


Name: Daniel Ryden


















Heal Potion(Limitless)

Counter Ring



Black Wand

Might Guy Manual Guide Book Training

Thompson Contender(10000 Origin Bullet)

5 Super Lucky Lottery Ticket

3 Ultra Luck Lottery Ticket."

Hmm, I need to use one of the Super Lucky Lottery Ticket right now I think. I mean, with how this world and not involvement with Jean right now goes on, it is only a matter of time before I find myself fighting some mutants who are jealous of me and try to prove he is superior to me.

With my current status, I can handle them but against the like of Magneto and Juggernaut, I will be having a hard time." I thought in my head while I and Jean are in the cafe named Heavenly Tasty, a cafe that mainly focuses on dessert and sweet drinks.

Being the gentleman I am, I paid for Jean's strawberry milkshake and mine chocolate mistake. As for doesn't, both of us have ice cream cake, the Oreo flavour one.

"This is sweet," Jean said while slurping her drink and at the same time munching the ice cream cake.

"The drink here is really good. The same goes for the cake. I may visit this place often for this drink and the tower deserts. Thanks to you Jean, I discover a place when I want to bit delicious cakes." I tell her as she smiles hearing that.

"So after you and me get some sport earphone for me, will you return to that place back?" I ask her as she stops eating her cake.

Oops. What a bad timing to ask that question as she now seems to stare directly in my soul with her eyes.

"No." She replied as I blink my eyes hearing that.

"Eh?" I fell surprised hearing that answer since she got no place to stay.

Unless she decides to go back to her parent house.

"My parent house is no that far but I needed time. My own space too. Living in that institute is not that bad but when everybody fears you, that-----"I cut her words off.

"They are foolish to be scared of you," I said to her.

"Not everyone can control their power and you try your hard to control it. Just live with it. I may not know how they felt when you lose control of your power but, it is not your fault, I think. Besides, if they are scared of you, that will make them the same as the human who is scared of mutants." I said to her as Jean's mouth curl into a smile that shines brightly.

"I am glad meeting you, Daniel," Jean said to me.

"Me too. So, if you did not return to that institute, where will you be staying for this night?" I ask her as tomorrow is the last day for our school before we take a break for 2 days.

"A hotel." She replied as I sigh hearing that.

"How about my place?" I ask her.

"Won't your parent be mad bringing a girl home?" She asks me.

"I am an orphan who lives in a building that mostly is mine, Jean," I tell her.

"Oh. I am sorry about hearing that." She said to me.

"Nah. It is fine. My uncle takes care greatly of me even though he is a busy man." I tell her.

"So, umm, then he will not mind right if I sleepover at your place right?" She asks me albeit in a nervous and shy tone.

"Nope. Instead of angry with me, he will be enthusiastic seeing you there I think since I never being a girl or a friend to our place." I tell Jean.

"A-are you sure?" Jean ask me as I swear her cheek now beet in red asking that question.

"Yes. Just sleep at my place. Do not worry, if you ever lose control of your power, I can take care of it. " I tell her.

"Okay. B-but I need to buy some clothes for myself." Jean said.

"Why don't you get some of your clothes in your room at that institute? Right. Forget. They will then ask you where you will be going." I replied as I take a look at my powers.

"Hmm. The reason I manage to calm her down is that my quirk: Copy but even that almost destroy my body due to the intense and powerful energy that I copied in my body. Hmm. This is not good. I need something else. Currently, my strongest power is my Stand since no one can see it, followed by Soul Card: Gravity Power, Quirk: Copy and Explosion, if I blast it on my enemies in a point-blank range." I thought in my head as then I just want to use one of the Five Super Lucky but I decide to use use it when I am at my bedroom."

"Hey, what are you dazing off huh?" Jean called me out as I snap out from my thinking knowing whenever I interact or think anything about the system, Oracle will shut that thought since I did not want anyone to know about my beloved system.

"Nothing." I lied feeling bad for lying against her but this is just a small lie and with my quick answer, she will believe it reply.

"So where do you want to go buy your cloth? Please tell me the York Mall? I loved that place." I ask Jean who smile in abuse hearing that.

"Yes. That mall. So you also like that place huh? Must be because that mall has some famous brand and clothing you like huh?" She asks me as I nod my head.

