pumba had found the boy.

" So, where ya from?" Timon asked Simba

" Who cares. I can't go back." Simba replied.

" Ah! So, you're an outcast. That's great so are we." Timon replied.

" Whatcha do, kid?" Pumba asked.

" Something, terrible. But I don't wanna talk about it." Simba told them both.

" Good we don't wanna hear about it." Timon told the boy.

Pumba leaned down and whispered into Timons ear. " Timon Timon." He then sat back up and spoke to Simba. " Anything we can do?"

" Not unless you can change the past." Simba replied.

" You know kid in times like this my buddy timon here says that you gotta put your behind in your past." Pumba told him.

" No. No. No. Amateur. Lie down before ya hurt yourself." Timon told Pumba. " It's ya gotta put your past behind ya. Look kid, bad things happen and you can't do anything about it right?" Timon asked Simba.

" Right." Simba replied.

" Wrong. When the world turns its back on you. You turn your back on the world." Timon told the boy.

" That's not what I was taught." Simba spoke.

" Well you need a new lesson. Repeat after me." Timon spoke.

" Here we go." Maddy told the boy.

" Haknua matata." Timon said.

" What?" Simba asked

" Hakuna matata. It means no worries." Pumba told the boy.

" Hakuna matata. What a wonderful phrase." The entire theater broke out into song with the movie.

" Ain't no passing craaaaaze!" Maddy sung to Orion.

Orion smiled and followed along with the girl.

" It means no worrieeees. For the rest of your dayysssss! It's our problem freeeeee! Philosophy! Hakuna matata!" The two sang.

" Hakuna matata? " Simba asked.

" Yeah, it's our motto." Pumba replied.

" What's a motto?" Simba asked.

" Nothing! What's the motto with you?" Timon asked before breaking out into a laugh.

" You know kid, these two words will solve all your problems." Pumba spoke.

" That's right. Take Pumba for example. Why. When he was a young warthog." Timon spoke.

' This is so fun!' Orion thought to himself '

Orion continued watching intently until the very end when a thought occurred to him.

This is just like...' The thought finally dawned on the boy. " Just like me." Orion mumbled.

" What was that?" Maddy asked.

" This is just like me." Orion told the girl.

" Wait. You picked this movie. Did you? Did you do this for me?" Orion asked the girl.

" I thought you'd might like it." Maddy told the boy. " You're always talking about how you're a monster or a thing. And I figured seeing a different perspective would." Maddy was explaining to the boy.

Orion quickly hugged the girl. " Thank you, Maddy." Orion told the girl.

' Awww. Falling in love? Foolish little boy. It'll only make snapping that girl's neck all the more pleasurable.' Cyttorak laughed at the boy.

Choosing to ignore his fathers taunting, Orion shoved the man's voice to the back of his head. " Come on, let's go meet the others." Orion told the girl.

Maddy nodded and walked beside Orion down the stairs of the theater and out into the main hallway.

" Hey, guys. " Hank greeted the two. " Did oyu enjoy yourselves?" Hank asked.

" Yeah. I think... I think I learned a lot." Orion told the man.

" Yeah? Glad to hear it. Now, let's head back." Hank told the teens as he headed for the exit.

" Man, that was awesome! I'll never stop loving that movie!" Maddy exclaimed.

" Yeah. Yeah, a small talking lion outcast overcoming adversities, look next time I'm picking the movie." Striker told the girl

" Shut up man! It was good." Reptil told striker. " I just feel bad that Mettle and Hazmat couldn't come." Reptil stated.

" Oh, they did. I just shrunk them down so they wouldn't attract attention." Hank told the kids as he pulled Hazmat and Mettle out of his pocket.

" Dude!" Mettle yelled. " I can totally see up your nose!" Mettle told Hank.

" I am so humiliated." Hazmat stated as she covered her small face.

Suddenly the wind in the city started to pick up.

" Damn! He, Doc. Can we walk through one of your magic dimensional doors before I freeze my butt off?" Striker asked Hank.

Seeing her discomfort, Orion pulled Maddy closer to him, as he stood unfazed by the wind.

" New York in winter. The buildings create a wind tunnel." Hank explained. " Wait. I've never seen them like this." Hank stated. " Get behind me!" Hank yelled as he realized who was behind the wind.

The students minus Orion and Maddy were separated by the wind and out of nowhere whirlwind grabbed Reptil and held him hostage.

" You killed her! I loved her! But she picked you because I was just her chauffer and you were supposed to be the big hero. But look at you! She was your wife, man! And you disrespect her memory by calling yourself the wasp now? You kill her and take her name? You never cared about her! Well, I'm going to make you care!" Whirlwind yelled at the man.

" David. No, Whirlwind listen to me. I had nothing to do with Janet's death. It was a skrull, an alien. I was a prisoner the whole time." Hank explained to the man.

" It was still your fault. You let them take your place. You let them murder her!" Whirlwind yelled. " Just like I'm gonna murder these kids you seem so worried about." Whirlwind told hank. He then drug his blade across Reptil's throat, but the blade simply brushed off him. " What the hell?"

"Ankylosaurus plates." Humberto told the man. " And now that I'm clear. Light him up!" Reptil told Striker, who blasted Whirlwind in the face with an electric charge.

Whirlwind reeled and held his head. " Not bad kid. But my suit is insulated, and I wasn't grounded." Whirlwind explained. " I was icing before you guys were born. Now let me show you how it's done." Whirlwind told the kids as he attacked them

" No one can experience just anything anymore." Hank said as he looked at the bystanders recording. " All right. If it's going to be like this. AVENGERS ACADEMY ASSEMBLE!" Hank yelled as he threw Hazmat and Mettle at Whirlwind, who both hit the man in the face.

" This is what you got for me? Amateurs? You're a school teacher now?" Whirlwind asked the man. He then rushed Hank and cut his chest. " Dissection 101." Whirlwind joked.

Hank turned around and slapped David's back hard. " It's over David." Hank told the man.

" Now that's what I came for, Blood." Whirlwind stated.

" Hey! Drop the hammer!" Reptil yelled.

" The hammer?" Whirlwind asked.

Up above, Veil had carried Orion into the air over Whirlwind.

" Dropping the hammer." Veil exclaimed as she dropped Orion.

" RAAAAGH!" Whirlwind looked up to see the boy falling on top of him. Orion slammed his fists down over Whirlwinds head and drove him into the ground.

" YEAAAAAAH!" The crowd of people watching the fight cheered for the students and Hank as they defeated Whirlwind.

" Uh-oh. How about we all get out here before." Hank was telling the kids when the group was suddenly swarmed by a crowd of reporters.

" Hey, Skull face... Great look! I am totally dressing up as you for Comic-Con. What's your name?" One of the many bystanders yelled.

Hank grabbed the nearest door and opened it. " I'm sorry. We have to go." Hank yelled as he started piling the students in.

" Man, never a dull moment at Avengers Academy. Right?" Veil asked Orion.

Orion looked down at the girl and cracked a small smile. " Yeah, that's right."