"Besides, there is a place for a gamer like me that can buy many recent games, equipment and staff. And yes, rather than buying the sport earphone and Headphone at Best Buy, I figure that mall especially that GameStop may solve my problem searching some high-quality earphone and headphone I wanted. No some cheap stuff since I did not want to waste my money buying the same thing." I tell her.

"So what are we waiting for?" Jean stand up as she finishes her drink with me doing the same as we then walk toward the mall.


"So, umm, are you going to take a long time choosing your clothes?" Daniel ask me as I roll my eyes hearing that knowing he must expect for me to spend a very long time in a cloth store.

Pfft. As if.


"Okay. Maybe it only takes an hour for me to choose my clothes." I thought in my head as I see Daniel who is taking this matter without complaining of my action that take a long time to choose my attire.

And he paid for them all despite me telling him not to but he just gives the card to the female cashier who I can feel her jealousy of me who had a perfect boyfriend that paid my items.

I blush to hear her thought while peeking at Daniel who still has that silly expression on his face since, after this, we will get to GameStop to buy his stuff.

And surprisingly, it only takes him 20 minutes and I notice how his bought items are coloured in red.

Maybe he likes red colour?

"So Jean, anywhere you want to go after this?" He asks me as I shake my head.

"No," I replied meekly knowing after this, I will go the living place belong to a boy that greatly help me a lot in few times I met him.

We both then walk out of the mall as we walk back to Daniel's place.

We walk through an alley as he then stops walking.

"Jean, stay behind me," Daniel muttered to me as I do what he said.

"Oi. Get out already you a damn stalker." Daniel suddenly said in a cold tone that is much different from the kind and gentle tone when he talks toward me.

Then a figure appears as I see Toad, one of the members of Brotherhood of Evil, simply to say the bad group of mutants who has a leader who keeps clashing with Professor X of their ideal of mutant issues.

One tries to cohabit with a normal human while the other tries to make Mutant to be the dominant race in this world and will harm anyone who harms any mutant.

"Now for some payback, you damn jackass." Toad said angrily as Daniel just snort hearing that.

"You? Injure me. A million years early for you to even injure me." Daniel said to Toad who then leaps toward us as I am ready to use Telekinesis to freeze him on the air but then a blue flame hit Toad sending the frog mutant to fell on the floor with him hiss in pain due to his cloth get burn with him rolling his body to erase the fire.

"Blue fire?" I thought in my head as I see Daniel who has his right palm covers in blue fire.

"I only will tell you only this once. Piss off before I send you back to wherever your living place is with a reminder to never mess with me again, weakling." Daniel told Toad who then spit a green goo toward me but a fire blast destroy the goo easily with the attack hit Toad chest as he moves backwards but then, his left knee fell with 2 tiny holes can be seen on it.

"Arghh." Toad grabs his bleeding left knee as Daniel disappears from my sight only to see him appears in front of Toad with his right palm that previously is on your fire now has orange lightning-like energy that covers it right now.

"Ora!" A punch hit Toad that breaks his nose as blood fell out from his nostril as he now fell unconscious on the floor making me feel a bit pity for him.

"Tch. All that the trash talking leaving him with get his ass kick badly by me." I heard Daniel said as he walks back toward me.

"Shouldn't we call for some help for him?" I ask Daniel who stared at me with easing his left eyebrow.

"Jean, a person like him should be left like that. Besides, he will not die by that attack. He should be glad that I did does not use all my strength or he will lose his head for good." Daniel told me making me feel awe and a bit scared hearing what he said.

But I am not scared of him fully since he helps my problem.

"Come on." Daniel grabbed my hand as I feel shy as he guides me to his home by getting many stares from many people that we walk pass through.

It did not have to make to use my power of wanting to know exactly what is their thought as we reached a building with him unlocking the door as we both walk in.

"Come on, there is a guest room beside my room so you can sleep in that room. If you want to use the shower, just use it. It is in that room." He told me as I nod my head while calming myself knowing we are right now alone in a single building.

I follow him upstairs as a stop at a room as he opens the door for me.

"After you princess." He said to me in a gentle tone as I smile hearing that with me place all my purchases cloth with lingerie on the bed.

Daniel now has gone as I take out my phone only to see many calls from Scott.

Gosh, 48 missed calls from him? Urghh. He annoys me. Then, 10 calls from Kitty and Ororo.

And my phone ring again and I look at who's is calling me again, only to see Scott's number again which makes me to just want to block his number.

But then a hand take my phone and dismiss the call.

"I am going to block this guy. You had that annoyed expression on your face when his name popped up." Daniel told me as I just sigh in exasperation.

"Just block him," I told Daniel who do what I said as I notice on his hand is a towel.

"So, here you go. A towel. I just remember now this bathroom did not have any towel. " I gran the towel from his hand as Daniel then walk away.

"So, after you finish taking a shower, just head down to the kitchen. I am cooking fried rice with a very delicious omelette He told me.

"Okay," I replied as after he closed the door, I stare at the fan wondering what happen today.

It started with my power going havoc, the other residents scared of me which then make me go to school early, then see Daniel who uses his power to save a little girl from being hit by a car. Next thing happens is my owner going havoc but Daniel somehow able to resist his mind from being read and copied my power for a short time to suppress my uncontrollable power. We then enter the classroom with me invite her to est at the cafeteria where Daniel embarrass Toad then, Duncan's friend. Then he once again embarrasses Duncan, goes to the shopping mall and Daniel then knock out Toad with a single punch. But one thing I know is he somehow able to resist my power? A feat that no one besides Professor X due to him is the world strongest telepathic mutant and Magneti who has his helmet that prevents any telepathic being to read his mind.

"I hope they did not barge in into this house or else Daniel might injure them badly."

Entering the bathroom, I take off my cloth and start to take a bath for myself.


"So Oracle, can you somehow, hide Jean's presence from being detected by that bald professor?" I ask Oracle as I am carrying a towel tor Jean to use it.

"Yes, Daniel. I can do that." She replied as I enter Jean's room only to see her who has that annoying expression with me approaching her and it seems she did not even notice of me who is in front of her.

Snatching her phone I see it is that Cyclops who is currently calling her as I then dismissed the call.

Then I block his number to save the troubles of her.

After chatting with Jean for a little bit and reminding her for having dinner with me in the kitchen, I start to cook.

Pfft, as if since I have Star Platinum who cook dinner for me as I am sitting in the chair while looking at my status.

"Okay, Oracle. I have decided. I want to use 2 Super Lucky Lottery Ticket right now." I inform my system.

"Are you sure?" She asks me as I replied with a "Yes".

After all with me now getting closer with the host of omnipotent being namely Jean Grey here, I need to be stronger.

After all with me now find her pretty and she seems to belong my prescience, I decided I want to be in a relationship with her which I have always dreamed of.

I need to get strong fast and by meaning strong is for me to have more to handle the mutant group easily or pressure them badly. And add to the fact now with the event of Iron Man is coming up, which I want to get involved with to make myself to be known to the whole world and maintain my position as the only hero that everyone knows rather some rich playboy I'm his armour.

Nah, I already know many headlines from now will have the face of Tony Stark who reveals himself as Iron Man.

He is the only one who is brave enough to do that. As for me, it will take the might of 10 Kryptonians for me to reveal my real identity to the world.

Besides, I did not want my days to be getting called by the government and the fucking Samuel Jackson who will take his chance to appear in my room suddenly.

Yeah, I will do that with him with using Damian's card for him to get a taste of his trick befalls on him.

" Ding! You have gotten a Devil Fruit: Ope Ope No Mi from the universe of One Piece and Mirror Magic from Black Clover." Oracle announces as I grin knowing I did not get mineral bottles rather both of them are super useful powers for myself.

"Guess these tickets at least did not make me go crazy when I get more useless items especially mineral bottles that will be placed in my inventory automatically." I thought it my head while feeling grateful for these Super Lucky Lottery Ticket that gives me 2 more powers for me to use in this world.

The first one is a devil fruit that I cannot wait to use as it allows me to expand a certain room in a certain radius wherein it, I can do anything whatever the fuck I wanted, ranging from slice my enemy easily or take my enemy to heart out, separating it from my enemy body.

The second one is mirror magic which let me reflect any attack that approaches me, mostly energy-based one. So many spells that are super useful with me can not wait to use them.

"And here comes the hard part where I had to train them. This is the price of having so many powers in one single body. But it paid off. Like they said, no pain no gain. Anyway, keep my prizes in my inventory okay. I will consume them before I go to sleep." I tell Oracle.

"Alright, Daniel." She replied as I see Jean who has descended as I flash a smile toward her as we then have our dinner.

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